posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Bullies tend to get the deserved beat down, when your offensive in public. See the police, shooting at those violent protests over in the Middle East?
But we are suppose to believe that these demonstrations and violence is NOT representative of their respective Islamic countries? "Oh, it's just the
extremists. They don't have rights like you and me."
So what we get, is protesting marginalized. The protestors are all extremist. The protestors are only a few hundred people at each consulate. The
protests will dies down. The protests... I wonder what else is going on, cause guess what, I haven't heard ANYONE in real life talking about it over
here in America. We just shrug our shoulders and continue on with our day.
We are led. All of us. The best thing this can turn into is a dismantle of corporations and big bank. A retreat and cut off from Eastern countries is
my vote. Do you think that will happen?
It's quite easy to be offensive when you don't have to own up to what you said, isn't it? Don't want a target on YOUR back, do you? Bully posts
are generally removed as T&C violations. ATS monitors and mediates it's online content, in and with, regards and respect towards all it's users.
This parody was not in good taste. That the film made it past T&C astounds and sickens me. Freedom of speech, does not mean, the freedom to be
offensive and incite violence that might spark international war! But hey, this is a great tool, in furthering the us against them mentality. Isn't
Great change - 2012.
I guess the Mayans were right!
There is nothing in that internet spoof, except a message meant to cause public outrage and protesting.
Nice work Google, you are bullies. (The company that is.) To the OP, S&F, for creating a thought-provoking thread. None of my opinions, which are
subject to change, were directed toward you. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around all the activity that has gone on since