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Netanyahu Reaches Out to the American Public (Interview Clip)

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posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Since when do you handle the POTUS' calendar? YOU don't dictate his workday. Get off it. I worked for a decade as a diplomatic assistant. I think I know quite a damn sight better than you do just what goes on in those offices.

Grow up?

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:58 AM
This guy ordered his intelligent services to make and distribute the fake video that was responsible for the recent riots in the Muslim world ,just so the US sheeple would be more favourable for an Isrealli strike on Iran.
He has no scruples at all.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by bjarneorn

The Arabs, are just a bunch of racist goons.

Great way to start one's day, having a racist label an entire race of humans as racist!

Way to go, ever look in the mirror sir?

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Since when do you handle the POTUS' calendar? YOU don't dictate his workday. Get off it. I worked for a decade as a diplomatic assistant. I think I know quite a damn sight better than you do just what goes on in those offices.

Do you think touting your resume negates what we all see with our own eyes?

Obama turned his back on Bibi at a time when the POTUS should have demonstrated leadership. He had every opportunity to de-escalate this tense situation; instead he has allowed Bibi to be backed into a corner. We all know what’s going to happen next….and it could have been avoided if we had a POTUS that would stop playing golf long enough to do his job.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by musashi9

This guy ordered his intelligent services to make and distribute the fake video that was responsible for the recent riots in the Muslim world ,just so the US sheeple would be more favourable for an Isrealli strike on Iran.
He has no scruples at all.

Please provide proof….or it didn’t happen.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Scary strange.

I never said I handled Obama's calendar. I never claimed to dictate his work day. And you still aren't as impressive as you think you are. You do realize this is a DISCUSSION forum, right? People are allowed and encouraged to give their opinions and to discuss facts.

FACT - Obama brushed off a meeting with Netanyahu, the leader of a soverign nation which is supposed to be our ally and who is on the brink of war. Obama has a nearly empty schedule. It's published every day and there have been days where he has had an EMPTY SCHEDULE (except for playing golf .. that made the schedule of course). Meeting with Netanyahu would have been simple. AND even if it weren't, a POTUS is supposed to be flexible depending on the severity of the situation. Netanyahu jumping up and down trying to start a war is very serious.

FACT - Obama made time for the terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood.

FACT - Obama hates Netanyahu. Obama hugs the Muslim Brotherhood at every opportunity.

FACT - Obama's JOB is to get past his personal feelings and to do the job he was hired by the American people to do. That includes meeting with trigger-happy Netanyahu and trying to rein him in if necessary (and it looks like it is necessary).

IMHO - Obama should meet with the guy and verbally smack him upside the head in person. By ignoring Netanyahu, Obama only ticks the guy off more and makes him more desperate. The world doesn't need a desperate Netanyahu with an itchy trigger finger.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

They are NOT on the brink of war except by their own declaration and instigation by goading everyone to jump on Iran's back. You don't read news, do you? You buy into media hype with no hint of critical thinking whatsoever.

He is not obliged to jump when an ally nor anyone else demands his time, particularly one who is simply troublesome and has *nothing new to say*. Why is this impossible for you to understand?

Maybe you should stick to being a sports fan. You clearly have no historical nor indeed modern grasp of what's at play nor how the political game is played.
edit on 17/9/2012 by CosmicEgg because: must be....

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
They are NOT on the brink of war except by their own declaration and instigation by goading everyone to jump on Iran's back.

Their own declaration and instigation and goading people ... that's why they are on the brink of war. And Netanyahu has his itchy finger on the trigger. You have proven my point.

You don't read news, do you? You buy into media hype with no hint of critical thinking whatsoever.

blah blah blah off topic and wrong

Why is this impossible for you to understand?

Why is it impossible for you to understand that it's his JOB to rein in an ally when they are about to go off the deep end and they are trying to suck America in. It's called 'foreign policy' and 'politicing'.

Maybe you should stick to being a sports fan. You clearly have no historical nor indeed modern grasp of what's at play nor how the political game is played.

more childish off topic blah blah blah

Get on the topic of the thread. Here's a hint .. it's not me.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by seabag

Why do you not understand that it's his own wolf-crying that has earned him the place of irrelevance that he's forced to occupy now? Netanyahu, for all intents and purposes, has a dunce cap on his pointed head and is sitting in the corner. NO ONE wants anything to do with him because all the crap he's spouting is exactly that: Crap. As others here have pointed out, the Israelis have said this same stuff for decades now and it's never come to anything at all. According to them, they are defending themselves against the Palestinians so they have every *right* to subjugate and oppress them. Iran is the new target for their paranoia and guns. How can you people not see this?

Obama is doing the right thing here, whether you and Flyers Fan see it or not. You will live to regret the day you ever vote Romney into office, I promise you. No bigger mistake could be made, but if I know Americans, you'll sure as shootin' do it. You voted for Bush too...twice...right? And you've all screamed about Obama and made everything his fault from the moment he started to look like he'd win the election. Already then people were screaming that he wasn't doing anything, regardless of the fact that he hadn't been inaugurated yet!

You all need to calm down, read some history on Israel (and by some I mean all of it) and start to work some stuff out. You don't want Israel as an ally.

Don't you wonder why other nations aren't coming to Israel's aid? Why is the international press not chiding Obama or the US for this? Don't you wonder?
edit on 17/9/2012 by CosmicEgg because: figure it out.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Why do you not understand that it's his own wolf-crying that has earned him the place of irrelevance that he's forced to occupy now? Netanyahu, for all intents and purposes, has a dunce cap on his pointed head and is sitting in the corner. NO ONE wants anything to do with him because all the crap he's spouting is exactly that:

It is completely irresponsible for the POTUS to turn his back on an ally. I’m not saying the US should help Israel attack Iran or any other country. I’m saying the POTUS should talk Israel off the ledge….it’s the responsible thing to do.

Obama is doing the right thing here, whether you and Flyers Fan see it or not.

Obama is putting his fingers in his ears and hoping this will go away. That’s the same way he handles most problems. That is not leadership, sir. Obama is focused on his re-election and his golf game. The guy can't even show up for his security briefings.

You all need to calm down, read some history on Israel (and by some I mean all of it) and start to work some stuff out. You don't want Israel as an ally.

Thanks, professor!
Israel already is an ally.

Don't you wonder why other nations aren't coming to Israel's aid? Why is the international press not chiding Obama or the US for this? Don't you wonder?

Other nations are coming to Israel’s aide!

Warships from more than 25 countries, including the U.S., Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are taking part in the annual 12-day exercise to prepare for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, according to British newspaper Daily Telegraph. The report said the navies will practice tactics regarding how to breach an Iranian blockade of the strait and the force will also undertake counter-mining drills.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by seabag

Are you sure that's what the exercise is about? And did you notice that the first country listed is headed by the leader you said was doing nothing? Do you even know what's going on and why?

Try again.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Sadly, there are morons across the nation listening to this dribble and buying into whatever pours from his sad, pathetic, war mongering, lips.

So thankful I don't watch the news. Won't ever have to be reminded of how ridiculous this world's leaders truly are.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by unknown1234?

LOL I suggest you do a lot more thinking before you type. So you aren't capable of being aware of a quantity without knowing the exact number in that quantity? You couldn't see three hundred jelly beans and be aware that it is not tens of jelly beans?

Do you understand?

I am no parroting anyone.I should have said (for the sake of you, the one person that didn't understand) that they have several hundred nukes that are not completely verified. I should have said "verified" for you, the condescending ass.
We know they have nukes we just don't know how many and it is suspected to be between 100 to 200 warheads.

So what exactly was your point besides trying to be a condescending asshole? Or did your post some how change the fact that they went behind America's back and started an illegal nuclear weapons program? That's what I love about you tools of ATS you will pick an error to death, but never actually engage a discussion point.

edit on 17-9-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
.You will live to regret the day you ever vote Romney into office, I promise you.

I'm not voting for Romney. I'm not voting for Obama either. They are one in the same.

You don't want Israel as an ally.

Israel is an ally on paper .. but not in real life.

Originally posted by seabag
Obama is focused on his re-election and his golf game. The guy can't even show up for his security briefings.

And his daily calendar is empty. Which means he has time to do his job .. meet with Netanyahu in person and smack him in the nose with a newspaper and say ... bad bibi .. bad bad bibi .. no war bibi ...

That kind of thing has to be done in person. It can't be done properly on a phone or through the mail. A personal 'sit down' and SMACK DOWN by the POTUS is needed. Obviously giving Netanyahu the cold shoulder isn't working. They guy is just going on American TV and chatting up war ....

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Are you sure that's what the exercise is about?

That’s what the article clearly suggests…..

And did you notice that the first country listed is headed by the leader you said was doing nothing?

I said he had every opportunity to de-escalate this situation and he failed. I don’t want the US to go to war…I’d prefer no war at all. And if there has to be war I prefer Israel handle its own business. We will likely be dragged into this conflict because Obama refused to talk some sense into Bibi.....again, a huge leadership failure that will result in the loss of more American lives.

Do you even know what's going on and why?

Obviously I do….

Try again.

No need…I’ve made my point.

edit on 17-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:18 PM
Sorry benny, i wont support your agenda. As far as Im concerned, if you want them so bad, you dont need anyones backing, you've never needed any backing in anything youve done to your neighbors so I take it that the Iranians have you looking over your shoulders.

Good luck benny.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by bjarneorn
The Arabs, are just a bunch of racist goons. That continuously speak out about the Holocust, with no other motive than to "insult" jews. Holocust denial, being thousand times worse an insult, than any crap-movie about Mohammed.

I suggest you stop supporting racist scum, be they arabs or germans, has no relevance.

Racism, my dear child, walk around any orthodox area of Israel and you will see true racism. We are nothing but goyim to them. You should read the Talmud and see what the Jews think of non-jews, and how they are to be treated. Your ignorance is unfortunate.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Drezden
Racism, my dear child, walk around any orthodox area of Israel and you will see true racism. We are nothing but goyim to them. You should read the Talmud and see what the Jews think of non-jews, and how they are to be treated. Your ignorance is unfortunate.

Thank you for pointing that out. People are so quick to label every single Muslim as a fanatic. There are "fanatics" under every cloth of religion. And Israel has MANY. It's funny.. I don't recall Iran having any "Muslim Only" roads. Israel has "Jewish only". Who really are the racists?

And to anyone slamming Obama (who I am not a fan of) saying that he turned his back on Israel. Let me ask you this... would you let your son or daughter go die for them? Would YOU go fight to defend Israel? I'm sorry but it is NOT our job to help Israel every time it starts a problem. And I DO agree with a poster who made a comment about that "video" that was released. What convenient timing for Bibi. A pro-arab diplomat in Libya gets killed (never mind that it was a LONG way away from the protests) and now we have Israel pandering to the American people to help Israel. How convenient the timing (our elections only 2 months away). We know Israel hasn't been happy with Obama's lack of bowing to them. We know Romney would love to be Israels $2 whore. So of course they are trying to influence us. Just look at the DNC and what happened with the whole "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel" thing.

I hate to say it unfortunately... Iran will be attacked, Iran will retaliate, and things will go from bad to MUCH worse for our troops over there. All because a tiny tiny little nation couldn't get along with its neighbors.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Funny how so many of the resident jew-haters at the same time claim Iran has peaceful intentions. They said that about Hitler too before WWII erupted. History is repeating itself. As soon as they get the bomb all hell will break loose. The jew-haters know this, they're just pretending. Netanyahu seems to be one of very, very few non-delusional people around.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by lucid eyes
Funny how so many of the resident jew-haters at the same time claim Iran has peaceful intentions. They said that about Hitler too before WWII erupted. History is repeating itself. As soon as they get the bomb all hell will break loose. The jew-haters know this, they're just pretending. Netanyahu seems to be one of very, very few non-delusional people around.

Hating Israel is not the same as being a Jew Hater. The sooner you racist idiots realize that the better. That seems to be your only defense. "Someone's against Israel? Label em an anti-semite!".

Netanyahu non-delusional? LMFAO!! Ok.. so I can guess your going to be buying your plane ticket to Israel and enlisting in the IDF to defend them??

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