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Texas School Wants to Make it Easier To Spank

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posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:59 AM

Texas School Wants to Make it Easier To Spank

Officials at a Texas high school plan to ask their board tonight to change a policy requiring that spanking punishments be administered only by employees of the same gender as the student to receive the punishment.
That proposed request comes on the heels of outcry after a male vice principal in the district administered legal spanking punishments to female students.
Taylor Santos, a well-regarded student and athlete at Springtown High School, near Fort Worth, Texas, chose to be paddled as punishment for allowing another student to copy her homework. She opted for the paddling over a second
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:59 AM
Where do I start, this is wrong on so many levels!
For one, I had no idea corporal punishment was okay by even the parents, and here I find that they're doing it in schools in Texas. What in the world! The article isn't even about the ethics involved around physically abusing children in school, but whether who should do the act. I can understand swatting your kids on the butt, but this is terrible. Whatever happened to the reward system? Time out?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:02 PM
So how in a day and age where its even questioned weather parents should be spanking their kids, that a School comes along and thinks its right?

Personally I think that is the realm of parents, if a school administrator ever touched my child, well lets just say I would be touching him in a similar manner.

Probably end up with a felony assault charge against me.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:34 PM
In Texas schools (at least in all the school districts I know of) each new school year the parents are given a form that gives them the choice to either authorize or deny corporal punishment for their child. If the parent authorizes it then corporal punishment may be used as an alternative to suspension which would play bad on a transcript when they apply to college. If the parent denies authority to use corporal punishment it will not be used, but other forms of punishment might not fly well for the student in the future.

Many high school students prefer to take "licks" in place of other forms of punishment for other reasons, such as a suspension will get you kicked out of any U.I.L. activities such as sports, academic competitions etc. as well as Honor Society, Student Council, VICA, most school sponsored clubs, etc. A suspension usually kills any hopes of receiving a scholarship as well. So for minor infractions a lot of the kids would rather take a few swats and get it over with rather than jeopardize their academic futures.

However, in every school handbook I've ever read it is plain that if corporal punishment is chosen it should be carried out by a faculty member of the same gender as the student. The girl choosing licks and getting them from a male is messed up and not to be tolerated.
edit on 24-9-2012 by littled16 because: Cruddy spelling mistake

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by littled16

Ok, so let me get this right. Parents choose whether they want their kids to be physically punished or not, so that it not reflect badly on the kid's future. My jaw just drops. To paddle, or not to paddle, check! I can see sadists out there getting a kick out of this. If I were one with a thing for teens, I'd probably want to be a principal too! But I personally could never work anywhere that condones these types of actions at all.

I guess coming from the state of Texas that boasts being #1 in executions through death penalty, this is a taste of what's to come if you don't follow the rules. Compliance through fear. There is a reason why most states do not allow corporal punishment. And they're still arguing about who does it.

Good grief. My parents did spank me a couple times growing up, but never with implements of torture. Bare hand was bad enough! Why do people insist on raising their kids like dogs?

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Cytra
reply to post by littled16

Ok, so let me get this right. Parents choose whether they want their kids to be physically punished or not, so that it not reflect badly on the kid's future. My jaw just drops. To paddle, or not to paddle, check! I can see sadists out there getting a kick out of this. If I were one with a thing for teens, I'd probably want to be a principal too! But I personally could never work anywhere that condones these types of actions at all.

I guess coming from the state of Texas that boasts being #1 in executions through death penalty, this is a taste of what's to come if you don't follow the rules. Compliance through fear. There is a reason why most states do not allow corporal punishment. And they're still arguing about who does it.

Good grief. My parents did spank me a couple times growing up, but never with implements of torture. Bare hand was bad enough! Why do people insist on raising their kids like dogs?

Whoa, slow down there. It's the parent's choice and that is their business not mine. You are judging everyone in the state of Texas in one fell swoop.

There are people who agree with it and people that don't. I just stated how it is and not my personal beliefs on the subject. But I will enlighten you. I only ever agreed for ONE of my children to accept swats, and it was only ONCE and it was AT HER REQUEST. She pulled a boner stunt her senior year and didn't want to jeopardize her nursing scholarship or her membership in various U.I.L. organizations. She was almost 18 at the time and an Honor Society student. She said the swats were laughable and didn't hurt in the least. A lot of her friends did the same, as teenagers do stupid stuff that really shouldn't be a big deal but the schools treat everything as a crime nowdays.

If there are teachers that actually enjoy paddling kids their butts should be fired. Nobody should enjoy disciplining a child or young adult in any way- that is sick.

The death penalty is a completely different issue. Just like corporal punishment in schools there are those who agree and those who don't. I only agree with capital punishment in extreme cases where there is no hope for rehabilitation and the offender (if ever released) poses a severe danger to the public. The problem with taking capital punishment off the table is there have been cases where criminals sentenced to life without possibility of parole have somehow gotten out of jail and picked up where they left off. There are rare cases when for the safety of the public you just can't risk taking a chance.

Either way it's simple. If you don't want your kid to get corporal punishment just say no. And if you don't want to get sentenced to the death penalty don't commit capital crimes in Texas. If you don't agree with any of it don't move here. My kids are out of school and I'm not a capital offender- so I don't really have to worry about it.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 02:19 PM
i'm pushing 40 and often got smacked across the legs in infant and junior schools (uk, pre 11 yrs old) and it seemed pretty normal then - corporal punishment was also an option post 11 too, but it seems like that was a different world...
this OP report is about a high school, so in the US that means up to 16 yrs, right? The idea of a teacher/principle or w/e "spanking" the bottom of a 15 yr old for example just seems so waaay out of kilter nowadays, not just from a physical abuse POV, but it has so many sleazy connotations regardless of who may be doling out red marks on some teenager's behind. the mind boggles! i can imagine that alot of teaching staff would be massively uncomfortable with this, or i would hope so anyway
it's interesting too that there seems to be an implication that it is not improper as long as one is spanked by a staff member of the same gender

as the father of child not long in the school system, (and despite my own experiences as a school kid which i didnt find negative btw) i would echo what others have stated here so far in that i would be well on the war path if a teacher struck my child and would never permit it - i find the whole report quite bizzarre - no wonder the mother in the report found it creepy!

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Cytra

I must disagree......

Spanking or in other words, DISCIPLINE is a key factor to why the younger generation is not only a bunch of wimps, but the future leaders of our country!!

There has to be discipline, whether it is from the parent or authorized from the parent to the principal.......It was perfectly fine to do to me when I was bad in school, and I turned out great!!

There is no reason to not allow a parent to give consent, or discipline their child themselves!! It is your child, and the child needs raised appropriately.....Some need a little spanking when they are bad, and they never act up again.....Some need to be spanked more, but I see no issue with this what-so-ever!!

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:05 PM
I am 47 years old.

I can remember EVERY time I was paddled at school, by what teacher, and for what reason.

It means, I LEARNED my lesson!

Corporal punishment needs to be brought back and implemented.

But, it never will be. The kids of the past 20 years, have grown up, and they know not of the "paddle" and what correction it offers. So it may be gone forever.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by skalla
i'm pushing 40 and often got smacked across the legs in infant and junior schools (uk, pre 11 yrs old) and it seemed pretty normal then - corporal punishment was also an option post 11 too, but it seems like that was a different world...
this OP report is about a high school, so in the US that means up to 16 yrs, right? The idea of a teacher/principle or w/e "spanking" the bottom of a 15 yr old for example just seems so waaay out of kilter nowadays, not just from a physical abuse POV, but it has so many sleazy connotations regardless of who may be doling out red marks on some teenager's behind. the mind boggles! i can imagine that alot of teaching staff would be massively uncomfortable with this, or i would hope so anyway
it's interesting too that there seems to be an implication that it is not improper as long as one is spanked by a staff member of the same gender

as the father of child not long in the school system, (and despite my own experiences as a school kid which i didnt find negative btw) i would echo what others have stated here so far in that i would be well on the war path if a teacher struck my child and would never permit it - i find the whole report quite bizzarre - no wonder the mother in the report found it creepy!

Not everything must be "Sexualized" -- why did you jump to that thought? 16 year olds need disciplined too. Just like 40 year olds. And it has nothing to do with sexual connotations.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

sure, but they are limiting spanking to a member of the same gender for a reason....

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:56 PM
and are teachers and schools so useless and unimaginative that their only recourse is physical force?

i also do not remember every time or reason i was smacked at school, or by my parents.
edit on 24-9-2012 by skalla because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 04:24 PM
Let me tell the sissies out there something. I am 47 years old. I came up in a time when you got caught doing got that ass tanned for it....kinda made the desire to repeat the offense go away.

You are all up or die. I remember it was a badge of honor to get "cracks" from the principle or vice principle...hell even our shop teacher could give "cracks"...he was the most feared of all...he has a paddle called 'white lightning"...made from rock maple....hole filled and all...and he would just let it drop into the butt...and would damn near lift you off your feet...and instant tear flow...your butt was suddenly on fire. I got some...I earned them too....horseplay in the shop (which was extraordinarily dangerous). I do not hate my shop teacher for administering a pre-arranged conclusion to specific behavior. We acted up and we got what we knew was coming.

What I do lament is how pussified you all have become. Allow me to let you in on an ancient principle...."spare the rod and spoil the child"....Respect is first born in the fear of repercussion...if you do not understand wonder our country is failing miserably...and is idiots that do not understand the value of a good ass-whipping that is causing it. If you do not fear the repercussions of your will do them....regardless what anyone says...but if something were to cause you to take a pause and say "I might not like what comes from this"...that IS a good thing...

But you f'ing libs do not understand the principle at think you can rationalize with an undeveloped brain and personality...and fail is all around to prove your stupid ideas are wrong....

whip the ass and get it over with...when they are adults...they will thank you.

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

Well said, indeed. I watch my grandchildren play sports, and they ALL get trophies at the end of the season, regardless if they deserve it or not. No lesson's taught. As they grow up, they get frustrated when they don't get a medal or trophy. Life is not like that. Does EVERY player in the NFL, MLB, NBA, or the Olympics get a medal or ring or whatever? Only the WINNERS!

The "reward and time-out" system is a sham. Have not seen such great results come out of that one. Spank their hiney, let 'em know you get punished for doing bad things, and are EXPECTED to do good things, so you don't get your hiney lit up. A spanking, or licks, is not child abuse. Abuse is when someone goes over the line. These kids nowadays have no problem physically, verbally, and emotionally ABUSING teachers and school officials. Why in the heck would a parent not allow their child to be punished for wrongdoing?

I am simply amazed at our society. I need a drink...

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by retiredTxn

Absolutely....there was a protocol....another teacher or principle had to be wasn't like it was full on abuse...more like an execution lined up "Grab your ankles"...and then "crack"....they lit your world up....I was not a really good kid....I had several trips to the office. I can recall laughing after a triple crack from the principle and the onlooker was the vice principal and he said 'you think this is funny?" and I said 'it wasn't that bad" and he said "well ok then" and took the paddle from the principle and said "grab your ankles tough guy"...and I did and he set my ass on fire.....I learned a lesson in respect for authority that day. I never laughed again at cracks whether they hurt or not.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

gosh, how very blokey.

i've worked in education with way worse than the average school kid and never needed to hit someone, so i guess by the standard set by this i must be way better at dealing with behaviour than teachers who need to get a paddle out.

as for messing around in worshops, you may be surprised that for such a god darned pinko i work in ed in the outdoors, field and forest with axes, mauls, knives, trees, stone, fire, chainsaws, tractors and the like and have no trouble instilling safety rules, kids dont f around in my classes and they are under no illusions as to who is boss. i guess i instill respect without fear of an ass whuppin - can you imagine such a thing?

it aint hard, you just build good relationships with your students - and if they want to cut their hand off with a billhook, or fall into a fire then i can show them how easy it is, and they can mash up meat with the tools and play around at having accidents when we start classes for the first time to see what will happen to their poor little limbs, they can also fill a trainer with meat and hit it with a maul to see what not wearing their safety boots means. never needed to tan a hide unless i was making leather

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by skalla

How old are you skalla? No seriously. I think you are living in an illusion of hope. Kids can be the worst animals on the planet. When I grew up..we got what we deserved. You get a screw get the "booby prize"....I raised daughters...which is different than raising boys. I never had to "whoop that ass" cause my girls are not rock heads like most boys are...and don't hand me that liberal tirade....I was a boy and I know exactly how I behaved...even though my parents "told me" to act differently. I did as much as I could get away with...and when there was no fear of repercussion...I did even more. I was a holy terror to some of my teachers.

Your theory of "they will do what is right" is a f'ing fantasy....they will do whatever they can get away with. If you never felt compelled to whoop some were not paying attention and were probably like my 9th grade biology teacher that was too busy being stoned to pay attention to what the class was actually doing.

Kids can be the worst slice of humanity. They have it well within their capacity to be hurtful and hateful....they are incompassionate and selfish. I applaud your liberal ideals but they never kids we knew who the "hard core" teachers were and who the "softies" were and we played that shiz constantly....kudos for thinking you made a great difference...but it was only in your own mind....if they did not learn to fear and revere you...they did not learn anything from you....period.
edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:24 PM
someone spanks my child, and they get a visit from me at home in their living room. I don't care if I go to court, get arrested, do not put your hands on my child


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
someone spanks my child, and they get a visit from me at home in their living room. I don't care if I go to court, get arrested, do not put your hands on my child


Great....home school is a wonderful option...embrace it and keep your spoiled brat out of the system. if you are so sure your progeny is fault free...then prepare to defend that the old fashioned way...and when found they are just as treacherous as any other human being...what will you do?...ground them?...yeah that about a good ole ass-whipping?...oh no...that's barbaric....I'd rather they learn there is no repercussion for poor behavior...that'll teach em

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:32 PM
Multiple posts...I don't know why
edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

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