OK ATS, here is an update of what's been going on. Sorry it has taken longer than I expected and the complete results are not yet available.
I met with a psychiatrist and they talked to me for a while. After the meeting, I went home and waited to hear more from my primary Doc.
When we next spoke he gave me an idea of what could be happening with me and probably in many others.
Initially the Doc and the Psych were leaning toward adult onset disassociative dis-order (the first signs of a psyche split and eventual development
of multiple personalities)
It hadn't crossed my mind and my Dr. friend did want to alarm me that he was suspicious of this possibility.
After he and the Psychiatrist talked, they determined that this is not a possibility, due to several other factors - of which none were explained in
detail to me.
It seems there are periods of missing time for individuals who are in the early stages of multiple personality disorder.
They mentioned these events could be triggered by stress related to work, finance, or social stability. Personally, I do not believe I have an issue
with any of those issues, but would I be able to see the issues? According to the Dr., yes and no - depending on how they relate to my reality on a
point-to-point basis.
There were no anomalies found in my blood or urine and, as a result, no indicators that my physical health may have worked in tandem with my
consciousness to create the episode/s.
The psyche Dr reccomended medication, but felt it was not absolutely neccassary. The medication suggested was Xanax, a powerful nerve medication. I
turned down the prescription treatment. I would rather search for real answers, instead of slapping an addictive band-aid over the problem and hoping
it goes away on it's own.
No direct source has been revealed through the first few attempts, but I am gonna keep looking. I asked the Doc what the next step should be. He
reccomended acupuncture, a masseuse, and/or chiropractic treatments while also exploring less common routes.
He also reccomended a hypnotist to me and suggessted I take it seriously and consider making a visit. Apparently hypnotism can be a very effective
form of treatment, depending on the type of case involved.
So I am going to be hypnotized... maybe I can get hooked up like the guy from 'Office Space'!
Also, the psychiatrist asked me how often this occurrs and seemed let-down when I told him it is rare. He wanted to do an in-patient
monitoring/experiment on me to see what happens, physilogically during one of these episodes.
My primary Doc also said I should consider it, if no other answers can be found between now and later on some time. He noted that it wouldn't hurt to
try it out maybe we'd get lucky and I'd lose some time.
I will keep moving forward with this, until options are exhausted or a credible, plausible answer can be revealed... I just hope I don't start losing
long periods of time... wake up and I'm 80 years old...