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Mid-East Violence Filmmaker says he has No Regrets over making the film

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posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by angrysniper

Originally posted by billy197300
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

He should be taken and left tied up in front of one of our embassies and left there. Or turned over to the marines whose buddies died because of his stupid film. I am sure he would regret it then. For the few minutes he was still alive anyway. What a douche.

Or.. how about the people that choose out of their own free will to behave like savages in the name of their religion be killed - or at the very least imprisoned - for what they've done?

Absolutely, I agree, those people are savages and should all be held responsible . The guy who made the video as well. The fact that he doesn't care that people died as a result of his actions tells me that he had that intent in the first place and should be held responsible as well. I wouldn't feel that way if he even would have said oops or that sucks or anything other than he doesn't give a crap.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
Ah, but we know and he knew how Islam "feels" about ANYONE that desecrates their religion.

So? He still isn't to blame for the muslims acting the way they do. He has a right to his opinion. He has a right to tell the truth about Muhammed. The muslims who are rioting should grow up and learn that this is a crowded planet and that they are not special ... they don't get special treatment ... that the world shouldn't be walking on egg shells and be tippy toeing around the truth about Muhammad simply because some of the Muslims are incapable of acting in a grown up and civilized manner.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by billy197300
those people are savages and should all be held responsible . The guy who made the video as well. The fact that he doesn't care that people died as a result of his actions ...

Ahhh .. but they didn't die as a result of the actions of the film maker. They died as a result of the actions of some MUSLIMS. The film maker has no responsibility for the killings or the destruction. That rests solely on those muslims decided to riot and to kill. Blame the killers. Don't blame the fella who has a right to free speech and free opinion.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by sonnny1
Ah, but we know and he knew how Islam "feels" about ANYONE that desecrates their religion.

So? He still isn't to blame for the muslims acting the way they do. He has a right to his opinion. He has a right to tell the truth about Muhammed. The muslims who are rioting should grow up and learn that this is a crowded planet and that they are not special ... they don't get special treatment ... that the world shouldn't be walking on egg shells and be tippy toeing around the truth about Muhammad simply because some of the Muslims are incapable of acting in a grown up and civilized manner.

I don't think hes to blame, although he "knew" what Islam, and extremists might do, if they viewed his film/trailer.

Yes hes entitled to his opinion, right or wrong.

Why these Nations, that coddle extremists, are not being called out, is the million dollar question.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by billy197300
those people are savages and should all be held responsible . The guy who made the video as well. The fact that he doesn't care that people died as a result of his actions ...

Ahhh .. but they didn't die as a result of the actions of the film maker. They died as a result of the actions of some MUSLIMS. The film maker has no responsibility for the killings or the destruction. That rests solely on those muslims decided to riot and to kill. Blame the killers. Don't blame the fella who has a right to free speech and free opinion.

You know what, I have had time to think about it now and you're right Flyers, I was wrong.

Kudos for helping me see a little logic on this. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by VariableConstant
Of course there is no regret.

IMO, it's mission accomplished. The whole point of it was to kick off this nonsense.

Not to even mention some of the comments I've seen on this site, but I was at the bar tonight and people were going off about how we need to start nuking. Good lord, bloodlust is rising. Hate breeds hate. We're on a downward spiral as a species, I'm afraid.
edit on 15-9-2012 by VariableConstant because: (no reason given)

Yes, wishing to survive is hatred. Double hatred if the peoples who wish to survive are Caucasian and Christian to boot. Every people have a right to self determination, to deny that is to advocate genocide.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 06:04 AM
edited ... I was on the wrong thread. MY GOOF.
edit on 9/19/2012 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 07:25 AM
OP-I like (sarcasm) how you tried to brainwash readers of this thread, calling him a "mideast violence filmmaker."

He didnt do anything millions of us havent already done with posting our anger, frustration, etc online. He just made his visual. Don't sidetrack the issue. Muslims did what they did because they are just like that! Violent, angry religious fanatics.

Are you going to try to brainwash people into thinking that people who post their opinions online about what a vile person mohammed was are somehow the CAUSE of negative reactions of muslims?

Or would you just prefer we all stay silent until they kill us all?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Nana2
OP-I like (sarcasm) how you tried to brainwash readers of this thread, calling him a "mideast violence filmmaker."

He didnt do anything millions of us havent already done with posting our anger, frustration, etc online. He just made his visual. Don't sidetrack the issue. Muslims did what they did because they are just like that! Violent, angry religious fanatics.

Are you going to try to brainwash people into thinking that people who post their opinions online about what a vile person mohammed was are somehow the CAUSE of negative reactions of muslims?

Or would you just prefer we all stay silent until they kill us all?

I gave the thread that name because I didn't know how else to describe it. Mid-east violence filmmaker seemed to be the a phrase to use so people would know what I was writing about. That's all there is to it. No brainwashing involved. Perhaps I could have thought of a better title, but that's what popped into my head at the time.

The rest of your post is just silly and you would know the answers to your questions if you just read the thread. I do not feel posters of this topic are fueling the hate of the extremists. I do not believe people should be silent. If I did, I would not have made the thread.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 07:51 AM
Regrets ?

Watch the date and source of these cartoons:

or this:

and this:

and this:

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by BaneOfQuo
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

He had to know it would provoke a reaction. Plan and simple I believe he intended to create this level of anger around the world. The murder of the ambassador was just further fuel to the fire.

If you believe this, then welcome to total government control over what you say or do in a free country. You will fit in nicely. When we are bound even more by what might offend someone then all hope is lost.

Does 9/11 ring a bell? Violent people committed violent acts and now the innocent americans paid the price with huge losses of liberty.

The man had a right to voice his frustrations, he had a right to state his opinions. If you don;t want him to have that , then I hope you are in the minority. If we tippy toe around people who are violent at the expense of our own freedom. we have nothing.

this is like saying that a certain rock song, etc is responsible for a teenager killing himself. Should that singer be held accountable for expresssing himself in a song?? Based on your logic, that singer should not only be held accountable, but should also be forbidden from singing similiar songs.

Should movies like "natural born killers" be banned because a few nuts took it to heart?

Where does it end?

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