reply to post by SymbolicLogic
Survival of any apocalypse is going to depend less on preparation, and more on luck as well as adaptability and skill set.
The first thing lost in any battle, is usually any plans that were made.
A small library of books like Farmer's Almanacs, Medical textbooks, Medicinal and Edible plant guides, textbooks and material for how to create
electricity and other such will be invaluable.
What you don't know, you can then learn, as well as teach.
After any apocalypse, there's going to be plenty material laying around left by everyone that ran for the hills to get themselves killed by
starvation and over competition with everyone else that ran for the hills, if, whatever enemy there is, isn't already waiting in the hills to pick
off everyone running to them since humans are so easily predictable like lemmings that way.
Best strategy; learn your sciences, botany, medicine, chemistry, simple engineering, and other such with emphasis on improvisation.
Wait. Enjoy life.
If apocalypse comes, and you survive, stay put wherever you are because your home ground is home ground; ground you know that you can use for shelter,
defense, and hiding.
Everyone else will run, so, you'll have most of the whole place to yourself as well as what most people left behind, including their homes, food left
behind in pantries, gasoline left in cans in garages, lawn mowers, cars left behind, solar cells on signs everywhere, batteries in cars, and
everything civilization left behind has on offer.
With so many people running to the hills, any wildlife in the hills will be displaced and go to where the people are no longer hanging around, which
means wildlife will move into the urban areas leaving you with plentiful game.
If you don't live in a major city, the best place to run to in any apocalypse is the place where everyone else is running away from. over
competition with and among other panicked people will be one of your biggest concerns if you survive the immediate cause of whatever apocalypse.
Go where there are no people, usually where there people are running away from, because any place that doesn't have lots of people now, like the
magical hills people always seem to imagine themselves running to in event of an emergency, will be flooded with people.
Stay where you are at, or go where people are running away from.