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BREAKING: Proof NASA/JPL Copy & Pasted Images at Gale Crater Curiosity Landing Site on Mars!

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posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by 35Foxtrot
reply to post by thetiler

You may want to come back and edit your post after reading the thread.

Sorry I was in a hurry and had to go on in an emergency with my job.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by Arken
What kind of Agency is this? Billions of dollars for CGI, Cartoons and photoshopped images to feed the public entertainment?

From what I have seen, it's almost that, with "pretty pictures" for the ignorant masses that think that a photo with bright colours has more value than seven greyscale photos taken at different wavelengths, or with greyscale photos of the Moon superimposed on a colour original to make the Moon look completely grey.

I have seen many suspicious images on NASA (or related) scientific sites or pages, heavily manipulated.

I have seen some of those pointed by you, and to me they do not look manipulated.

Can I ask to replaced the images and see the "no" manipulated?

You can ask...

"I have seen some of those pointed by you, and to me they do not look manipulated."

I have to disagree with that 100%

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:02 PM

If you look at the top of the thread ...left hand side yep that's the one it says [HOAX] i do believe they do this for a reason my freind. Thanks for playing P.S Read the links they can be quite interesting

You are the LAST person to give me advice around here. I see you changed your evil pic into something a little bit more neutral.
edit on 22-9-2012 by PurpleVortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by PurpleVortex

Why does this say your replying to me?

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by smurfy
I think that most of the posters have a point here. People want to see the real deal, not pretty pictures. NASA should have learned a lesson from mucking about with pictures way back. They should also stand by every picture they produce, even pictures they may contract out for these educational tools, if that is what they do. I don't think it is any more than some lazy bugger's work, but it's a bad show if these things are not supervised properly. NASA is shooting itself in the foot here.

I agree !
I've seen too many Nasa, JPL approved images that have unnatural artifacts, structures in them to say they have been manipulated by the public or they are just common errors they have made. If I was in charge of those photos, I would treasure every single one of the images that have artifacts in them like they were gold and I would think Nasa would do so as well. Unless they have been instructed from a higher source of government with a gun to their head etc.

I get upset when I see people posting about the year 2024 etc. and what it will look like when we finally get there as if nothing is happening right now. Plenty is happening right now and historic as well. There are artifacts, structures, buildings etc. And it seems like all the powers that be will try to divert you from realizing it.
edit on 22-9-2012 by thetiler because: spelling and additional thought

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by PurpleVortex

You are the LAST person to give me advice around here. I see you changed your evil pic into something a little bit more neutral.
edit on 22-9-2012 by PurpleVortex because: (no reason given)

You should stop by the space threads some time , i'm sure many will dissagree sir..

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:12 PM

You should stop by the space threads some time , i'm sure many will dissagree sir..

Thanks for the invitation, but keep it.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by PurpleVortex

I just thought it would be cool to share my opinion on the rover

It's cgi

I'm not buying it.

It's a hoax buy it youll sleep better..

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by PurpleVortex

I'm sorry, I only read threads that I feel are worth my time and haven't been debunked.

here i have a something for you [HOAX!]: Dedicated forum for ATS threads that have been proven to be hoaxes, frauds, misrepresentations, part of deceptive schemes, or grossly errant theories/speculations on a variety of topics. Topics in this forum will range from those that have proven to be an actual hoax to those where a significant majority of ATS members believe the subject matter to be based on fraudulent material.

Can you see it now it looks something like this [HOAX] Read it if you have the time

Content courtesy of ATS Dedicated to denying ignorance..

edit on 22-9-2012 by denver22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Arken
After you pointed it out I saw several more areas of duplication. I am a graphic artist and do this sort of manipulation all the time. (Although I try to be artistic about it and, say with the five finger lake spot, I might wipe out two fingers and rotate it slightly.) So you have a good, valid question. What are we looking at, why are they duplicating parts of the images? Is the entire thing real or a composite of Earth images made to look like Mars? It also seems quite evident to me that the manipulated areas seem to all show places where running water or some fluid has made pathways to pools. Could they have just cut and pasted a bunch of that to get funding from the govt. by "proving" water might exist on Mars? Hard to say. Keep up this very good work though! And spread the word!

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 02:49 AM
I got a Good Question.....Text

If They diden't spend the money going to Mars......What Did They Spend The Money On ????

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 03:37 AM
Frankly I have not understood why my thread is inserted in HOAX forum.

For this post of ecapsetuo?

"There is a big error here, people. I went to the site to find that this program is a SIMULATION tool designed BEFORE the actual land. Therefore the images are NOT from Curiosity, and are not purported to be. Copy and pasted, indeed, by guys intending to roughly simulate the rover's future landing. The You Tubers here are trippin."

As I said in my reply post:

"It is absolutely clear that these photoshopped images are not from Curiosity mission, but from MRO and other probes! A photo mosaic from different imaging sources.
Only an idiot could think that these images coming from Curiosity. How can a mission that has not lift up from Earth, show the site where it will land?"

So, the question remain: Why NASA/JPL use Photoshop?
There is no reason for the digital manipulation.
So I (and other ATSers in the thead) have good valid questions: What are we looking at? Why are they duplicating parts of the images? Are we sure that NASA has not already used Photoshop on other official images?

The digital manipulation duplication with Copy and Paste is absolutely clear and prooved.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Arken

Frankly I have not understood why my thread is inserted in HOAX forum.

Because the title of the thread is: "BREAKING: Proof NASA/JPL Copy & Pasted Images at Gale Crater Curiosity Landing Site on Mars!" This implies that the photographs from Curiosity are being deliberately altered to conceal something. The videos you post make this claim explicitly. It is false. Once again, you have created a sensationalistic thread based on patently false information.

As to the question you keep asking, it has been answered countless times. If you are going to simulate a landscape for what is, in effect, a video game, you need to use generic fields for texture. What is so hard to understand about that?

Does NASA use photoshop on their other images? Not exactly. All digital imagery needs to be processed one way or another. Adjustments are made to brightness, contrast, gamma, etc. Do they airbrush information out? No, not on imagery from deep space probes.

Please remember this thread in six weeks, when you start a new thread claiming you can see a Greek amphora or empty seltzer bottle on the latest images from Curiosity.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:04 AM

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Arken

Those images are deliberately altered. And this is not allowed!

Not allowed by whom? Digital information needs to be processed in various way in order to extract usable information. In this case, the entire thing is CGI. Nowhere is it claimed that it is anything but CGI. What part of "this video game uses information from previous probes to create a simulated 3D environment" do you not understand?

Is SimCity not allowed? Is World Of Warcraft not allowed? They use CGI, too. Why are you getting your knickers in a twist because NASA took real world data and used it to create an educational toy?

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Is SimCity not allowed? Is World Of Warcraft not allowed? They use CGI, too. Why are you getting your knickers in a twist because NASA took real world data and used it to create an educational toy?

NASA like Blizzard Entertainment?

Dozens of Billions of dollars for entertainment?


posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Arken

Dozens of Billions of dollars for entertainment?

Billions of dollars for developing new technologies and scientific research. Making the general public aware of these activities, and their value, requires using popular media, including entertainment, when necessary. Curiosity is sparking the imagination of the public. This is a good thing. If we ever get to send archaeologists to Mars to excavate your cities, it is because young people today are inspired to learn the math and science skills necessary to build the next generations of spacecraft. Your attempts to tear down NASA's achievements are only frustrating your chances of realizing your own dreams.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Your attempts to tear down NASA's achievements are only frustrating your chances of realizing your own dreams.

No, DJW001. You still don't understood.....Exactly the contrary!

NASA must show publicly ALL its achievements, also the achievements that are still HIDE!

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:53 AM
Why is this in the Hoax Bin?

Nasa's been proven to have photoshopped many of their photo's over the years. Aint no way Nasa can hide from the fact they were caught many times editing images....sometimes very very poorly.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by openyourmind1262
How does anybody know for proof positive that there's even a rover on Mars taking pics? We don't. This leads creedence to that fact.

We don't have any way of really knowing that the rover is on Mars, but that doesn't make the accusations of all the photos being fake more credible, it's just an excuse used for those that want their 15 minutes of Internet fame.

We don't have proof positive of many things that are accepted as true.

Could be a damn crater somewhere in Arizona or New Mexico or a sound stage in Hollywood.

Not very likely, as those places have their own characteristics, and some of those characteristics are not present on the photos from Mars.

How many millions of dollars of our tax money was spent for these manipulated pics of some rocks?

Probably none, images like the one in the videos from the OP are easily done with software, you just have to "feed" the photos and the software does the rest.

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