Originally posted by electric squid carpet
OBL stool for everything Saddam was against, Islamic theocracy (a religious state), Saddam did not want his country run this way
Sorry squid, but that is contrary to the facts. The only thing correct in that statement is that " Saddam did not want
his country run this
The idea that OBL and Saddam wouldn't have worked together because of some imagined philosophical difference is just wrong. In fact, Saddam and OBL
shared some of their largest goals, 1: The destruction of Israel, 2: The destruction of the US and the west, or at the very least, the removal of
western influences from the Mid-East, 3: a Uniting of the Middle East under one Government.
Consider the figures given out by the PALF (Palestinian Arab Liberation Front) in an article
here by BBC News, 13, March 2003. In the article, Saddam is credited by the PALF, with
paying out over 35 MILLION US dollars worth of cheques to the families of suicide bombers, and those killed by Israel. He payed $25,000 to each of the
families of HAMAS suicide bombers! Now tell me that Saddam wouldn't work with Islamic fundamentalists.
If this turns out to be true (saddams lawyer meeting OBL), i have a hunch that it was not for "evil" purposes, it could be for buisness
(OBL's construction company) etc, we'll have to wait and see.
Again squid, this is wrong. Di Stefano was not working as Saddam's lawyer at the time. He was in Iraq working out a deal to negotiate a contract to
represent Iraqi Airlines in Italy and Yugoslavia, when he alledgedly met OBL in the lobby of his hotel. Again, the reason this COULD be important, is
that IF it is true, it supports the supposition, that OBL and Saddam, had indeed met in 1998. World intelligence reports ALREADY claimed that OBL was
in Iraq in 1998, and that Saddam had offered him a base and asylum. This, IF TRUE, would be an independent report from a source, that is not
necessarily friendly to US interests, that SUPPORTS at least part of those reports.
And lastly, by the late 1990's, Osama Bin Laden, was utterly committed to his militant path. In 1996 OBL had been indicted by the US on charges of
training the people involved in the 1993 attack that killed 18 U.S. servicemen in Somalia. Then in February of 1998, just before he was alledgedly
spotted in the Al-Rashid hotel in Baghdad, OBL and Al-Queda issued a statement, that "Muslims should kill Americans, civilians included, wherever
they can find them." Given those facts, how likely is it that OBL would meet with Saddam to discuss legitimate business?