posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 08:09 AM
A follow up from my introduction post a while back
I'm not 100% done with this one yet but I get anxious near the end of any project and I'm eager to see what people think of it. It's content is
geared towards this community more than anyone else so it makes sense for you guys to get the first look. Still need to work on the capitol building
and I'm adding a few other touches like jet fighters that will be flying over the top's of obama, romney's heads.
I wanted to do something cool and stylized, sort of inspired by the old star wars painted movie posters. Everything is hand drawn except for the movie
logo. The full size image is large and detailed so you can't quite see it all in this smaller web version. This sample below should give you an idea
of the level of detail I've been trying to work with.
Hopefully I'll be done in another week or so.. Will update you again then. Let me know what you think!