posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by nothingwrong
In 599BC some Israelites from the Tribe of Ephraim, escaped Nebuchadnezzar through Egypt and then onto the Arabian Sea into the Indian Ocean
and over the South Pacific Ocean and landed on the Western Shores of South America at Colombia near the Panama Border. In 400 years ,they were a great
nation and sailed back over
the South Pacific Ocean to colonize the Islands and Australia-thus is the origin of the Polynesians and the
aborigines of Australia. The great nation in 400 years had spread northward to cover the Middle America and Mexico
as well as Colombia, Panama and even farther south towards what is now Peru and Chili. They spoke and wrote
in The Middle-High Egyptian Language that Necho II spoke and wrote. Also Hebrew and Phoenicean Languages
were a part of the Language.About 598 BC the fourth son of King Zedekiah escaped Nebuchadnezzar too by
way of the Atlantic Ocean and landed near Missisippi and became a great nation to the North of the Ephraimites.
Israel had close ties to Egypt during the war with Nebuchadnezzar . That is why the 4th son of Zedekiah also spoke Egyptian but brought the Laws of
Moses with him to the Americas, and he was from the Tribe of Judah.
The 4th son of Zedekiah left Egypt with an Egyptian and Phoenicean Crew ,with a few other Jews by way
of the mediterannean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean or by circumnavigating Africa through the Reed Sea , hugging
the Eastern Shoreline of Africa around the Cape of Good Hope and over toward Brazil and then onto the Carribean Sea.The Americas were populated by
descendants of Ephraim and Judah, Egyptians and Phoeniceans who
colonized Polynesia and Australia ~ 200 BC. The Missisipian Jews -Phoeniceans-Egyptians joined with the Ephraimites to include North America and
Canada in that Great Nation that came over in 599 BC.