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Sky Sounds.....An Update?

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posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 10:18 AM
Newsflash...a belief or wanting to believe in something doesn't make it real.

One of the hardest things for humans to do.. is to admit when they are wrong.

Here's some educational videos for the believers;

& last but not least, a visual aid in logic;

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by j.r.c.b.
I did two recordings , I think one was at the end of the winter and the last time was the beginning of spring..can't recall, but haven't heard it in a while....I didn't like it at all. Sounded like it was coming from everywhere, metallic screeching, over & over, very eerie.....sounded just like others I had viewed on you tube. I think the loudest sounds were coming from the Canada videos...odd...

Post your videos.. so the ATS community can review them.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

It seems your vast knowledge of this limited to YouTube videos. I prefer to dig a bit deeper and keep an open mind.
The "debunkers" would have you believe ALL these recorded noises were the work of hoaxers to promote a movie released 4 months earlier .....I'm no marketing genius but wouldn't it be better to have these viral hoax/marketing videos to be released BEFORE the movie is released. The Cloverfield movie many said were the source for all these hoaxes never materialized to be of any connection.
Yes, SOME of the videos on YouTube were proven to be rip offs of the Kiev video, but you can't lump them all I the same group.
Here are a few links that are not some arm chair debunker on YouTube trying to look intelligent.
I hope you take the time to view these and educate yourself further.
Heard by the Mayor himself, yea he must have WANTED to believe. No explanation found.
Later said to be a factory releasing pressure from their boiler system.... Uh huh
As far as I know, no explanation proven (volcanic or tectonic activity suggested)
A little closer to home for you. Governments involved and investigation started but squashed by the US counterparts due to "lack of funding" uh huh
Still no proven source, although govt officials tried to blame minor earthquakes. Uh huh

And I'll add one more just because you seem to put so much stock in YouTube videos

No one has a solid explanation for these sounds. Some have put forth plausible explanations but have yet to be proven.
AGAIN, not all of these recorded sounds are hoaxes although there were many copy cat videos posted to YouTube. There are thousands of people worldwide who have heard actual "sky sounds/roars" or sounds seeming to eminate from the earth itself.
I do not WANT to believe, research of FACTS has led me to believe. I hope you are not above admitting when you are wrong.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

It seems your vast knowledge of this limited to YouTube videos. I prefer to dig a bit deeper and keep an open mind.
The "debunkers" would have you believe ALL these recorded noises were the work of hoaxers to promote a movie released 4 months earlier .....I'm no marketing genius but wouldn't it be better to have these viral hoax/marketing videos to be released BEFORE the movie is released. The Cloverfield movie many said were the source for all these hoaxes never materialized to be of any connection.
Yes, SOME of the videos on YouTube were proven to be rip offs of the Kiev video, but you can't lump them all I the same group.
Here are a few links that are not some arm chair debunker on YouTube trying to look intelligent.
I hope you take the time to view these and educate yourself further.
Heard by the Mayor himself, yea he must have WANTED to believe. No explanation found.
As far as I know, no explanation proven (volcanic or tectonic activity suggested)
A little closer to home for you. Governments involved and investigation started but squashed by the US counterparts due to "lack of funding" uh huh
Still no proven source, although govt officials tried to blame minor earthquakes. Uh huh

And I'll add one more just because you seem to put so much stock in YouTube videos

No one has a solid explanation for these sounds. Some have put forth plausible explanations but have yet to be proven.
AGAIN, not all of these recorded sounds are hoaxes although there were many copy cat videos posted to YouTube. There are thousands of people worldwide who have heard actual "sky sounds/roars" or sounds seeming to eminate from the earth itself.
I do not WANT to believe, research of FACTS has led me to believe. I hope you are not above admitting when you are wrong.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

It seems your vast knowledge of this limited to YouTube videos. I prefer to dig a bit deeper and keep an open mind.
The "debunkers" would have you believe ALL these recorded noises were the work of hoaxers to promote a movie released 4 months earlier .....I'm no marketing genius but wouldn't it be better to have these viral hoax/marketing videos to be released BEFORE the movie is released. The Cloverfield movie many said were the source for all these hoaxes never materialized to be of any connection.
Yes, SOME of the videos on YouTube were proven to be rip offs of the Kiev video, but you can't lump them all I the same group.
Here are a few links that are not some arm chair debunker on YouTube trying to look intelligent.
I hope you take the time to view these and educate yourself further.
Heard by the Mayor himself, yea he must have WANTED to believe. No explanation found.
Said later to be a factory releasing pressure from their boiler system. Yep
As far as I know, no explanation proven (volcanic or tectonic activity suggested)
A little closer to home for you. Governments involved and investigation started but squashed by the US counterparts due to "lack of funding" uh huh

And I'll add one more just because you seem to put so much stock in YouTube videos

No one has a solid explanation for these sounds. Some have put forth plausible explanations but have yet to be proven.
AGAIN, not all of these recorded sounds are hoaxes although there were many copy cat videos posted to YouTube. There are thousands of people worldwide who have heard actual "sky sounds/roars" or sounds seeming to eminate from the earth itself.
I do not WANT to believe, research of FACTS has led me to believe. I hope you are not above admitting when you are wrong.

It seems my link to the Clintonville sounds was from a site not friendly to ATS. Link deleted now my post works. I think most have heard of the clintonville sounds. Here is another link.
later said by officials to be caused by a mag 1.5 earthquake. Uh huh
Days later heard almost 100 miles away in Montello.

edit on 20-9-2012 by Orgasmo because: Link bad

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Orgasmo

It's not worth my energy to go beyond referencing some youtube clips to debunk these sounds at this point as they support a K.I.S.S ( keep it simply stupid) theory...and lay out the evidence quite conveniently for the information starved youths of today. No mystic occurrence or parlor tricks here as to how someone takes a sound clip from an existing movie (War of the Worlds/Red State 2005) and overlays it into video (Alberta,Kiev etc. etc.) and claims it to be something else (End of the World Warnings) marketing/viral video theory required just a bored techy and some equally bored copycat'ers having some lulz at the general public's expense.

You do realize that one of your alternative sources is in fact an article based on the embedded youtube clip within it right?

Also it would help it you would classify the sounds you are referencing within your arguments as you have blended the "trumpets" one, the "Windsor hume" one and the "scrapping" one..all very different sounds and probably very different sources.

If you weren't aware that your links were to different sounds, then you are the one who needs to continue their research into the topic...just saying.

edit on 20-9-2012 by Ericthenewbie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

I didn't pay much attention when the sounds were first heard, I've just recently started looking into this.

If you don't mind, can you explain why you believe all the sounds were hoaxes? Not an attack, a genuine question. I have family members who've heard the sounds, so I'm rather confused.

Thanks in advance!

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

First clarify which "sound" you are referring to that your family has heard, there are many "sounds" being lumped together as one "sound" when in fact they are different "sounds".

Take the 10 minutes to watch the videos I linked above and if you still have questions after that, I'd be glad to elaborate.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

I've marked them for viewing tonight.

As for which sound, I'll have to get back to you on that. I didn't even know until listening to the show that there were different sounds.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 04:29 PM
Okay, watched the videos.

In my opinion, case closed.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Okay, watched the videos.

In my opinion, case closed.

Glad to have helped

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

If the sounds return as winter returns....would that mean its a weather related event?

It depends what you mean by weather related. I think they are caused by disturbances in the Ionosphere.. Maybe caused by fluctuations in the sun or something more sinister..

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 10:19 AM
Interesting timing. Bump. Not much else to say. Translation says it all.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Orgasmo

Use same tactic of verifying sounds as identified by this youtube poster (below) mentioned earlier and you will quickly see it's the same hoax already stated/revealed, perpetuated by a copycat. Sound clip from movie extracted, place sound clip on any video clip from anywhere in the world, change meaning of sound and voila... false End of World Warning clips!

Once again. I didn't need to go beyond a youtube video to debunk your "evidence"

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Ericthenewbie

You seem to discount hundreds possibly thousands of people's eye/earwitness accounts. The report states it was trending on Twitter. Reported on news stations there. People here saying they have heard them. You think these people couldn't tell the difference between someone turning up the volume on their iPod /stereo on a balcony and sounds that they knew were eminating from the sky, made by something much more powerful than a home stereo or even a decent PA system. I'm sure most would be able to differentiate. There is more than one plausable explanation for these sounds that do not include the end times trumpets.
BTW the title of this thread is "sky soundS", not "sky sound, the trumpet sound" meaning all that I have included in links. Just because they do not sound the same as each other does not mean they are not thought to come from the sky. All though some seem to eminate from the earth itself they can be included by time of occurance.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 08:38 PM
This video is from 2007. Seems these hums have been going on for some time!

edit on 9/21/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 12:27 AM
My husband and his relatives and I heard the omnidirectional jet sounds over the summer when we were on vacation at the beach, with clear skies and not an aircraft in sight. I'm not native to that area so declined to report it because it could have been something local that I'm not familiar with, even though it sounded like the noise I heard at home. I also saw, one night, a repeated series of lightning flashes within one single cloud over the ocean. It flashed over and over and over in pretty much the same location, which I never knew lightning to do. It was silent though. It was confined to one cloud and each time it flashed, it lit up the cloud in a triangular shape. There was no thunder. It was the strangest heat lightning I ever saw.

I later came home and found a thread on ATS in the UFO section about strange lights being seen where we were vacationing. I did think to grab my iPhone and make a video but when I played it back, I couldn't see anything. It was all dark. I was surprised, I thought for sure I'd gotten a decent recording, but I didnt.

As for why I didn't bother posting about any of this, it's not that I'm bored with the topic, but I'm weary of ATS. I don't mean that in an insulting way, I just mean I can't prove anything one way or the other, and I imagine anyone with any sense who hasn't experienced this stuff for themselves must be awful tired of the subject by now. Either an alien armada will uncloak and come down to anal probe us all, or the earth will split itself apart...or something else will happen to make the cause of the sounds apparent to all. Or nothing will happen at all, ever, and it will just go down as another topic for future episodes of some tv show dedicated to showcasing weird mysteries. At any rate, I'm pretty much done pointing and exclaiming, even when I do hear something. It's become personal now, something I will keep to myself because nobody around me seems to care even when they do notice and I can't explain jack squat.

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