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Little Asian Girl Shown Vision of The End of The World

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:28 PM
After hearing what this little girl was shown in her vision of the end of the world I am siding with her when she says something to the effect that she will try to do whatever it takes to get into Heaven and not end up in that other place. You just know you got to do whatever it takes avoid that other place and get it together after you hear what this child describes seeing.

Fastforward to 0:33 to cut to the chase:


I took this snippet out of Chapter 9 at the following link.

We got to be holy like God is holy or else we will not be able to enter his home. Most people don't know it but they've been being programmed all their lives to be un-fit for Heaven by the movies, TV shows, and popular culture to be what it takes to not meet the standards of God.

- something like that.

No Party in Hell, Only demons rejoice

This chapter is a continuation of Chapter Two where I talked about Hell. It is a TERRIBLE place, fullof fear and torment and NO WAY of escape. Hell was never intended for man, but was made for thedevil and his fallen angels.[color=gold] God is love and desires that none should perish; but because he is holy,no sin can abide in his presence. If you do not repent from sin, you cannot come to heaven and theonly other choice you get is Hell. Who would want to be separated from their loved ones for alleternity?I was actually in prayer one evening when I was taken and shown Hell. No one who has been therecould ever forget the horror of that place. I am grateful that I did not get the full effect, in that I onlyobserved it and did not personally experience torture or the searing heat from the flames. I knowthat others who have been there were literally dropped in and they did experience the pain,suffering and worst of all, the separation from God. Believe me, seeing it was bad enough for me.That was one of the times I was actually told where I was being taken and for what purpose. Godknew when I told people about Heaven. I would need to warn them about Hell too. Many people donot believe in Hell, but that will not keep them from going there. Can you imagine a person living a

good‟ life and because they rejected Christ, end up in such a place. It would be like having your

worst nightmare come true. Your only company would be demons who hate you. They hate you,because they hate God and we are made in His image. Their greatest pleasure is tearing someoneapart, literally.

The screams were almost unbearable to me and I knew there would never be any mercy in Hell.Fear ruled there and even if you had a momentary reprieve from the demonic torment until it startedall over again, the mental torment never stops.

[color=gold]You may have heard the saying. “Let‟s party in Hell”! Well, the only ones who do that are the demonic beings. They rejoice every time a new victim arrives. If two friends should arrive together,one will be dragged away and the other must watch in helpless horror as their friend is shreddedbefore their eyes; unable to answer their screams for help.Sometimes, people are thrown into pits filled with fire and small animal-like demons that bite youcontinuously. You will feel all the pain as wound after wound appears on your body. The heat isunquenchable as it produces huge blisters all over your body and the smell of scorched flesh iseverywhere.

edit on 18-9-2012 by EfficientP because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-9-2012 by EfficientP because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:46 PM
This video isn't available to mobile users. What does she say?

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by aaaiii

I hope you get the chance to watch the video somehow. She describes a vision/waking dream of the last judgement and that most people go to hell except about 30 people who took a car ride to heaven, one being her Pastor.
She is a very devout Christian, she said she had been reading the Bible before it happened and quoted a scripture passage knowing it author and verse.

Her mother felt very strongly that this was something very real. I think the bottom line is repent and get ready because He will becoming soon.

The video was filled with a child's drawings of what she witnessed. Heaven was like an earthly paradise and hell was as it is often described fire, winged creatures and worms eating the people who were crying to be saved.

You could think it was a vivid imagination, it's hard to believe that little angelic face is fibbing. Whatever it was, it was enough to convince her to be prepared for Jesus return and that she needed to warn others.

edit on 9/18/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by EfficientP

Her Pastor was the driver Ahhh I see and only Christians reading bibles were allowed in. Why did they have her fake cry at the beginning of the video, she is smiling as she tells it herself.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:06 PM
What a steaming pile of crap...

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Maybe not lies maybe she spends a lot of time in church and having the bible ground into her.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Think logically for a second.

How many times has the end of the been visioned or predicted?

How many times has it came true?

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:24 PM
It's very interesting and personally I believe there will be some form of judgement one day but that's not the issue here. We have to look at this logically. South Koreans are very Christian oriented society. This little girls mother states she has been going to church everyday since she was little. It's very clear this girl has been saturated by the words in the Bible and the words of her parents. Remember she is eight, very impressionable, and an active imagination and dream world. She fell asleep while reading the Bible. It's clear to me the images she has been taught to see and imagine have manifested into a very vivid dream. There is really not much difference between what this girl has gone through and the images of the small Muslim girl speaking of Jihad that were recently brought to attention here on ATS.It is a form of brainwashing plain and simple from both sides.
Now being a open minded free thinking Christian myself I found it hard to watch this because I could see right through it. I believe in Heaven and Hell, I believe in Judgement, I believe in Prophecy, but I think this is a simple case of molding a child's mind into a way of thinking that promotes an agenda.It's really sad that people would scare their children into this type of thinking. Only thirty people saved? I truly believe there are more than thirty worthy people on the planet right now who deserve to go to heaven.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:24 PM
If people do this it just means that they are trying to make the World a better place the only way they know how. Do you know how hard it is to change the World alone? Let alone being able to do it without using any Religious information? At least they are trying to change the World, true or not.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:26 PM
Oh, what's that you say? You want to get a video with a million views?

What she says is pointless and even goes against what the Bible even says in a variety of ways so what's the point? If they truly believed the Bible to be accurate they wouldn't put such nonsense up in the first place. Or, I suppose they could just be ignorant like most of the Christians in the world today.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:28 PM
Even by Christian standards this is a cult theology.

She says that (9:00 into the clip) only 30 people were in the heavenly car, perhaps less than 30, thus implying that only 30 people will be saved.
Just like in the days of Noah only 8 were saved (which is repeated twice in the clip).

So this is clearly a cult based on some notion of exclusivity that even rejects the salvation of almost all Christians!

A terrible case of child abuse by a cult, or prospective cult.

One would hope that the authorities in South Korea will intervene, because the proliferating Christian cults in South Korea have literally starved their children to death in "exorcisms".

God will save 30 people or less and the rest will burn with fire and sulphide, and be eaten by worms - oh, and Jesus loves you!

What terrible rubbish to train a child to say, although it's not quite a "small child", or "little girl" from a "little country", although everything in cult language is made "little" or diminutive that denotes "goodness", and blind obedience to mind-control.
edit on 18-9-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

If it was a vision of the "final judgment" (Great White Throne Judgment) then the body of Christ isn't present. The GWT judgment happens at the end of Christ's 1,000 year reign, the judgment for all men who died from Cain to that point who were not in covenantal relationship with the Lord.

Believers appear before the "Judgment (bhema) seat of Christ" in heaven, the GWT judgment takes place on Earth.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I think God tailor-made the vision for her so the part about the bus and people she knew being on the bus was meant for her in particular, doesn't mean that only 30 people are going to be saved when the Earth gets destroyed.

I've had had dreams and visions that I think were from God and in one of them, I think God used my brother who is the most humble person I was familiar with at that time to be the one in this dream to give me a piece of paper with letters shining brightly in gold saying " treat others the way you want to be treated" - something like that. In this dream, after I read the words, my brother left the apartment and then at the foot of my bed, because I was laying on my bed in the dream, when my brother left and I was there holding this piece of paper, all of a sudden out of nowhere, this pack of black shadowy entities that were like smoke hush puppies came up from the end of my bed with black shards protruding from them, they bolted up to my head and neck and began to choke me. When the vivid dream got that point, I snapped out of the dream and woke up.

Anway, that dream happened at a point in my life when I started to emulate a person who was mean because of a bad experience that I had. I was being a jerk at that time to another family member, and I feel like this dream not only came at that time but also came at the start of my spiritual journey to find out the truth about what life was about. Shortly thereafter I became a New Ager and then exited out of that after finding out the Illuminati End Game New Age Jesus-Antichrist Counterfeit Messiah.

Anyway, if you guys read various Hell testimonies, you will see various people from different backgrounds describe the flesh eating creatures that don't get scorched by the fire and other things that are in hell

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by EfficientP

I believe the bus and the door closing and the angelic assistance is a simile for the rapture. And the fire, Peter also says the 2nd judgment will be by fire.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:50 PM
I believe this child is an abductee and she is using the only tool she has or knows to to try and understand what she has seen.

Love and harmony

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69
I believe this child is an abductee and she is using the only tool she has or knows to to try and understand what she has seen.

Love and harmony

I agree. One must also remember that a common theme to many abductions is that the abductees report that the aliens show them visions of the end of the world.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
What terrible rubbish to train a child to say, although it's not quite a "small child", or "little girl" from a "little country", although everything in cult language is made "little" or diminutive that denotes "goodness", and blind obedience to mind-control.

It could be worse. She could be working for ten cents a day in the Nike factory. Oh, wait. That's her night job.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Vandettas
Think logically for a second.

How many times has the end of the been visioned or predicted?

How many times has it came true?
great logic,not.surely the end only happens once.your thinking is because it hasn't happened yet it won't?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:17 AM
This couldn't possibly be anymore scripted. Hell is such a ridiculous concept. God is all pervasive and all knowing and everything and anything stemmed from god. So then evil would be a part of god too so why is he going to throw you in hell for his creation? Makes no sense at all.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:54 AM
Christiand are fed this crap from day one. One possibility I always liked to consider is that there are tptb and then there are TPTB.

If you were an alien race that likes the taste of human, you'd grow that human on a big ol' farm and then when the time is right, HARVEST.

What better way to reduce the chance of damaging livestock, than to feed them religion with a horrible fate at judgement day. Only those who believe will be saved.

Time comes, ships arrive disguised as angels and chariots, Believers just walk on aboard and go right onto meat-hooks..LOL

Why else would the Priests and Pastors call thier people a Flock..?

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