reply to post by Ericthenewbie
It seems your vast knowledge of this limited to YouTube videos. I prefer to dig a bit deeper and keep an open mind.
The "debunkers" would have you believe ALL these recorded noises were the work of hoaxers to promote a movie released 4 months earlier .....I'm no
marketing genius but wouldn't it be better to have these viral hoax/marketing videos to be released BEFORE the movie is released. The Cloverfield
movie many said were the source for all these hoaxes never materialized to be of any connection.
Yes, SOME of the videos on YouTube were proven to be rip offs of the Kiev video, but you can't lump them all I the same group.
Here are a few links that are not some arm chair debunker on YouTube trying to look intelligent.
I hope you take the time to view these and educate yourself further.
Heard by the Mayor himself, yea he must have WANTED to believe. No explanation found.
Said later to be a factory releasing pressure from their boiler system. Yep
As far as I know, no explanation proven (volcanic or tectonic activity suggested)
A little closer to home for you. Governments involved and investigation started but squashed by the US counterparts due to "lack of funding" uh huh
And I'll add one more just because you seem to put so much stock in YouTube videos
No one has a solid explanation for these sounds. Some have put forth plausible explanations but have yet to be proven.
AGAIN, not all of these recorded sounds are hoaxes although there were many copy cat videos posted to YouTube. There are thousands of people worldwide
who have heard actual "sky sounds/roars" or sounds seeming to eminate from the earth itself.
I do not WANT to believe, research of FACTS has led me to believe. I hope you are not above admitting when you are wrong.
It seems my link to the Clintonville sounds was from a site not friendly to ATS. Link deleted now my post works. I think most have heard of the
clintonville sounds. Here is another link.
later said by officials to be caused by a mag 1.5 earthquake. Uh huh
Days later heard almost 100 miles away in Montello.
edit on 20-9-2012 by Orgasmo because: Link bad