From what I understand the bulge at yellowstone, amongst other signs, points to a large hydrothermal explosion versus an erruption. Not sure if a nuke
would trigger that? Here is some info for those not up to date with Yellowstone.
"YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. - The mystery of the deep at picturesque Yellowstone Lake is a bulge that rises 100 feet from the lake floor,
stretches the length of seven football fields, and has the potential to explode at any time. Of all the life-threatening events that could happen at
Yellowstone - from volcanic eruptions to massive earthquakes - this type of hydrothermal explosion is likely the most immediate, serious hazard in the
park ... Denver-based geologists have discovered a towering mound that has swollen to the size of seven football fields at the bottom of Yellowstone
Thus, we have a rock deformation that absolutely dwarfs the maximum deformation at Mt. St. Helens (450 feet). The dimensions of this rock deformation
at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake are 100 feet high by 2,100 feet wide! But, this is not the only rock deformation bulging upward and outward in the
Yellowstone Park Super-Volcano! Going back to our Denver Post article, we learn:
"Just south of Norris basin is a bulge in the earth about 28 miles across and 7 miles deep that has pushed the ground up more than 5 inches since
1996, according to research by Chuck Wicks, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California ... This summer already has shown
signs that the caldera remains wide awake. Norris Geyser Basin, the hottest thermal area in Yellowstone, sprouted new mud pots. Ground temperature on
the trail soared to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, too hot to touch. Porkchop Geyser, dormant since 1989, erupted on July 16. Park officials responded by
barring access to half of the 2 miles of Norris Geyser trails." [Ibid.] These two "mud pots" are approximately 70 feet high and 2,300 feet long!
Thus, these two huge rock deformations are clear indications that a potentially massive movement of magma that will cause a Super-Volcano explosion is
already underway! Remember the insight from this professor: "Ground surface deformation ... is a reliable indicator of an impending eruption."
"... Likewise, the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 was a volcanic sneeze compared to what scientists say America will experience one day. And a
mysterious four-inch-high bulge in the ground of central Oregon is, so far, little more than a conversation piece. Sooner or later, geologists warn, a
'super volcano' will strike. The eruption of pent-up energy will cover half the United States in ash, in some places up to 3 feet (1 meter) deep.
Earth will be plunged into a perpetual winter that would last years. Some plant and animal species will disappear forever. Even humans could be pushed
to the edge of extinction."
Immediately before the eruption, there would be large earthquakes in the Yellowstone region. The ground would swell further with most of Yellowstone
being uplifted. One earthquake would finally break the layer of rock that holds the magma in - and all the pressure the Earth can build up in 640,000
years would be unleashed in a cataclysmic event.
Magma would be flung 50 kilometres into the atmosphere. Within a thousand kilometres virtually all life would be killed by falling ash, lava flows and
the sheer explosive force of the eruption. Volcanic ash would coat places as far away as Iowa and the Gulf of Mexico. One thousand cubic kilometres of
lava would pour out of the volcano, enough to coat the whole of the USA with a layer 5 inches thick. The explosion would have a force 2,500 times that
of Mount St. Helens. It would be the loudest noise heard by man for 75,000 years, the time of the last super volcano eruption. Within minutes of the
eruption tens of thousands would be dead.
The long-term effects would be even more devastating. The thousands of cubic kilometres of ash that would shoot into the atmosphere could block out
light from the sun, making global temperatures plummet. This is called a nuclear winter. As during the Sumatra eruption a large percentage of the
world's plant life would be killed by the ash and drop in temperature. Also, virtually the entire of the grain harvest of the Great Plains would
disappear in hours, as it would be coated in ash. Similar effects around the world would cause massive food shortages. If the temperatures plummet by
the 21 degrees they did after the Sumatra eruption the Yellowstone super volcano eruption could truly be an extinction level event.
[edit on 043131p://17u05 by Lucid Lunacy]