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An Open Letter to Employees of Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies Globally

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

I am on the fence about the 2 sides, yourself, and heff have alluded to. I do still hold out hope that there are plenty of "good guys" in the .gov that will do the right thing, or may be swayed by heff's woords.

Inversly though, I believe you to be correct, that it is way too late for many, as they know full well what bed they have made, and are more than comfortable sleeping in it.

Let's us just hope that we won't have to find out who was more correct, and greater minds will win out ovver tyranny in the end.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by RABiam

Hahaha, funny that you say this because that was what I was thinking but not writing. In other words, from the very beginning people have been kept under control by mere words, words that at one time only had to be in the form of dire and painful consequences endured for all time and eternity in a ghoulish and dammed hell after this life has ended and the final 'judgements' are cast upon each soul.

At some point everything becomes less threatening and so humanity devises more tragic ways to keep people imprisoned through control. If the warnings of suffering in the afterlife loses its strength to instill the appropriate fear, then creating new and more physical tortures to be exacted here on this physical plane to be performed by devote and righteous religious leaders of man. So the atrocities we have been witness to for centuries have not created better people, just fear based followers, blind and unable to speak up or out against the tyranny for fear of bodily torture and ridicule, death.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 12:52 PM
Heff, I do commend you for trying, and you can count on a certain percentage not joining the plan to take the world to new levels of terror, but for the most part people want to save themselves and their families, friends so will do all it takes to see that happen even if it means selling their own souls in the process. At some point they fall into that state (forget the name) where they become fond of their captors. It is a fail safe for continuity of life.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Great Job, Heff!! Now, if only they listen. Remember, though, the immortal words of Pogo Possum: "We has seen the enemy and he is us". I say that because when I was younger, I was a police officer and took an interest in county and state narcotics. Almost every time we busted a dealer, there would be a replacement for him or her within the hour. We couldn't understand the fascination of drug dealing. Only it wasn't fascination, just supply and demand. Everyday people spend their last dollar on illicit drugs. Something that you cannot stop. It will never stop until each individual says to themselves, this is wrong and I'm not doing it again. How does this reflect towards what you have written?

It shows to the law enforcement arena just how stupid people are in general and if people in general can't stop purchasing and using illicit drugs, how can the average person be trusted to rights given by the Constitution? Of course illicit drugs could be legalized, drug laws could be reformed maybe other draconian solutions could be implemented.

But, it will never erase the memory of a mother looking under a sheet at her overdosed deceased 16 year old daughter.


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 03:28 PM

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 04:59 PM
A Great Open Letter Hefficide to All Government and Military / Law Enforcement Agencies World Wide !

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
reply to post by Hefficide

good on you heff
for stepping up and making a stand

though i'm F&Sing, i'm with antar on this:

the "people", [humanoids rather] you're addressing, live by a twisted version of the law of the jungle
and they consider themselves the super-predators.

you're like van gogh, cutting off your ear and sending love letters to somebody that does not care.
edit on 18-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

A Great Open Letter Hefficide to All Government and Military / Law Enforcement Agencies World Wide !

I am Quoting " DerepentLEstranger " just because of how much I enjoyed reading the last line of his post above.

Wow ! What strong words, What thought provoking inspiration to bring up the life of Van Gogh, and how he had even cut off his ear, and then sending love letters to someone that does not even care!

Ouch, those words really speak volumes don't they... Pheww

But Alas, I still have Faith ! Yes Faith in mankind in general. And Even Faith that All Nations around the world, weather they consider themselves friends or enemies will Rise Above the Evil Low Road to War and Madness.

I read somewhere recently that Russia has even been dismantling some of their nuclear warheads, and then using the fuel to build Nuclear Power Generators ! Yes, some might rightly say that even nuclear power is dangerous too. However I assure you, that Nuclear Power Generation is much, much less dangerous than it would be to use even One Nuclear War Head !

And Yes, I even have Faith that Iran can use their Nuclear Ambitions to build Safe Nuclear Power Generation, and resist the temptation to use that same technology to build and use nuclear warheads in a war of madness where No One Wins, no matter what the outcome.

I think that by now most people world wide can see that what is and has been going on for many years now, is the same old " Saber Rattling of War Swords." This old trick of governments using the old "Saber Rattling" technique to " Bolster Their Power " and popular local support in their own nation has just about run it's course in our day and age.

Most thinking people world wide understands this old technique and that old trick has just about run it's course. Because, any sane and rational person or nation understands that even "They" will not live after any large nuclear exchange. The resulting nuclear winter and death dealing poisionous radiation fallout after the "Fact" means that even the so called "Winner" would eventually die too, and it would be a very slow and agonizing death too.

I don't think anyone, anywhere in the world no matter where they live, be it in Europe, Asia, Africa, The Middle East, or The America's want to see any type of a large war ever again. The constant "Saber Rattling" will continue though, because that is how each Nation's Leaders " Beat Themselve's on Their Chests " and Proclaim to their people that that they are "The One" that "Their" people's need, to " Protect Them " thus staying in power.

Yes, we should all be concerned and diligent to see that no nuclear dissasters are allowed to happen ANY Where in the World no matter what nation anyone reading this " Open Letter " lives in. If we want to continue living on this Planet, No One Anywhere in the World can hope to live any type of any normal life after any exchange of today's nuclear weapons ever happened. To do so would be suicide to say the least, and all nations know that fact.

I think we should all have more faith and hope in our friends, as well as in our so called enemies. There are times in the life of men and nations as history has shown us over and over again, that even so called enemies will help you when the going gets really rough.

All of this " Saber Rattling " that we are all hearing World Wide right now, we should all listen to it with a grain of salt and realize all of the " Political Posturing " that is really going on. In other words, We People of the World, no matter where we all live should Stop Listening and Marching to the Tune that " THEY " want us to march to.

We " People of The World " Do Not have to march to the constant tune of the World's " Pied Pipers " ! And I think really down deep all people world wide are realizing " That Fact " more and more every day and every year that goes by !

Yes, A Great " Heads Up " Open Letter for sure, I also hope it will be read far and wide all over the world, and no doubt it will, as ATS is read World Wide !

edit on 9/18/2012 by chrisb9 because: left an " i " out somewhere

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

You did a great job on this "Open Letter" Heff. Many feel this way and many should sound off also.This country needs to be reborn or returned back to what it was either through rebellion, revolution, civil disobedience, civil war or even through what the TPTB call "Domestic Terrorism" Something needs to give. I feel it, You feel it and I am certain most of the people in the U.S.A. feel it if not the whole world. This whole corporate tyranny needs to be addressed one way or another! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! For your Freedom!

S&F to you sir.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by NightFlight
Great Job, Heff!! Now, if only they listen. Remember, though, the immortal words of Pogo Possum: "We has seen the enemy and he is us". I say that because when I was younger, I was a police officer and took an interest in county and state narcotics. Almost every time we busted a dealer, there would be a replacement for him or her within the hour. We couldn't understand the fascination of drug dealing. Only it wasn't fascination, just supply and demand. Everyday people spend their last dollar on illicit drugs. Something that you cannot stop. It will never stop until each individual says to themselves, this is wrong and I'm not doing it again. How does this reflect towards what you have written?

It shows to the law enforcement arena just how stupid people are in general and if people in general can't stop purchasing and using illicit drugs, how can the average person be trusted to rights given by the Constitution? Of course illicit drugs could be legalized, drug laws could be reformed maybe other draconian solutions could be implemented.

But, it will never erase the memory of a mother looking under a sheet at her overdosed deceased 16 year old daughter.


Portugal is the blueprint for dealing with illegal drugs. People won't stop using them and prohibition does not work. It's a multibillion dollar failure, this "war" and a waste of police power. I would be much more concerned about tobacco and alcohol, both of which are several magnitudes more dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal. Unless, of course, we want to be like Singapore and put people to death for using drugs. Besides, it was modern medicine that introduced the world to heroin, morphine, coc aine, methamphetamines, benzos and painkillers and people are worried about things like marijuana, which by the way, almost 60% of people in this country now support legalization of which is the highest it's ever been, 56% while only 34% oppose.

As for the original content of this thread, these people don't listen to words. They listen to money. The government does not care about us anymore, we're just dollar signs to them. Our water is poisoned with fluoride as well as all foods and drinks that use water to make them as well as prescription drugs and heavy metals which causes disease and health problems. Who benefits? Drug companies. We have the technology to make cars run off of water, but we don't because oil companies would never allow it. Our middle class is being destroyed with taxes and inflation due to a bankrupt nation and still declining economy leading to inflation which hurts middle and lower classes more, more taxes, and now, more speed cameras being put up which is nothing more than a fund raising tour for police.

In many ways, we've just stopped advancing and in others, going backwards. If words were enough to change things, it would have already happened and peaceful protests wouldn't be turned into violent protests by our very own police provoking these things in the crowds. We still wipe our butts with PAPER, for God's sake. Greed and corruption have taken over this country and has halted our advancement in major ways.

Your open letter was well written, but don't think they really care about it. No offense to you and sure, it may make those in power think for a few minutes, but in the end, most of them are evil and only want power and money, our money, all of it. Create more laws and you create more criminals. Crime is a business. Without it, cops would be out of a job. It's pretty sad, but crime is a business these days. I personally think police WANT crime and when there's not enough of it, we make laws to create more criminals so they can stay in work. These ridiculous copyright laws are out of hand and although I've never been ticketed by one, speed cameras are nothing more than revenue generators. Speed limits are too low and the ones who do traffic studies for a living have shown that raising, not lowering speed limits makes roads safer. The 85th percentile should be used, but it's not. Everyone just wants to slow everyone down.

I don't know, IMO, we are no longer advancing. We're regressing or running in place going nowhere. Of the people who have claimed to develop cars that run on water, they were either killed or called frauds and the numbers are many. Oil companies would never allow it to happen, but there's no doubt in my mind we could do it.

It will take more than words to change the world, but I fear what it actually would take....

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

I love the thought, and I hope you DO send this letter or email, but let's be real here: what are the chances these emails/letters ever make it into the hands of anyone who really matters, considering who this correspondence is intended for? The public relations department will catch it, skim it, and then discard it before filing your name into a list of recipients for a computer-generated letter of gratitude intended to make you believe that your thoughts have been considered, when in reality, the people you are attempting to communicate with are far too busy playing their games to pay attention to the peons of the nation.

It's a sad but very real truth.
edit on 18-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

s + f

i think people are awaking on mass,
weather you see it or understand it,
people are awake to the big banks,
the corrupt government agencies,
and the perverted system.

it took something as simple as a question,

are we all equal under the law?

as the bankers made a joke of the criminal justice system,
they also made a joke of the political system,
and the economic system all at the same time,

this has been noticed by the entire world.

even the most hardened most asleep people can see clearly,
there is doubt about why

this niggling doubt wont be expressed outwardly untill the chips are down

in times of trouble i trust in humanity,
Americans are not nazis
they will not hurt their own.
they have a habit of banding together for freedom,

after all they taught freedom to the world


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:41 PM
very well written. as for the part about fear in the beginning, i believe that the media generally focuses on stories like that to keep us frightened and complacent so we do not redistribute the power from the elite to ourselves (where it should be).

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:59 PM
It seems a couple of folks feel that I am naive enough to believe that a call for civility and compassion might diffuse the entire globalization agenda. Of course that is not the case at all.

Propaganda works both ways. It just so happens that I prefer mine to be honest, truthful, and morally correct. But this OP is a form of propaganda nonetheless.

And it addresses a very real situation that I believe will become relevant in the foreseeable future... a time when laws are passed ( Probably by executive order ) that cross the line into draconianism. When that day comes if a few dozen ( or hundred, or thousand ) government employees happen to have the seed I planted here growing within them?

Well, let's just say it can't hurt. And hopefully, if and when such a day comes, the sentiment may turn out to be socially transmittable and contagious in intelligence and law enforcement circles.


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:30 PM
Where to start, where to start. lol. I really do understand your frustration dude. No doubt about it. But I can assure you that any intelligence community or law enforcement agency, as a whole, is not going to lay your message on the table of the briefing room tomorrow and go over talking points. In the off chance that a person affiliated with these agencies or groups sees this message, they are not going to do anything or tell anyone else about it. If you are lucky and they're a member, maybe they'll reply to this thread...But I doubt it.

You would have a better chance with a LEO than you would a busy intel analyst. And field agents aren't scouring ATS by any means. I highly doubt these sites are monitored by live individuals either. Actually, I'm positive that if there is any surveillance going on at all, it is minimal and mainly computer-based. But the sheer fact that ATS rules prohibits posting threats and other things that would be of interest to these agencies, is enough to ensure that any monitoring would be minimal. IF it existed at all.

I mean there aren't international terrorists posting on ATS. At best they would be catching some nutter who wanted to do something stupid. But it isn't like they are going to unravel some covert operation or mystery here.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

There are actually members of the intelligence community who read ATS and are an active part of our community - there are also many LEO's here as well.

And it's no big secret ( there are threads available if you use the ATS search function ) that discuss this topic. For example a very constant NSA listening post that happens to tune into all ATS live shows.

My words might well reach an FBI field agent, or NSA analyst, surfing the web either as part of their job or in their off time. And this applies to intelligence agents and actors world wide. Whether or not they'll put any worth to my words? Who know?

What I do know is that I have already have one conversation with a person who thanked me for putting a human perspective upon this issue for them. And THAT alone - that one connection - made it worthwhile.


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:04 PM
I would like to add that in any endeavor, the actions you personally take are YOUR personal actions! You and you alone are accountable for your own actions whether following orders or not! You are not required by any employer to do something that you deem unsafe, immoral or unjust!

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:35 PM
Another thought...

The Oath of Office for most intelligence jobs reads:

I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the
office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

I would like to remind our friends in intelligence that The Constitution of The United States of America is not an abstract. It is a living document that embodies the citizens of this nation, and not just the words upon a page...

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

So your oath, by its very definition, requires you to protect us from our enemies, foreign and domestic - and not just those deemed to be enemies by your superiors.

edit on 9/18/12 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Hefficide
I mean this in the most respectful way John, you are naive, humans will do what ever benefits them and worry about what they have done latter. The ones that want no part of what they are being trained for will walk away at the begenning, the ones that are left are there because they want to be.

I guess the old adage" if you get through to just one, it was worth it" Good luck with that.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Battleline

Unfortunately, I left naivete behind me a few decades ago, and have precious little innocence left. This OP, and many of my other threads and posts are more a counter psyop than anything else. The human mind is our current field of battle and words are the weapons of the day.

My ominous prediction is that the time for words is likely growing short now.


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

I do not live in fear - but in awareness of current events. Personally? I'm well armed, well liked, and quite capable of defending my own home.

Wish I had you as my neighbor....

Think of how many are NOT informed, or even armed?

Its going to be like minded individuals, who can weather a storm.

Just my 2 cents.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Great Thread, needs to be address and S & F.

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