posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 08:11 AM
so has anyone else heard of the annunaki?for those that have,have you had like encounters with them,maybe not physically but through someone
else.....cuz a little while ago....actuallly i dont know how to say that,a little while ago i scared the crap outta one,well it wasnt me speaking,it
was my body and my mouth but im sure it wasnt me cuz what was going on that night was #ing crazy(the good kind)i swear,i was with 3 other ppl besides
me,and we we're just chilling you know,but one freind was acting strangley,even his physical attributes changed,i looked him straight in the eyes and
said "what r u doing in there?do you know who this boy is,he's a cherub and you have been slowly destroying him for years" i didnt even know what i
was saying but jason(or the annunaki inside him) was responding.i forgot what i said after but i swear on my life now, that he fell back on the bed
and started to shake like crazy...he was just shaking and looking at was weird...but my stories dont end there....holy crap i just realized
how much unexplainable craziness has happened to me in the last 6 months....c'mon im sure there is others out there who are being "woken up"...i
cant be the only person in the world that beleives these things actually do inhabit our sub reality,i cant say they dont exist because i've had more
than one experience with these things....anyways im gonna stop before someone starts getting they're #ing panties in a twist and replies saying how
crazy i am or that im on drugs cuz i've heard all of that before...theres no need for anyone to telll me that.