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3 Reasons to Re-elect Obama?

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posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:40 AM
Obama, Obama, Obama.....So sick of your name, it makes me vomit.
Run, Run, Run.....But you wont make it, because of the things you have not done.
Fake, Fake, Fake.....You played us as fools, but we wont make the same mistake.
Lies, Lies, Lies.....November comes soon, but you will not rise.
Fall, Fall, Fall.....That is what you will do, so write that on your wall.
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!! Americans just don't need you!!!


posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Athin

Originally posted by Athin
Can anyone who plans on voting for Obama this election give me 3 reasons as to why?

Sure. I could give you ten reasons I'm voting for him. But reading your post and the thread, I can see that you aren't really curious about why people want to elect Obama, you want people to fight. This is just another excuse to bash Obama. When you want to have a real discussion, I'd be glad to join in.

I don't think logical discussion is any longer possible with the majority of anti-Obama folks here. There are about 36% on the right that are hard and fast Republicans that would blindly vote for Satan himself if he had an R behind his name. These people answer the polls with "Romney!" no matter what the question is. And they have no ability to rationalize or think logically. They HATE Obama. Why should I even waste my time trying to have an intelligent discussion?

See ya after the elections. Maybe then, we can actually talk.

Why should I even waste my time trying to have an intelligent discussion?

I certainly wouldn't accuse you of doing that! Instead, you only used this thread as an excuse to bash Romney supporters. Your post is a bit hypocritical, but very well done!

See ya,
edit on 19-9-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:43 PM
Vote Obama if you are just too lazy to take a boat to Cuba.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

1) A rapidly destabilizing world that currently would not be helped by a pro-war, neoconservative POTUS.

2) In his potential second term President Obama might just damn the torpedoes, ignore political pressures, and accomplish some of the hope and change he promised to begin with - no longer being tied to reelection concerns. Lame duck can sometimes be a good thing.

3) He hasn't signed a contract with Grover Norquist - something I think should be qualifier ONE for any politician currently.


The fact that you got so many stars makes me sad because it tells me that there are some highly uneducated people on this forum. Romney is as far from a neocon as one can get. This is why he's having so much trouble in his own party. Too many people think he's not "conservative enough".

Obama has no plan. I watched the democratic convention. It was all platitude talk - nonsense you'd see on a bumper sticker or one of those office posters where dudes are rowing or a guy is hiking a mountain "Yes we can". Yes we can what? There is a credit agency that is already warning they are going to downgrade us again because they are saying that printing money 24/7 is going to lead to inflation, worse unemployment, and finally hyperinflation (Germany pre-Hitler).

Health Care bill is a huge lie. People actually believe the Joy Bahar's and Bill Maher's of the world and think this means "free-state sponsored health care for all" when it's in fact the opposite. It's a tax against people who can't even afford health care.

I'm not big on Romney but I see a stock market crash if Obama gets elected. Terrible unemployment. You can't lower interest rates beyond zero. The democrats are out of stimulus and lack ideas. Agree or not at least the GOP put forward a budget. A plan to try to fix Medicare. Medicare has long been broke and Obama took money from a bottoms up program anyway to pay for that stupid Obamacare bill. And pledging not to raise taxes - how much more do you want them to take? THey already take 40% of my income. My county spends 50 cents of every dollar on education yet they can't graduate kids that can speak the English language, read, or even count. Private Schools can graduate college-ready kids at 2/5 the cost of public education.

It's gotten out of hand and the left just looks the other way. Hope and Change. Please.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by Athin

1) Because he doesn't think "Corporations are people"

2) Because he doesn't consider "Russia our number 1 Foe"

3) Because he wont bend over and Lead an Attack on Iran

4) Because he wants to be POTUS over 100% of the US Pop, not just 53%

5) Because he realizes Middle Class dont make 250,000

edit on 18-9-2012 by Tw0Sides because: (no reason given)

I could take issue or point you to similar gaffes from Obama but let's look at number 4. Obama plays class warfare like Gary Kasparov plays chess. He wants to be the president of people who want the government to make decisions for them, who NEEDS the government to eat sleep and get free cell phones from.

"YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT, SOMEONE ELSE DID". Yeah, right Barry. Heck this guy may very well not even have been born on US soil. There is certainly a huge cloud over his father, but I digress. If you can't see that his policies have not worked, then you have blinders on.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 01:50 PM
1. He isn't Romney
2. He isn't Romney
3. He isn't Romney

Sorry, not very original, but is what first popped into my head.

As a Ron Paul supporter, before all the candidates were narrowed down and Romney became the nominee - I was all about "anyone but Obama".

Well that all changed when Romney became the nominee. For me it's now all about "anyone but Romney".

He scares the crap out of me.
He doesn't think before he speaks, is a war monger, is smug and so rich he doesn't think the most of us matter.

Okay... Obama hasn't done great, but I couldn't imagine Romney for 8 years. Yikes!

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:25 PM
1) To annoy a "conservative"
2) Because we want to keep Rush Limbaugh on air..its job security when a D is in office, and we like to laugh at him
3) Because he can sing and dance better than Romney

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by flashtrum
4. Obama plays class warfare like Gary Kasparov plays chess. He wants to be the president of people who want the government to make decisions for them, who NEEDS the government to eat sleep and get free cell phones from.

Both sides play class warfare...the only difference is, one fights for the poor, the other, the corporate rich.

And your page out of romneys latest stump speech is both incorrect, and hypocritical.

Vaginal probes anybody?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by jimmiec
Vote Obama if you are just too lazy to take a boat to Cuba.

Vote Romney if you are just too lazy to take a boat to Saudi Arabia
edit on 19-9-2012 by SaturnFX because: too lazy to spell correctly

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:15 PM
I personally will not be voting for either one of them. I will see who the strongest 3rd party candidate there is and vote for them regardless of what they stand for or believe in. I only do this in hopes that enough votes are cast for a third party that it may seem more plausible for great qualified 3rd party candidate would seem more plausible in the future. In my opinion Romney and Obama are two sides of the same coin. Its a show.

But.....if I assume that I was a "sheeple" and did not know and believe in what I know....then..

If I absolutely had to vote for one of the two, I would definitely vote for Obama over Romney.

1. Romney is representing the "extreme religious right" whom I disdain on a global and personal scale. Christian evangelical and fundamentalists are "Muslim extremist lites". If you switched Muslims and Christians geographically at any given time, then Christians would be more prone to violence and Muslims a bit less, although I think the gap is becoming smaller.

2. I am little more impressed on how Obama has handled some of the situations when it comes foreign policy. I do not like the go in guns blazing approach like Republicans and Romney seem to be. At least in Libya, Obama did get NATO to pull a little more of its weight as usual.

3. I do not think Obamacare is as bad as many think. Its not the answer or solution, but it may help stem the tide of rising healthcare costs for Americans a little bit.

4. I do believe in social safety nets. There may be people who do scam the system, but they do support people who do deserve a break such as the elderly, disabled and "hard luck times" people. I would take the chance to support one deadbeat if it will support five people who deserve it.

5. I have a daughter and cannot fathom what I would do if my daughter was raped and impregnated. I would be afraid that she would have to carry that child to term and then be forced to raise that child. I can imagine the trouble and unhappiness it would cause her and us. I know one can say to give the girl up for adoption, but if abortion was illegal, I could there being more unwanted babies born than couples willing to adopt.

6. As much as people complain about the economy, its better off that a lot of the EU and other first world countries. One of the bigger problems is that other countries are becoming strong enough to stand on their own and require less from America because they are making it on their own or finding it closer to home.

7. At least Obama has tried to make things work with green energy and get away from the same old "drill our way out it" thinking. Solyndra was a fail, but there was investment in many other companies that government invested in that are growing. Its not a question of if we will rin out of oil, but a question of when. Its better for generations after us if we figure out the solution to our energy now rather than later.

8. At least Obama didn't admit he wrote off half of the country. I would rather see socialism than oligarchy in the US, although "archy's and ism's" are all failures in a real world scale.

9. Obama does have a bit of coolness to him. I would feel less uncomfortable in a room alone with him than I would Romney.

10. On a logical scale, I would rather the US use drones to inflict deaths than our soldiers, at least one side would have less casualties.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:16 PM
This says it all.......

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by flashtrum

Originally posted by flashtrum

The fact that you got so many stars makes me sad because it tells me that there are some highly uneducated people on this forum. Romney is as far from a neocon as one can get. This is why he's having so much trouble in his own party. Too many people think he's not "conservative enough".

Even if Mitt is not a tow the line neocon, he will be beholden to them and heavily influenced by them, just as George W was.

You can bet your blarney stones that if elected, Mitt will play the role to a "T".

As for references to stars and the ad hom against a portion of the membership? Opinion is not an indicator of education. A very weak ad hom.


posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 08:07 PM
not mitt romney
not mitt romney
not mitt romney

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I could swear Obama added another war.....what was I thinking, Libya was just a "limited engagement"...

Are we still there? Is he the one calling out Russia? Is he the one who wants to follow Israel against Iran?

It's not Israel against Iran. It's Israel protecting itself from Iran. When you're literally surrounded by people who want to "wipe you off the map" of course you will be paranoid of one of said countries developing nuclear technology. Do some research before you think Israel WANTS to go against Iran. They're constantly under attack.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Athin

Originally posted by Athin
Can anyone who plans on voting for Obama this election give me 3 reasons as to why?

Sure. I could give you ten reasons I'm voting for him. But reading your post and the thread, I can see that you aren't really curious about why people want to elect Obama, you want people to fight. This is just another excuse to bash Obama. When you want to have a real discussion, I'd be glad to join in.

I don't think logical discussion is any longer possible with the majority of anti-Obama folks here. There are about 36% on the right that are hard and fast Republicans that would blindly vote for Satan himself if he had an R behind his name. These people answer the polls with "Romney!" no matter what the question is. And they have no ability to rationalize or think logically. They HATE Obama. Why should I even waste my time trying to have an intelligent discussion?

See ya after the elections. Maybe then, we can actually talk.

How did I say anything about a fight? I gave facts as to what he has done. If you think the truth is "bashing" then I guess you're right... 36% on the right that are die hard republicans? What about 96% of the minority vote just because he's "black"? Grouping people works both ways.

If you can rationalize and think logically then I'd be more than glad to hear your 10 reasons to vote for him... but I'm guessing you won't reply with a decent thread because all your reasons are "because he said this... because he said this... because he said this..." with no fact behind your purpose.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Athin

Not to mention this so called wanna be president was caught on tape talking to VLADAMIR PUTIN while he thought he wasnt on the mic and what he said was basically give him more time because its re-Election time and when hez re-elected he can be more flexible now that pisses off all of our allies weve gained since the cold war against these COMMIES how can anybody in their right mind be okay with Obama and another 4 years its just insane he also might be a flaming homosexual because his old college room mate is quoted saying to have had a relationship that was consentual well thats quite enough 4 me hopefully yall people who helped him get in the first time pull your heads outa ur butts & realize that real eyes really lie ::] lol

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Good Lord it's like a room full of straw men in ad-hom T-shirts in some of these posts! Fun to watch, but totally devoid of debatable dialect.

Is the need to attack Obama now so ingrained in the psyche of some folks that rational conversation has become impossible?

The single reply to me that I can discern is a statement that an apology tour somehow destabilized the middle east. If so that tour must have happened around the tenth century.


The Muslim Brotherhood has played Obama for a fool.

The Obama speech has failed.

The Obama middle east foreign policies are in ruins. Turn on your TV.


Obama has already lost.

The polling has never had Obama above the 50% mark.

The undecided usually vote for the challenger.

- President Mitt Romney -

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 11:01 AM
This is clearly a futile exercise for me. Your OP premise that we are definitely worse off now is flawed in my view. Fortunately, the entire economy didn't completely collapse in early '09. Unfortunately, avoiding collapse has given the opposition a window to criticize the recovery. Which yes, there has been a recovery.

1.) Obama is friendlier toward China. Building a cooperative US-China relationship now is essential to how this century plays out. The era of unilateral dominance is over. The sooner we accept China as an equal(or at least near) world partner, the lower the risk of eventual clash.

2.) First four years were clean up. I say allow the next to decorate the place. It just doesn't make sense to me to give someone a job of initial crisis management, and after crisis is generally averted, give the job to someone else. Once again, the economy did not collapse to the point many feared and projected in '08. Maybe too much was spent, but is a fireman concerned about saving water when a building full of people is burning? The debt, despite what the opposition would like to say, remains manageable long term. It's a 30-50 year problem. Without the massive stimulus spending, maybe it's a 20 year problem but maybe we're at 15-20% unemployment and the DOW is at 6,000.

3.) The Democratic party has a superior vision of the American future, in my opinion, as shown by priorities. I don't like a Federal Health Care system, but I would like a state public option. I think renewable energy is incredibly important and the GOP platform of directing energy toward natural gas and offshore and stripping funding from renewable might stagnate development and give America a backseat in what will be a booming industry in 30-50 years. No, I don't like how many receive benefits. But our society needs to provide assistance to the poor, sick, elderly, and disabled. And the general population is horribly slacking. That's a good example to set by the Fed.

Balancing the budget has to combine increasing revenue with decreasing spending. Long term, low tax rates should be the goal. But there are payments to be made and the wealthy can afford an increase in payment, as can corporations.

I'm voting for Obama, but grudgingly. I want to localize and reduce the burden on the government by promoting higher individual responsibility. A culture change is needed more than a government change. Well, both go hand and hand really. People must see themselves as the government and take more responsibility and increase participation in general society. The current Democratic party has a more clear platform and strong priorities despite faulty implementation. The Republican party is too religious on some issues, and frankly more anti-Obama in rhetoric than pro anything. Republican ideology at it's purest is a better example for the individual and community and I agree with many of it's premises. But, unless they come out with clear plans for the transition from national to local with regard to social security, health care, and poverty assistance, then I have to take the Dem's for now.

I don't see four more years of Obama as equaling collapse. I believe he is a superior diplomat and without the demand for political posturing this may show through. Opposition has all of their talking points on that topic, and I'm not completely convinced either, but I'm cautiously optimistic about Obama making significant progress in international relations. The debt will be pretty ugly after those four years, but it can be manageable and noone is going to demand collection on it in the next ten years. Too much would be at stake in the interdependant global economy. Unemployment can easily be down to 6.5 in four years.

The Republican party is seen as much more aggressive by foreign nations and things now are a little hot.

I'd love to be a Republican, I'm all for individual initiative and local over national. But they have to put out a better, more specific product and eliminate some of the elements that are seen as extreme by many.

And Paul Ryan is not a VP. Maybe 8 years from now. That's not a deal breaker, though.
edit on 9/21/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Three reasons to vote for Barry Soetoro

1. People refuse to believe our economy can collapse.

2. The takers don't care if our economy collapses.

3. The Constitution is no longer taught in depth in our schools.

BeavX, Bitter Clinger, that's my .02

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar
Did you have to extend your mortgage? I was offered that deal too- but I would have had to extend my mortgage from fifteen to thirty years- and would have wound up paying way more than my house was worth in the end. All for a lower interest rate, when my current rate was once considered as low as you could go? No thanks.

^Not a reason to vote for Obama.

edit on 22-9-2012 by LeSigh because: (no reason given)

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