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WWIII Is Coming Soon & Here's Why!? (Great Video)

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posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:30 PM
I think we will have a WW3 but it wont be a Nuclear Holocaust we all expect, maybe one or 2 nukes will be set off but overall it will mostly be fought in the middle east and parts of Europe Asia and South Western USA.

Mostly Ground troops and Air combat.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:35 PM
I'm sorry guys but i'm really going to have to step off the train. This video is huge speculation. The maker of it ignored every single socio-political issue going on in these countries and focuses ONLY on NATOs intervention. By the way, NATO doest NOT equal the United States. The creator of this video makes NATO seem like the US private arms contractor to carry out their dirty work. Yes, the US spent billions and billions on military might, good, I'm glad they did. Now i'm protected, does that make me a war monger? Sure hope not.

The only thing in the video that I can cling on to is the concept of Russia and China protecting Iran. I think the worst thing that could happen is a draft kind of like Vietnam 2.0, but not WORLD WAR III

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:36 PM

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by sirhumperdink
there is not going to be a ww3 simply due to the fact that every ones economy and standard of living is dependent on global trade and cooperation
what we are seeing now are the death throes of the power structure instituted at the end of ww2/beginning of the cold war as the elderly people who gained and held power through that structure make a mad dash to maintain control

the world isnt what it once was it is becoming more and more globalized and no country of significance can afford to go to war with any other and it is becoming more and more beneficial to cooperate
edit on 16-9-2012 by sirhumperdink because: (no reason given)


The current world is unprecedented. We're in a change of an older dichotomy like nèver seen before. Where once the virtual, and the physical were twó vèry distinct entities, they are now melting together in an intrigueing way.

Example: A guy in Arizona, directs a drone to bomb a facility. Controlling the drone remote, only seeing the "virtual" representation of the bombing. Destroyed facility becomes a virtual "existence" in some spread-sheet.

In the financial world: A guy punches-in a few numbers, gets a few numbers back..voilá Treasure-notes traded.... Múch cheaper. Múch less hassle.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:57 PM


posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:04 PM


posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:04 PM
This is no different than any other "doom porn" thread. There is no hard evidence to your claim, just opinion and speculation. And if WW3 does happen, I doubt any of us will be around to say "I told you so"

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by LiberLegit
I'm sorry guys but i'm really going to have to step off the train. This video is huge speculation. The maker of it ignored every single socio-political issue going on in these countries and focuses ONLY on NATOs intervention. By the way, NATO doest NOT equal the United States. The creator of this video makes NATO seem like the US private arms contractor to carry out their dirty work. Yes, the US spent billions and billions on military might, good, I'm glad they did. Now i'm protected, does that make me a war monger? Sure hope not.

The only thing in the video that I can cling on to is the concept of Russia and China protecting Iran. I think the worst thing that could happen is a draft kind of like Vietnam 2.0, but not WORLD WAR III

But the fact remains that the US has been spending loads of money the last 80 years in psy ops... I remember looking through their public spending a year or so ago and the amount spent on psyops is amazing.

Psyops consists not only of programs like affecting peoples through radio and tv broadcasts, but also in instigating opposition to any government not liked by those above the US presidency.
It has happened again and again and that simply can't be ignored.

- We know the US kept the secret of those 20.000 polish soldiers and used it to blame the Germans
- We know that they overthrew a democratically elected president in Iran in 1954
- We know that they overthrew the democratically elected president in Chile in 1973
- We know that the US with the help from Mossad invented evidence about non-existent WMDs in Iraq in the 90s and 00s
- We know that the US dollar was in danger from being challenged by a new african currency the gold Dinar
- And now we DONT know that Iran have or ever will have nuclear weapons, because the only intelligence we get fed through the media is that of those who dislikes Iran... there's no objectivity... none. Just because Netanyahu stands up and says a lot of *#!& doesn't mean it's actually true. Since he's motives come from fairytale scriptures it would take oodles and oodles of persuasion to ever make me believe that this man is sane at all.
- Ofcourse we also know that Iran has some strong rethoric, but how much bullying can you take yourself before you start lashing out? (remember 1954 again??)

The fact is... the powers above the US presidency has necessary leverage to affect the choice of weak "statesmen" of the world. They can make problems appear and sympathies disappear. They can make military might play according to their plans under the pretence of the illusion of democracy and freedom for peoples.
They have the necessary means to broadcast to you the exact words and threats that they would like you to hear. Since they own the majority of the stuff it doesn't even have to be true, because every time, until now, that someone who knows how it really is, calls out their bluff or lies, they get hammered as being conspiracy buffs, dissidents, instigators of violence or even anti-semetic (biggest joke...).

World War III is a battle between money men... not peoples. I have no grudge with the people or Iran, Israel or what ever. They probably love their own kids as much as I love mine and just that kind of assures me that they don't wish anything bad to happen to me either.

We all suffer under the regimes of politicians who have no real power. They let their guard down after the 2nd World War and got swayed by money men who's only goal is more and more pointless profit.

At the same time that these people of the Elite have acquired all this wealth, we have millions of innocent and equally as human people in Africa suffering because they have no food... no jobs and no peace.
Why does one man need billions of dollars on his or her bank account when the contents of that bank account could help those people in Africa with building schools, creating jobs, cultivating the lands and organising proper conditions for them selves and end corruption?

That is beyond me... therefor I will NEVER support ANY governments decision to wage war or use any form of rhetoric that instills to create war for the purpose of gain for the few.

We cannot trust any elected official anymore. At least not those whose actions show no consideration to their fellow man regardless of skin and religion.

Once world war III breaks out, let's hope that the people of Earth will be standing at the steps of each of their governments waving banners demanding them to end their participation in war and step down so democracy can once again flourish in it's true form.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I have had these same thoughts! I hope we don't let it go so far as nuclear war but i also feel that there are too few of us willing to stand against the imperialistic ideology that only benefits the bankers! Though some are starting to come around to the facts but will enough of us wake in time to act? How do people still believe that we have any means to change things through the ficticious democracy some still put their faith in? I am very skeptical that those of us existing in America without enough time to even take our children to a movie will realize in time for actions to be taken! This is the number one problem we are facing! Without a trustworthy delivery system that can get them this information and enough time for them to disect our impending problems! nevermind anything in the form of information spreading through word of mouth! So how can we expect our fellow citizens to make any informed decisions?
Nevermind being able to take action against this power elite!
This is just one of the problems we now face over the next decade! If we start to look at other issues like global warming, resource depletion, overpopulation, pollution and natural disasters then the control of wealth is an underlying cause of all these problems which will lead us back to WWIII! I am no doom sayer, end timer or prepper and if this war does happen it's end game for me! I feel the only way we can defeat those in control is through edjucation, communication, understanding and unity amungst the unedjucated masses! This will be the only road that will bring us peace! Anyone that thinks by maintaining a strong military, state sovereignty and overwhelming force is the way to maintain order is a fool! Cause we have seen this demonstrated over the past 99 years with created more suffering, famine, pestilence and disorder!
I don't know if we will ever learn how to attain a sustainable society capable of individual freedoms for all man kind but after all the technological achievements you would think we would have achieved some social breakthroughs! Or is it peace is only reserved for the dead?

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Just a correction, I see WW3 coming for some other reasons and NOT your federal reserve stuff..

• North Korea threatens US and says \enough\ to US presence around. Also we can say Nkorea an enemy to South Korea that is supported by the US.

• Iran also against Israel, Israel supported by the US, Israel disagrees on US's lack of serious decision towards Iran, Israel threatens to EMP Iran's Nuclear Program to stop it.

• Economy crises - while somewhere countries stablize, others not going well including in EU, debts

• Protests of many people against bankers and those who bring people to misery

• Protests AGAINST THE MOVIE RIDICULING ALLAH all over the world

• Various political unrest in Siria that is torn between US supporters and those that do not, there was even a speech of the terrorists addressing Siria and that they do not follow what their religion tells them

All this currently is making the situation unstable and on the edge, if something bigger occurs, it may happen sooner. One thing - may it bring an end to this RELIGIOUS FANATISM AND ALL FANATICS IN RELIGION DIE WITH IT

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
Just a correction, I see WW3 coming for some other reasons and NOT your federal reserve stuff..

• North Korea threatens US and says \enough\ to US presence around. Also we can say Nkorea an enemy to South Korea that is supported by the US.

• Iran also against Israel, Israel supported by the US, Israel disagrees on US's lack of serious decision towards Iran, Israel threatens to EMP Iran's Nuclear Program to stop it.

• Economy crises - while somewhere countries stablize, others not going well including in EU, debts

• Protests of many people against bankers and those who bring people to misery

• Protests AGAINST THE MOVIE RIDICULING ALLAH all over the world

• Various political unrest in Siria that is torn between US supporters and those that do not, there was even a speech of the terrorists addressing Siria and that they do not follow what their religion tells them

All this currently is making the situation unstable and on the edge, if something bigger occurs, it may happen sooner. One thing - may it bring an end to this RELIGIOUS FANATISM AND ALL FANATICS IN RELIGION DIE WITH IT

But that still brings us back to the motives of the west...... basically, if we in the west stayed out of the middle east and let them battle it out, or remain vigilant at reaching a non-violent result, then we would NEVER be in danger. We can never blame an entire country for the actions of single "terrorist" incidents, which in many cases probably are false flags to sway our minds towards decisions of waging war.

All wars right now (or since ever...) are entirely based on greed, nothing else.

This is where the FED comes in. Like said in the video, there's more to it that just ending the FED. We still have to deal with the insane people behind the FED and their apprentices.
We still have to chose to believe our own hearts that those we are told are enemies are instead friends... fellow men and women, regardless of religion.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Lonewulph

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by Corruption Exposed
As long as there is half the adult population in this country on the government dole, you will never be able to create a revolution of any kind, why you say, because now the government has 60+ million brown shirts that will not allow anyone to take what they fell is there way of life. Sure they are mostly nothing but cannon fodder but 60+ million strong......................well maybe 57+ million, you won't get some off the couch............even if it did mean loosing there free ride.

Bingo! +1
As long as they get their free ride , they don't care if they bleed the system to death, so they'll stay on the couch or porch eating McDonald's and breeding like rabbits until its all gone then migrate somewhere else to find the leafy green foliage and stuff themselves there until its gone too.

I.e., My friends are more concerned with the Kardashiens and Kate Middleton to pay attention to what's really important, I fear the same trends across this country, a pop culture that takes everything for granted.
The only thing that will wake this country the # up is actually ww3. Until then, the majority of our American youth a$$clowns only care about is music, texting, looking at pop and looking hot.
edit on 15-9-2012 by Lonewulph because: (no reason given)

And please stop putting all of this on the young people and those who may be collecting a disability check. The young people need leadership and I'm certain they will do what is right if/when they know and understand just what that is.

Those who are on the dole [or collecting disability like myself] will also do what's needed. It's all well and good to blame others, when a look in the mirror is what is required.. of each of us!

I'm doing my best in stage ll, and as much as I can. I have very little money, but hold on to every dime I can and have some set back. Not because I think it will do me much good, but because collectively it might do us all some good. I have only the necessary things and nothing extra or fancy, cars paid off, no credit card, just the essentials.
Many people are starting to hold back, or hold on. Stop feeding them..stagell.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 05:06 PM
World War III has already started. It is a war for control and manipulation of your mind, although most people won't notice until the violent symptoms of mind control manifest themselves in the physical realm. It's impossible to predict when that will happen, however it is logical to assume that this world will not cease to keep getting faster and more violent. We will only have peace when people can learn to find peace with their own self. Until then buckle up and enjoy the ride because nothing here really matters anyways.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 05:39 PM
So the reptillians are not strong enough to destroy humanity and they want "the royals" and masonry to do it for them? Is this why masonry is self-declared as "a society of secrets"? These utter cowards could not stand a minute's worth of scrutiny out in the open, so they have to keep plotting to backstab countries via private central banks in pure darkness.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by moniesisfun

Originally posted by randyvs
Stuff like this is naive as all hell.

So basically you're saying you're a hypocrite and I'm a winner!!


edit on 16-9-2012 by moniesisfun because: (no reason given)

No, I think he's saying definitely not a winner? Delusional and ignorant are closer to it... but loser is probably best for Poster Boy's for Eugenics.

When the last few generations are marched off to war the rest of us will cheer. Natural selection finally demonstrated and the world will be a better place.

edit on 16-9-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-9-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 05:46 PM

I found the video very informative and plan to pass this on...shame they didn't put links or else I would like to be involved

The threat of World War Three is upon us everyone, and as the narrator said: It's not if, but when. I give it at least 5 years.

Remember this quote by Albert Einstein:

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:12 PM
I think that the only thing, or issue, that will create a revolution in the US is to ban firearms. THAT would be catalyst for internal strife within the US. Most citizens are already brainwashed to the point of supporting military action in the Arabic states. They sealed their fate on 9/11 and are not making any points by NOT coming out and publicly denouncing the actions of al Qaeda. It's been over 10 years and I've still not seen anything close (could the MSM really be covering THIS up?).
Note to self: Buy more bullets...

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Brown Bear


take care, gramps!
edit on 16-9-2012 by moniesisfun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:31 PM
Its disturbing how myopic this videos diagnosis of the problem is.

It only analyses the side of the west; ignored is Islamism. You cannot come to a clear picture of American policy in the middle east without a knowledge of the threat Islam poses to western civilization.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:37 PM
I have really important info here, and maybe it will quell fears. I know I feel better from it, and I want to believe this is all thats going on.

According to the Jerusalem Post,

There is an ---annual---- gathering of multi nation fleets amassing for the --annual-- 12 day exercise,

And this is being spread and reported as a gearing up to attack Iran.

I hope this link works.

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