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Shame on you ATS I refuse to HATE

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posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Logman
If you want god-fearing, white-loving, brown-skin hating, neocon bigotry then you need but go to GLP. That place is a cesspool of IQ deprived Obama hating Christian bible-bashers. It's crazy the crap that gets posted on there.

Of course, because that is the only type of person who hates, isn't it?.

I agree with the OP to an extent, but and may be this is just me thinking the way I do because my work for years has involved the very negative aspect of Human behaviour, but I feel that just because you love, does not mean the world should or does love you. I would love nothing more than people to just live their lives, let others be and that is it, unfortunately the world is not like that.

As much as the above quote is just as filled with hate as the stereotypical hate filled person described and presented to us in the mainstream, it is typical of how Humans generally are a mixed bag of emotions and to not hate, perhaps, is more destructive than to hate, even if that hate is hating people who hate, I think it is generally impossible to not hate, or at least not dislike.

There is a lot of hate in the world, but also there is a lot of love which there must be in order to maintain balance. However, I think you find that we all hate something and to try and control people's hate would itself create more hate and to what right do we have to dictate to others as to what they feel?

So I agree that the world would be a greater place if we all loved and held hands and could go to areas without fear of being victims of crime or go to countries without risk of being kidnapped and beheaded. Unfortunately, you either accept that as a Human emotion hate is all around as much as love is, or you take the risk of living care free and hoping everyone you encounter also live just as care free. However, I'd rather be as cynical as I am and not take the risk and be safe.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:39 AM
Taking a stand, defending what is yours, is not hate.

I haven't heard the west declaring war against Islam, but I've heard Islam (text book Islam) and Muslims declaring war against the west.
Minority? out of 1.4 billion, that's a hell of a lot of extremists out there.

This is not about hate, but yes, this about taking sides. Either to stay alive – literally - or / and live the way you chose to live in, or be gone.
Protecting your loved ones is not about hate, it's about taking a firm stand and say: enough is enough, you just pissed me off one too many times, and it's pay back time.

Where would we be now, if it wasn't for the USA taking sides in WWI, WWII, Cold war ?
I don't know about you, but I'm glad I didn't have to learn Russian or German.
If there's anything to learn from history, it's names like Neville Chamberlain, Philippe Petain, Emil Hacha etc.

It's time for this silly political correctness to vanish. WWIII had begun a long time ago.

Peace !

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by gravitational

Just a thought since when did the middle east belong to the US of A? In fact the US of A would not exist had it not been for the fact that the original population of the land more or less did not defend what was theirs - so as a modern American at least recognize that 'your' land and what is 'yours' exists only because someone else let you have it.

Let's not argue about the whole what happened. Bottom line and the point I am making is history your end of the world would have looked much different had the natives been a people who were ready to concur in order to mold the world in favour of their beliefs. Maybe the British islands and France would have spoken Cherokee and Sioux instead.

Defending by the way means when someone comes into your home you have a right to ward them off not going to someone elses home to tell them where the bed should lay. That is being on the attack. As long as you are in the middle east doing things you are the attacker not the defender. They are the defenders of their rights to be in their own home.

Yes there is a time to defend and a time to walk away. Maybe walking away when recognizing that a few bad apples does not represent the tree is a good measure? I.e not hating on a whole nation for what it's less(ers) do.

Not every 'other' is a violent flag burning suicidal person, and not all Americans are ignorant self centered money driven invaders

If we are to teach those we feel in need of teaching then it is worth remembering that our students do as we do not as we say.

And before you say I have something against America or Americans I don't. There is a very simple reason for this but it belongs to another topic

Much love

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 07:31 AM
Haven't got time for hate.
I'm far too busy being baffled.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 07:39 AM
Great now I hate hate and I hate being baffled! My therapist is going to be ssssoo confused later this week!

And, Slayer, dude... I've been at the door all morning and have yet to see a Fed Ex guy bringing me ribeye!


posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

For myself it's really hard and I'm on the fence about it all !! My neighbors are Muslim , they have 2 young daughters who play with my daughter and there elderly father lives with them . They are the greatest people , they wish us merry Christmas and we wish them happy Ramandan , my wife likes gardening and takes care of their flowers and I often talk to the father when he's sitting in the yard . But at the same time I have this hatred for the extremist Muslims and fear for my family for what the future brings when Islam becomes a bigger majority in Canada . I really don't like feeling this way !

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by rick004
reply to post by SLAYER69

I said it in another thread and I will say it here ! The issue is the moderate Muslims who are not saying anything about what the extremist Muslims are doing ? Whose side are they on ?

THIS is the heart of the entire problem. If there were a VOCAL group of Muslims who came on to national news outlets to speak up against the radical fringe group of extremists I think that would go a long way to cooling tensions. I saw a couple pictures of the individuals in Libya who spoke out against the attacks but that certainly did not make headline news here in the states.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I think he is talking about that member with a similar name, just let it go my positive minded friend. (Looks like this poster will not make your video next year? Well, that is unless they repent and bow to the powerful force that is our Slayer69)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Hefficide


I ated it its....

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
That's right, You heard me, Yes you. I refuse to fall into the self replenishing cycle of HATE.

With all that is going on right now it's very easy for many to pick sides and start slinging HATE and MOB rule take effect. Even here at ATS, I've read some horrible things. I've posted my opinion but refuse to HATE.

I wont do it.

I wont bash one faith simply because a certain small percentage in it cant join the 21rst Century. I also refuse to jump on the slam an entire religion due to the action of the same small [Although very vocal] minority bandwagon. As an American I wont give up my right to freedom of speech due to some Moron dubbing a video in his mommies basement nor because somebody was offended.

This whole situation is one Giant Cluster #$%#@$

I need a drink...

I commend you SLAYER69!!

I too am offended at the amount of rheteric being spewed by some of those on this site! All this hate speech will divide us further and we should be on the path to understanding and unity! I feel pity for those that think violence
is the path to the future! For those on both sides of the world! We are heading into some very rough times and if
peace can only be found in a grave then humanity will follow the way of the dinosaurs! I am sorry for those of you that have no sympathy for your islamic brothers and i'm sorry that there are those in the middle east that have no recoarse but to lash out at Americans but this constant swap of hate will inevitably bring us to our destruction!
If you can't see this happening then I pitty your closed minded views!
Can't you see that you are being guided by big brother and this is what they want to happen! They need us to be at each others throats this way they can continue to enslave us without worry about us unifying against them!
The money changers are winning and with every fiber of hate their agenda moves closer to population reduction!
We are so easy to manipulate because we so easily allow our emotions to sway our opinions! Wake up ATS we are losing our very lives because we refuse to see the obvious!

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:54 AM
There is enough hate in the US already

I refuse to fall into the self replenishing cycle of HATE.

Good onya SLAYER69

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:39 PM
I'm offended at hating hate so now I must be a hateophobe.

Hey, it could happen.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Wise words indeed. Hate is something which must be defeated. It is hate which causes a lack of unity and causes people to go against each other in order to fuel their own agenda. I am open to hear out anyone, no matter how far-fetch their beliefs may be. I don`t have to accept their ideas but I own it to them to at least take the time to listen.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

oh come on now. Obama is not the center of all the ills of society, And he is 100% not a socialist.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I wont bash one faith simply because a certain small percentage in it cant join the 21rst Century. I also refuse to jump on the slam an entire religion due to the action of the same small [Although very vocal] minority bandwagon. As an American I wont give up my right to freedom of speech due to some Moron dubbing a video in his mommies basement nor because somebody was offended.

lol you didn't get the memo did you? Having a religion is the new black

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
I'm offended at hating hate so now I must be a hateophobe.

Hey, it could happen.

Come join the loveophiles over here being a hateophobe is so last year.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:51 PM
Yeah, I'll get you a drink.............................................................................................

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 10:13 PM
I admit, I tend to be critical of different groups, but I don't hate, and I think it is wrong to hate.

I also think this is a good place to discuss differences.

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