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Phoenix lights and weird coverage tonight on KPHO

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posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:21 AM
Saw a brief news preview of another phoenix lights incident showing 3 lights in the typical triangle shape seemingly hovering over metropolitan phoenix. However, when the main news story ran, it only showcased a local UFO researcher's findings of a Sunday 'barbell' sighting-- not to disparage his work though. Perhaps the brief news clip was of the 1997 incident, but it looked devastatingly different in that the 97 incident was not of a triangle shape.

I do not wish to sound suspicious, yet where is the continuity here? Something is not congruous. Any other Phoenicians here to shed some light?


posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 12:40 AM
Please allow me to scythe through my perception of ambiguity in the above post. What I meant to delineate is the three lights in the brief clip formed a triangle if you drew a line between each to the other.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:26 AM

go to the oct. 13,14 vid link.

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is what appeared on the news brief.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:46 AM
Actually the gentleman who runs the World Blend site was a member here a while back and has shot lots of UFO videos in the Phoenix area.

Some of our more talented members, upon challenge/researching his material were not able to come to any conclusions due to his lack of cooperation. Take from that what you will, but to me it sounds like if you don't want you material researched, you have something to hide.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 05:03 PM
r these pheonix lights kind of like ball lightning or something?

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 07:57 PM
For the record, the latest video on Worldblend's site is so blurry and vague as to be thoroughly inconclusive; I'm glad he's taking the trouble to film stuff, but I don't think this video's anything near a "smoking gun" sort of thing. In any case, I always like hearing more stuff from my hometown; it was partly the original phoenix lights that got me into this stuff -- even though I missed the lights themself -- but between the phoenix lights, the "fire in the sky" incident up in Heber, and lord knows how many other sightings, it does seem like something's going on in arizona.

One thing of note: I remember way back when I was a kid the arizona republic (the main local newspaper) interviewed some ufo "abductees", who claimed that the ships were coming to AZ to mine that area's copious copper reserves; although the "abductees" didn't know exactly why the aliens needed copper or what the aliens did with copper, it was apparently a very useful metal to them.

For what it's worth, I think some of those (probably bogus) "dulce papers" that are floating around the internet are supposed to be spectrographic analyses of copper and copper compounds; does anyone else remember seeing those? If those are fake, it's an interesting bit of "self consistency."

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 05:29 PM

Another Phoenician caught this either four-point or three-point craft on the 14th of October.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 06:04 PM
I was talking with a friend via the net she lives in Tucson she was telling me about ships that seem to locate a lot around Mountain A. I never heard of Mountain A have any of you?
Also I took my grandson to Scottsdale for vacation I believe it was on Sat. Aug. the 14th when we took a jeep tour into the desert of course I had my cheap instant camera at one point the tour guide and my grandson climbed up a large boulder so I could take several pictures it was getting pretty dark. When I got the pictures back I was shocked to see a fairly decent sized beautiful blue orb or whatever I guess you want to call it in one of the pictures. I didn't see anything when I took the pictures it just happened to show up on the last one I took of them on the boulder. I wish I knew how to post pictures but I really don't know how to do that stuff.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by phreak_of_nature
Actually the gentleman who runs the World Blend site was a member here a while back and has shot lots of UFO videos in the Phoenix area.

Some of our more talented members, upon challenge/researching his material were not able to come to any conclusions due to his lack of cooperation. Take from that what you will, but to me it sounds like if you don't want you material researched, you have something to hide.

Let me interrupt here, as I would like to correct the statement above with some facts please. As per an email from an ATS member, I took a look at the thread in question and actually took the time to join this group, verify my sighting location, provide maps and multiple witness reports as well as collaborating 3rd party footage. I was asked to submit clips to one of your members and I gladly did this too. There was a problem with clip size and codecs I recall, but I have even updated this member with access/keys to an on-line briefcase containing higher quality media for researchers and scientists. Now how this can be termed "uncooperative" or the actions of someone with "something to hide", boggles the mind....... I did everthing short of thowing an ATS slumber party. This was all done despite the fact I really did not have the time to do so.
I appreciate the skepticism.......actually I would much rather take time to provide info/data to a critical thinker than to an emotional beleiver. I must tell you however, I was disappointed with the absurd theories being tossed around by the members such as the most popular version that "This is a line of Emergency Vehicles atop a hill with no road". To put it nicely, this theory is intellectually lazy and in gross violation of the verifiable facts. The hill that this emergency vehicle convoy is supposedly parked is 3.5 miles to my SW. Now with the majority of the video and eye-witnesses being about 20-25 miles to my SW and claiming to be looking to their SW, how can this be possible?...... Skepticism needs to be the product of critical thinking and elementary reasoning free of emotion. I didn't see that.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 07:41 AM

Point taken, unfortunately, they still look like a row of emergency vehicles, and if you can provide evidence to the contrary I'm sure the posters here will welcome the additional info.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Koka

Point taken, unfortunately, they still look like a row of emergency vehicles, and if you can provide evidence to the contrary I'm sure the posters here will welcome the additional info.

Perhaps they could be seen as emergency lights..... I even think they are shaped like a snake. However, a simple application of logic can easily eliminate both possibilities, as snakes are not hundreds of feet long and do not wear giant lantern belts. Just as emergency vehicles do not appear on the tops of mountains without a road( I say mountains because the ridge is actually two mountains-one a few hundred feet in front of the other) and excluding Inspector Gadget, they cannot extend their sirens 50-60 feet in the air as the end light would clearly have to be.
I realize this site probably has a steady stream of individuals making wild claims about sightings and experiences. Thus my position is probably one that you are unaccustomed with, as I have a sincere hope that this has a terrestrial explanation....idealy one of an unconventional nature or naturally occuring. I hope this proves to be the case, but my hopes do not change the fact that the data is hinting at a more "unfamiliar" explanation.
I will say this, that the video in question has a fair chance at being explained by a new generation of flair/drones of some kind. It is the other footage that is much harder to explain via those means like this one shot in about 30 mph winds yet it holds its shape and seems to have structure when examined closely. (also over town & not on a bombing range)
You have every right to chase ambulances,,,,,,,,, however it is not consistant with rational thought in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:34 AM
Unfortunately, I cannot watch a lot of video links at my work place due to IT restrictions. I did however see the "emergency vehicle" video, and believe I had input into the original thread here.

Did you supply a topographical map of the area involved by any chance, I wanted to see the lay of the land in that area? I ask, as I am still open to the idea of it being something to the contrary.

I'm sure you can respect a healthy dose of skepticism from the posters.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Koka
Unfortunately, I cannot watch a lot of video links at my work place due to IT restrictions. I did however see the "emergency vehicle" video, and believe I had input into the original thread here.

Did you supply a topographical map of the area involved by any chance, I wanted to see the lay of the land in that area? I ask, as I am still open to the idea of it being something to the contrary.

I'm sure you can respect a healthy dose of skepticism from the posters.

Certainly, it is what I prefer. I have met too many people who want to believe so badly that they filter their information in such a way that they discard contradictorary data and only allow for critical thinking when it does not jeopardize their predetermined conclusion. In addition, there is a breed of skeptic that can be described in the same terms ..... predetermined onclusions and selective application of logic.
Answer this for me. Bedsides the similar appearance to emergency lights(they were much brighter ny the way), what information are you basing this theory on? I mean it is in direct contradiction to most every piece of reliable data in the case. Do you have reasons for supporting this theory?


posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 06:56 PM
I sent you a PM. I am going to be in the area soon and want to have a look for the lights.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 07:00 PM
Where am i when this stuff happens? I live in Tempe, Arizona (Phoenix) and im a sky watcher. Ive never seen anything but chemtrails here.
Wish it would happen when im there to see it

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 03:45 AM

I gather I am mean't to be one of those who automatically thinks that everything is a fake then?

I base my theories on what I see in front of me, in this case a poorly shakey night shot, when I took screen shots of the video and put them through Photoshop, it was more than evident that whatever the lights were, they were at the same level as the hills, in fact they actually contoured the out line of the hill, which indicates to me they were actually stationary and at rest on the hill. Coupled together with the lights actually looking like emergency vehicle lights, I drew the most logical conclusion.

Now, as I said before, if you can offer up additional information that contradicts my theory, I will gladly re-evaluate my view.

If I new you better maybe I could take you at your word, but unfortunately I do not, and from experience I have found it is best to sway on the side of skepticism.

I do not know the area, so if you could give me as much detail about that ridge so I can get a topographical view, this would go a little way to swaying me towards your beliefs.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 03:53 AM
On about the 14th of Octobber I was traveling west on Hwy 60 outside of Mesa Arizona when I noticed a series of lights forming a triangle southwest of me. I pulled off of the road and grabbed my 10x50 binoculars out of my backpack and looked closer. What I saw apalled me. I noticed six FLARES arranged to form a triangle. I could tell they were flares because of the tell tale plume of smoke that they give off. There were six identical plumes. I cannot tell if the objects being discussed are the same ones I saw. I saw the original Phoenix lights and they were not flares.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
On about the 14th of Octobber I was traveling west on Hwy 60 outside of Mesa Arizona when I noticed a series of lights forming a triangle southwest of me. I pulled off of the road and grabbed my 10x50 binoculars out of my backpack and looked closer. What I saw apalled me. I noticed six FLARES arranged to form a triangle. I could tell they were flares because of the tell tale plume of smoke that they give off. There were six identical plumes. I cannot tell if the objects being discussed are the same ones I saw. I saw the original Phoenix lights and they were not flares.

Your absolutely correct. I have become friends with a producer at Channel 3 who actually went to D.M. Afb last week and interiewed some A-10 pilots and others and during a phone conversation before the interview they let us know they would be dropping these "next generation" flares around Oct. 9-15th.
However, the Oct. 14th footage we are talking about is this clip shot close...actually right overhead at one point. You will see after watching this, that we are not talking flares here.


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Koka

I gather I am mean't to be one of those who automatically thinks that everything is a fake then?

I base my theories on what I see in front of me, in this case a poorly shakey night shot, when I took screen shots of the video and put them through Photoshop, it was more than evident that whatever the lights were, they were at the same level as the hills, in fact they actually contoured the out line of the hill, which indicates to me they were actually stationary and at rest on the hill. Coupled together with the lights actually looking like emergency vehicle lights, I drew the most logical conclusion.

Now, as I said before, if you can offer up additional information that contradicts my theory, I will gladly re-evaluate my view.

If I new you better maybe I could take you at your word, but unfortunately I do not, and from experience I have found it is best to sway on the side of skepticism.

I do not know the area, so if you could give me as much detail about that ridge so I can get a topographical view, this would go a little way to swaying me towards your beliefs.

I just think an efficient tool in the reasoning process is a simple question to ask oneself... Does my theory contradict the most reliable facts/data available? The most reliable information about that night's sighting is that the vast majority of the witnesses (video too) observed this event from between 2-30 miles on the other side of the mountain, while also looking to their southwest just as I was. Not to mention the topological impossibility of such a theory.


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:26 AM
I've been reading up on this and I'm just wondering... If there is all this nightly activity why doesn't anyone get an infra-red camera ready to record some of this stuff? I've followed the links and watched the videos and I can see that something IS there. What I don't know for sure but someone needs to get some infra-red footage or get a GOOD camera or telescopic pictures of a closeup of this stuff.

If I was in the area I'd be looking for it nightly to happen and be ready for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. I'm just scratching my head here on this one. Seems that people just want dark footage and won't take the extra step(s) to beef up their findings/sightings. Not here bashing people or footage- would just like to suggest to that people in that area get ready to film some undisputable footage and then pass it around so everyone can say, "See!!!! I told you so!!!"

Just My 2 Coppers,


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