A small rant just because i can, as the subject states about respect.
assuming that we should all get basic human respect to begin with,
where does anyone get off asking anyone else to respect things
beyond that, the example i will use is the current big issue of islam
demanding respect for its prophet by people who simply dont believe
in it.
to me this is just wrong all around, i for one dont believe in any religion
on the planet and to think that i must respect those with childish
beliefs is an insult, it is a direct attack on critical thinking, freedom
and the right to choose your own way in life, to respect something
like religion at all i would first have to agree that they arent just
all whack jobs that believe in sky faeries.
to me this is tantamount to a delusional person who believes that
theres a spaceship following a comet and i have to kill myself
to join it on its close pass by earth, most people can agree thats
insane and delusional yet somehow a magic man who is all powerful
and demands the world be destroyed one way or the other is ok.
i am so baffled by this it isnt even funny anymore.
at this point not only is it not funny anymore its down right dangerous,
and i do mean all religions as they are pretty much all capable of
this type of insanity, i could provide obvious examples but we have
all heard those time and again, no what i want to point out is that
if you act insane and have insane beliefs dont be surprised when
people fear you and want to keep you away from them as much as
possible, you see to me your religion is scary as H E double hockey sticks.
if you want to live in delusion the very least you can do is leave us
half sane folks out of it, i want no part of your lunacy at all, i dont
respect you to begin with at all so demanding it thru violence or
use of voting force simply proves that im right in not respecting your
delusion, its dangerous and i simply as a logical thinking human
being cannot condone it in any way shape or form, as peaceful as they all
claim to be the actions simply speak louder than words.
religion will at least do one thing it promises, i can almost garontee
that it will be the end of the world, they will probably get what they want
and end it all, yet the aftermath will be satisfying for me at least,
for them to finally see what it is they truly did, at least those left
alive long enough to see anything.
and honestly i hope there is some kind of existence after the
physical one, i can think of no greater punishment for a life
of ignorant servitude than to lose the ability to enslave those
around you and exist as a completely free entity. freedom will
always live on, it is simply not something you can snuff out.
yep being forced to truly respect those around you and leave
them alone would simply drive these people insane. muhahahaha
edit on 16-9-2012 by bloodreviara because: because tornados and llamas
edit on 16-9-2012 by bloodreviara because: (no reason