This photo, like a lot of them, is very interesting. The person who took this picture is from Mankato, a town here in Minnesota thats about 50 miles
from me..
As far a i know this has never been posted on ATS..
Here is the story behind the video
The submitter states: This photo, like a lot of them, is very intriguing. The person who took this picture is from Mankato, a town here in Minnesota
near to where I live in Hutchinson.
A girl I know, knows the man who took this picture. It was taken in the last couple of years during his trip to Australia. It was in a pub somewhere
and that's all the information I know.I just want others to see this for more proof of the truth. It surely seems authentic due to the circumstances
This photo has never been circulated until recently.
I want everyone to understand that that I'm not agreeing this video is real but i wanted to post it just to show everyone and your
I don't know anything about this photo/video the authenticity is up in the air to me.. B ut the person that took it claims its not a hoax but who
knows its utube peace,sugarcookie1
It looks too good to be true. Kind of like that photo of an alien hanging from a cave ceiling only to find out that the photo is of a statue of an
alien intentionally put in the cave for tourists.
I've not run a still a still from the video in photoshop yet, but it definitely looks to me like there actually is something physically in the image
behind the window, but it could be just a model or something.
I don't see anything out the windows either..Maybe its street lights reflecting on the window from the outside..I don't think this was taken around
Hello neighbor I agree i thought the video was neat also..But weather its real or not who knows there is so much fake stuff out there on