As I was reading all the threads on this topic, they all seemed be missing something. I don't know what but it seemed like there was something
Maybe it's just we are taking poor care of it. Or we don't know what to do with it. Or we are just simply ignoring it.
As the title says "Earth, our only home?" I would say no.
In the current education system, they teach in science that all planets in our solar system do not have livable conditions. Are they sure about that?
Where did they get their information?
Where I got my information is that all planets, including binary stars, are habitable.
But let's focus on Earth for a bit, what do we know about it? In the education system, they say it's a solid ball with 4 layers, Crust, Mantle, Outer
core, and Inner core. This is false, if this would be true, then we would be here.
From what I have learned is that Earth is in reality, hollow and living with it's own cleaning procedures. Why have I come to that deduction? Simple,
there are two large opening, one located off the coast of Northern Canada, and another located somewhere in the middle of Antarctica.
Don't believe me? Look at a compass. Follow North, and you'll come to one of the openings. Follow South and you'll come to the other one.
You might say, "There is no such opening!" ok, if there wasn't, then why are we still here? Without these opening, we will all be dead. Without these
openings, we would have Earthquakes and volcanoes nearly everywhere, and the planet wouldn't survive 1,000,000 years.
There was one Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who explored both opening and came to tell the tale. But people in the scientific, exploration, and political
arena ignored him and his finding, and instead gave him something else, a recondition that he has explored both Poles.
Here is one of his experiences.
It's living, it's breathing, and it's not our only home.
They why are we taught that it is? Let's think here, if it was taught in all schools that all planets are habitable, wouldn't there be a race to get
there? Would we just abandon or move a certain part of the human race to another planet? Wouldn't there be a challenge that can never be sated to
progress, to build ships designed to sail the stars? Because, let's face it, we are on a prison planet, made by idiots, murderers, and psychopaths in
power who have no creative ability whatsoever. And worse part is, they were trained like that.
Thank you.[
edit on 23-9-2012 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)