posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:03 PM
What a good act you did, that is very benevolent of you. We need more people like you in the world.
I cant believe people theses days are just getting worse and worse abandoning him to die in a tank!!! That's horrible, at least let him go and do his
lizard thing ya know? Its no surprise though considering how we treat each other theses days. Things that cant do anything about its condition suffer
because of us fighting with each other. Most likely the poor guy was a the victim of a parent who said get rid of it. Pressure leads to despair which
leads to rash decisions. Sometimes I think we think too much, others not enough. It is in effect a delicate balance in the end.
- He looks sort of like a Komodo dragon cross with a bearded dragon or some where in between Just a guess.
-Larchmont (a nick name someone gave me because they couldn't remember my name)
edit on 9/20/2012 by DAMNTHATPASSWORD because: Wanted to add what I though the lizard looked like.