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Another FBI-created 'terrorist'

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posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 07:33 AM
I think what many off you are misunderstanding is that this guy was already an active member of Jihadist forums and was extremely anti-American to the point of threatening lives. He was a loose cannon, and the FBI saw him as a threat (rightly so). Yes they provided the materials, but they couldn't be sure if he was committed to terrorism or not.

He pulled the trigger, so he deserved what he got.

He was a terrorist in the making. The FBI just had to prove it before it was too late.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 11:40 AM
How else are they going to justify wasting billions of tax payers dollars, removing your rights and laws like The Patriot Act? They have to justify that crap some how.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:02 PM
Its everything that J. Edgar Hoover wanted the FBI to be, but was not allowed.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

I'm pretty sure I could talk anyone with emotional or psychological problems into doing something against the law, even something as heinous as a car bomb.

Many are doing, and succeeding at, that very thing. Unfortunately, most of those recruiting such unstable individuals actually DO want to see "heinous" crimes committed.

I think it's entrapment at best, and diabolical at worst.

Your thinking is flawed:

In criminal law, entrapment is conduct by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit. In many jurisdictions, entrapment is a possible defense against criminal liability. However, there is no entrapment where a person is ready and willing to break the law and the government agents merely provide what appears to be a favorable opportunity for the person to commit the crime.


In May, two undercover FBI agents contacted Daoud in response to the postings and exchanged several electronic messages with him in which he expressed an interest in engaging in violent jihad in the United States or abroad, according to an affidavit by an FBI special agent.


Daoud was"ready and willing to break the law", and was actively seeking "a favorable opportunity". I am truly thankful that the FBI gave him that "favorable opportunity" before anyone else did. Why aren't you?

See ya,
edit on 16-9-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:13 PM
Its documented fact that the FBI provided the FIRST WTC bomb...........they even could have had a dud bomb created, but insisted that the thing be real.......
After this was brought out the FBI has lost ALL credibility.
Its been obvious that the FBI created many terrorists in the ensuing years.....This rogue organisation is part of the shadow goverments enforcement arm......
Any US citizen,....or anyone else for that meat for their psywar agenda of controlling the reality of the maajority of US citizens....
The media, the LEOs and other agencies all work in concert to plant the social memes and emotional state of the nation.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

They create the terrorist scenario, convince someone to act on it and then arrest them.

Nonsense! Daoud had already expressed a desire to commit an act of "violent jihad". The FBI only gave him an opportunity to act out his fantasy.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

"Only the government could have made a terrorist out of Mr Cromitie, a man whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in its scope,"

That statement is a PRIME example of "buffoonery"! If the government "made a terrorist out of Mr Cromitie", I have absolutely no doubt that "InTheFlesh1980", or anyone else for that matter, could have done the same.

Furthermore, Shakespearean buffoons seems to be a fairly accurate discription of Richard Reid and Umar Abdulmutallab. I don't believe they were coerced by "Uncle Sam".

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:14 PM
agreed, the FBI shouldn`t have done that, that wanna be terrorist got better than he deserved. he should have been picked up by homeland security and locked away in gitmo or some other facility indefinitely.

The FBI didn`t go looking for him, he initiated contact by posting online that he wanted help to commit a terrorist act. he had 4 months to change his mind,the only thing i see wrong here is that the FBI wasted 4 months investigating this fool. Like i said he should have been picked up and held indefinitely by homeland security the same day that he posted those messages online.

Good riddance to him, one less thug wanna be terrorist on the streets.
edit on 16-9-2012 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by jam321

But what IF the FBI did nothing and the kid did get something off? What then would be the response?

Many of us would be screaming that our government didn't do enough to protect us. Those claiming this incident is a case of entrapment would, most likely, be screaming the loudest.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by r2d246

Well if you listen to Alex Jones and others you eventually start to realize who the real criminals in society are.

I don't listen to anyone that tries to tell me what to think! They ALWAYS have an agenda! In regard to Alex Jones, it's MONEY!

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

If they weren't arresting terrorists there wouldn't be a need for an anti-terror department, which means that they'd have to go after real criminals. The kind that shoot back.

We don't have an "anti-terror department, which means" your argument just fell flat on it's face.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

How about watch him instead of encourage and arm him?

What's wrong with setting a trap? That's the best way I know of to catch a rat! Nobody pushed Daoud into the FBI's trap. Like all rats, he took the bait eagerly, and willingly. If he had been "pushed" into that trap, that would indeed be entrapment.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by InTheFlesh1980
I just read this article about an 18 year-old kid that the FBI arrested. Undercover FBI agents talked the kid into blowing up a car bomb outside a bar in Chicago, provided him with the bomb and an accomplice (an undercover agent) then arrested him when he pushed the button to detonate the phony bomb.

Source: Teen charged with trying to blow up Chicago bar

I seem to recall several similar incidents in the past couple of years. Something is seriously wrong with this methodology. I'm pretty sure I could talk anyone with emotional or psychological problems into doing something against the law, even something as heinous as a car bomb.

What do you think? I think it's entrapment at best, and diabolical at worst. To me, the FBI should be charged with coercion. I guarantee they damn near brainwash these so-called young terrorists. They probably choose someone with a lot of problems and a weak mind who just needs some medication and a good friend.


posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:09 PM
Man wish I had these oppurtunities! I would get close to fruitision and turn them; the instagtors; into someone like Homeland Securtiy =D

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Soon they won't even need to spend money watching us - many of us will volunteer to do it, and we'll be more hypercritical and judgmental than any law enforcement agency can legally be.

I've been hearing that same crap for over fifty years! Even you imply that it hasn't happened yet. "Soon" is one of the most overused, and often misused, words in the English language.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

Find a punk kid who got picked on in high school whose girlfriend just broke up with him and I guarantee he's mad at the world and emotionally unstable. Now, make him feel like he's part of a neat little group and beat into his brain some ridiculous propaganda. Then, give him a ride, a bomb, and a great 'buddy'. Then arrest him.

That's a nice theory, and all, but there is one glaring little problem with it: It's nothing but nonsense! All you're doing is offering excuses for criminal behavior.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by orbitbaby

Every time we hear of a so-called "thwarted" terrorist
attack, it's the FBI who manipulated contact and supplied all of the material and know how to
the so-called (underage, easily manipulated) terrorists.

Nonsense! I've heard of a number of "thwarted" terrorist attacks that the FBI wasn't behind. You need to "listen" to more sources.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by BenReclused

This was the the statement by the JUDGE in the case.

Originally posted by BenReclused
I don't believe they were coerced by "Uncle Sam".

Then you need to arise from your make-believe version of reality.

Kurt Haskell and his wife, both lawyers, saw the underwear bomber escorted onto the plane. They have now come out publicly and fully believe that it was an inside job. In testimony, Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick F. Kennedy admitted to allowing him onto the plane and approving his visa.

edit on 16-9-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Then you need to arise from your make-believe version of reality.

I watched both videos. As I suspected, they only confirmed that you don't understand the meaning of the word "coerced". Perhaps you should "arise" and fetch a dictionary. Furthermore, basing your reality on nothing more than speculation is the very definition of "make-believe".

See ya,
edit on 16-9-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Got to keep the arrest numbers up. Especially for terrorists.
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

You don't know how true that is. Agents are graded on their ability to close cases, and if their numbers are down, what better way to get the numbers up, than create a scenario, arrest the dumb fool stupid enough to fall for it, and presto, here come the merit raises, and possible promotions. The FBI is just another corporation, but with much more power. Climb up that corporate FBI ladder. Arrest those poor fools.......disgusting!

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