posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:30 AM
There have been some great responces on here. Good advice.
My fav. To thine own self be true. one has to learn that in life.
Sadly i have the hard way, 2x with marrage.
First wife ran off with my best friend, in my caddi.
My second wife came home after 14 years and decided she was gay, packed her stuff, took my son and moved.
Time is the only thing you have to help, and even at that in some cases time will never heal the wounds.
But you learn to move on, and start a new.
There was also some great advice given, "Be her friend". Right now, that may seem painful to you and awkward, but in time that will go away and you
will still have a great relationship with her.
I know these sayings are such cliche, ?sp? But they are true, as i have learned time and time again.
Find a hobby, buy a bike (motorcycle or pedal) and get out there.. Enjoy Life No one is Guaranteed Tomorrow. I say this from experience because i am
on a short time limit.
edit on 24-9-2012 by severdsoul because: because