posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 04:20 AM
I was in pause mode for quite some time wondering if now was the time to share 'some' information/experiences or should it wait. With all the current
and pending chaos going on now and in the near future; why Thought I'd share something that 'just' happened.
First off, I find this post at an incredible time or coincidence since I had an experience 'today' though just a sighting. I have other experiences
though no need to get into it now. Maybe L8ter, it's 'late' where I'm at.
What I saw today was quite a unique experience I've never seen before. I wasn't alone as there were several people on the fishing pier on the
Atlantic ocean in South Florida. There was a very dark cloud 500 meters to the south of my sight.....that was out of place and I've learned to pay
attention to these anomolies. All the sudden, two separate mini-tornados or funnel clouds separated about 200 meters from one another appear from the
dark cloud.
With Synchronicity, at the same time, they slowly make their way in a tight narrow funnel, as a needle or finger that eventually reached the surface
of the ocean creating a water spout that could at that point make it much more visible as it is then comprised of water rather than just 'air'. It
was a beautiful sight and extremely rare when seen in synchronous duplicity. Many on the pier of over 30 people were watching it with awe and a few
with cameras were taking snap shots. This took place at around 5pm eastern time. It took about 10 minutes since I first noticed a funnel forming to
when it struck the surface of the ocean. Now the part I'm sure you'll find most interesting was this.
I was at the pier contemplating a little this and little 'that' and asked for a sign as I had a strong sense something was just out O sight though
could sense it's presence. I won't attempt explain that one 'here'. I'll stick to the facts without the metaphysics, paranormal discussion. It was
only 15 minutes later as I was walking back down the pier that I felt compelled to stop and turn to the left and placed my elbows on the pier railing
waiting for something, while carefully watching the dark cloud I mentioned prior^. After wating around 3 minutes, I noticed the funnel cloud
Now the most interesting part was as I was watching the base of the dark cloud very closely, as sometimes a ufo will only briefly appear for a few
seconds, whether by purpose or not. Anyhow, I saw the base of a UFO in the same shape as the drawing figurine in the OPs thread. I suppose that's
why I responded. Serendipity? Who knows, though it was a sign and so was this post. It was unmistakenly a round craft with an obtuse convex
smoothe bottom just like her, hehe, I mean that drawing or sketching in the OPs thread. It was only visible for about 5 seconds and then
disappeared back into the dark cloud. So I got what I asked for and was.....thankful/grateful for the 'sign'. I guess that's enough for now. Much
more to come later this year so hold on folks. It's about to get a whole lot more interesting. There's much more to share though not now. Timing is
everything. L8ter and kind regards.
edit on 26-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)