posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:34 AM
Anyone who knows my ATS moniker probably knows that I am a Christian and preach some Sundays. I really enjoyed myself today. The lead pastor was out
and I had three weeks to prepare. I was going to teach on patience and as I was driving in decided I would preach on something else. I decided to
preach on being in service to one another, what we as the church are called to do. The church has a very targeted audience and I am there to preach to
the one's that don't fit the target. It is like being the opening act for U2, people are going, yeah, when does the headliner come on. LOL. Tough
Anyways, I had this idea. I decided to interrupt the worship service (usually 30 minutes) and have someone get me coffee. 30 minutes before the
service began, I called the worship leader and told him I wanted to interrupt him and try something different, he trusted me and said go for it. I
did. I am sorry if your church isn't fun, God wants us to learn and be joyful, I love pushing the envelope I interrupted the singing and said that I
needed a cup of coffee and asked if someone would go get it for me, a young lady stood up and said yes. I gave her $5 and told her how I wanted the
coffee (two sugars and one cream). After she left I told everyone that they had just seen the most Christian act of the day, she saw a need and met
it. I liked my approach. I preach before a audience that speaks a different language, tough gig; but, they got it.
It was fun and I enjoyed myself and people really got it. They don't come to hear me, they come to hear our Pastor; but, I got them and it felt great
to know that I had conveyed something to them. The other elder called me tonight and told me how I made him thing about things. It felt great. I
don't know if this belongs in the religion section, I almost considered the rant section, I couldn't find a joy section.
There is a woman in our church, she does not want to hear anyone at any church other than our Pastor. She tolerated me at first, at best. Somehow I
got to her, she decided she liked me and what I have to say. Language is quite a barrier, I need a translator. Today she said that she was always
happy to hear me and had no problems with me at all, everything I did was okay with her. It made my heart smile.
You don't have to believe in God, like me or agree with me on anything, I just wanted to share my joy with you. I never felt the call to preach, I
agreed to do it because there was a need. I cannot say that I love it, I do it and I mean it and I give my best. I am firm in my faith and not afraid
to defend it, I prefer defending it, I can do that. I do not feel inspirational and I do not feel called to preach; but, if I am going to preach I
want it to matter.
I asked the congregation why I should be there. I asked them how I could be of service to them when they were there to hear someone else. I told them
that it was there church and that I felt like a stranger, that I needed them to tell me what I could offer them. I come away from every sermon asking
myself how I could have done better. I felt good about this one, I think I hit a home run. I know I could have done better; but, a home run is
I never wanted to preach, I never felt the calling; but, it is surely a great feeling to know I got it right for once.I don't feel great because I
was perfect, I feel great because I didn't completely fail. Any success is good. I hope you can share my joy with me.