i guess what im trying to bring up is the connection between masons and the illuminati. Also the connection between the masons and satanism. I guess
im responding to other posts where masons poke fun at those who question them. They say they are nothing to sneer at. Im giving examples relevant to
this hoping that perhaps light can be shed on the matter, and perhaps more information could be attained in doing so. I would also like the responses
from masons.
The fact is ties between the illuminati and masons have been around for ages. One example roosevelt a 32nd degree mason made the decision "Hey guys
lets put the all seeing eye on the one dollar bill ooh ooh and an owl too and lots and lots of 13's and pentagrams, that would be swell"(spelling
sorry) ok guys now u know what im thinking about this whole sitchiation (i meant for the spelling) ALERT ALERT WARNING I mean cmon red flags anyone?
But i guess the way things are going NWO, Illuminati or not We are SOL eaither way