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Violence In Middle East Will Spead to the US

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:25 PM
Muslims living here know we have freedom of speech, they are already used to our ignorant ways and I doubt if they want conflict. There are probably some radicals here though but it would be bad for their people to start anything. I'm hoping they take care of their own problems so there is no arguing and fighting. I hope there aren't many of the hotheads that are instigating this here in America. The Muslims have the right to live here in their new homeland just as my ancestors did. I hope all the violence stays over there myself, I know a few Muslims and they seem like good people.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by penninja

I starred your post because I agree with a lot of your statements, but I disagree with your statements about corporations. Seriously, we need sanctions, taxes, and severe penalties for criminal activity in the Federal Reserve, banks, and corporations. The level of corruption running rampant in all areas of government, Pharmaceuticals, and even local level authority is a concern. Something needs to be done about it, and those issues SHOULD be priority in my opinion.

I'd rather take a step back. Come home, secure our borders and start de-tangling the mess our constitution is in. Then we can begin re-building/improving our infrastructure so that it is more energy efficient, self-sufficient, and clean. Send everyone home, and come home.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:59 PM
If terrorism was real how come there hasnt been any car bombing, greyhound bombing, shooting, you know martyrdom stuff. These acts dont need much planning or backing.

During the 911 brainwash, the media had everyone in so much panic that this was going to happen. Why didnt it?

Ya ya the Times Square bomber doesnt count.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:23 PM
RedParrotHead, Happy1, penninja

All of your concerns are valid in today's world -

But none of you attempted to actually answer the question.

If we need a better solution, give me one. Here's the question again:

If war breaks out over this how do you propose to protect American citizens from possible Muslim terrorists inside of our own borders when you can't tell the good ones from the extremist Muslims?

Deportation won't work for the hundreds of thousand Muslim American citizens already here. I do agree however we need to secure our borders ( but most Muslims are not sneaking across the border anyway)

If you don't separate these people that are already here knowing they can lie and deceive according to their religion and you can't tell the good ones from the bad - What do you do?

I'm ;looking for serious ideas that could work. If no one can come up with any, then no matter how much you might not like it, the camp idea might be the only thing we Can do.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm sure our CIA, FBI, and other alphabet agencies have infiltrated at least some of the "muslim communities" here, they also are watching the internet.

O.K., maybe they're part of the problem to continue to limit our rights, but I would think there are a lot of muslims that would help out with this. I work with a lot of good muslim people who came here from different parts of Africa, you should hear what they have to say about Quadaffi.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Happy1

We've had instances where fanatical muslims have infiltrated our colleges and military -- FT. Hood?

Our gov't should be especially looking out for these types.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:33 AM
The movie trainer was just a spark. When you have a hot summer, young men who can't get jobs, who see the 1% flaunting their wealth while telling the poor to just suck it up and tighten their belt something needs to give.

Anyone remember theat french revolution thing? History repeats.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
reply to post by penninja

I starred your post because I agree with a lot of your statements, but I disagree with your statements about corporations. Seriously, we need sanctions, taxes, and severe penalties for criminal activity in the Federal Reserve, banks, and corporations. The level of corruption running rampant in all areas of government, Pharmaceuticals, and even local level authority is a concern. Something needs to be done about it, and those issues SHOULD be priority in my opinion.

I'd rather take a step back. Come home, secure our borders and start de-tangling the mess our constitution is in. Then we can begin re-building/improving our infrastructure so that it is more energy efficient, self-sufficient, and clean. Send everyone home, and come home.

With you all the way

Corporations? I have no love... The modern feudal lords

All I'm saying is Feudal lords need their peasants even if they treat them like poop, Now the leader of a deity based monastery or temple? Well he or she might just sacrifice your first born in hopes of being granted eternal after life lol and keep doing it and doing it until no one is left and even he dies of starvation when no one is around to grow food anymore

Materialism sucks a huge lollipop, but someone has to be around to make the lollipops, it's THIS LIFE that matters.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
RedParrotHead, Happy1, penninja

All of your concerns are valid in today's world -

But none of you attempted to actually answer the question.

If we need a better solution, give me one. Here's the question again:

If war breaks out over this how do you propose to protect American citizens from possible Muslim terrorists inside of our own borders when you can't tell the good ones from the extremist Muslims?

Deportation won't work for the hundreds of thousand Muslim American citizens already here. I do agree however we need to secure our borders ( but most Muslims are not sneaking across the border anyway)

If you don't separate these people that are already here knowing they can lie and deceive according to their religion and you can't tell the good ones from the bad - What do you do?

I'm ;looking for serious ideas that could work. If no one can come up with any, then no matter how much you might not like it, the camp idea might be the only thing we Can do.

Well YES

But you don't leave them in camps, if you can round them up given incarceration costs over time you can certainly, far cheaper Deport them over time...

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by penninja

Well YES

But you don't leave them in camps, if you can round them up given incarceration costs over time you can certainly, far cheaper Deport them over time...

So that's your solution? Deport them all even the solid Muslim American Citizens? That's more barbaric than putting them in camps till the war blows over.

Seems like neither one of us has a good solution that will be acceptable by the majority of Americans.

I'd really like others to explore this question because to me It IS the single most important question there is. If any threat is going to harm America it's going to be the one from inside. Unless this issue is explored and solutions found, the extremist can take our country right out from under us without anyone firing a shot.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

My solution would never be implemented, but I think it is a hell of a lot better than returning to the 1940 way of thinking...

We need to be teaching people to be self-sustaining and self-sufficient. We need people who are strong and wise and know how to protect themselves and their families. Our society is completely opposite of this, we want people reliant on the system and therefore completely vulnerable when things do not go 'according to the plan.'

But such a knee jerk reaction I would never condone. That is just an awful scenario and I hope I never live to see the day that Americans are putting people back into detainment camps, or whatever you'd like to call them. Modern day Dachau.

Also, I do not follow the line of thinking that the Quran or the Islamic faith truly teaches people to be deceitful and murder all the infidels. I know that is the popular sentiment right now, but I am a history buff, and I know that throughout history religious texts, including the Bible, have been used to commit heinous crimes. Most Muslims are not evil as the mainstream media would have you believe, and when the chips fall, I doubt they will be the ones showcasing violence. Unfortunately it will probably be many of the uneducated and ignorant Americans who have been taught nothing but hate through their TV screen.

Also, just because a bunch of insomniacs who frequent a Conspiracy Theory forum cannot come up with a better idea than yours in the middle of the night does not mean that that is the only option we are stuck with, or that it will somehow be the best way to go. This strict way of thinking is dangerous, in my humble opinion.
But I agree that it is a scenario that needs to be thought out and discussed. So thanks for bringing it up.
edit on 15-9-2012 by PatriotGames2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by PatriotGames2
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

My solution would never be implemented, but I think it is a hell of a lot better than returning to the 1940 way of thinking...

We need to be teaching people to be self-sustaining and self-sufficient. We need people who are strong and wise and know how to protect themselves and their families. Our society is completely opposite of this, we want people reliant on the system and therefore completely vulnerable when things do not go 'according to the plan.'

But such a knee jerk reaction I would never condone. That is just an awful scenario and I hope I never live to see the day that Americans are putting people back into detainment camps, or whatever you'd like to call them. Modern day Dachau.

Well that's a start but it might not help in time if war is tomorrow.

Also, I do not follow the line of thinking that the Quran or the Islamic faith truly teaches people to be deceitful and murder all the infidels.

The extremists certainly believe it. These are the people we HAVE to deal with.

I know that is the popular sentiment right now, but I am a history buff, and I know that throughout history religious texts, including the Bible, have been used to commit heinous crimes. Most Muslims are not evil as the mainstream media would have you believe, and when the chips fall, I doubt they will be the ones showcasing violence. Unfortunately it will probably be many of the uneducated and ignorant Americans who have been taught nothing but hate through their TV screen.

I agree with that but when you have two factions, one hateful and the other not, blending into each other how do you tell them apart to know who the enemy is?

Also, just because a bunch of insomniacs who frequent a Conspiracy Theory forum cannot come up with a better idea than yours in the middle of the night does not mean that that is the only option we are stuck with, or that it will somehow be the best way to go. This strict way of thinking is dangerous, in my humble opinion.
But I agree that it is a scenario that needs to be thought out and discussed. So thanks for bringing it up.

Yeah, well that's why I asked. I didn't expect the best answers tonight. Hopefully this will be discussed more in the days to come. I may have to start my own thread on this topic alone.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:56 AM
Well I believe that, or feel that, Islamic American's should definitely have some sort of choice and avenues to ensure their security and safety. If war broke out, tensions would happen. It's naive to suppose otherwise or be shocked by our own ignorance and knuckle head reactions.

Our state governors and officials will need to work with the Mosque's, to implement a plan to protect these peoples safety while respecting their beliefs . But they should have a voice. These issues are likely already being addressed, you know.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
history repeats

I propose we put all Muslims in America, both visiting and Muslim American citizens in camps like we did for the Japs in WW2 - for their own safety and to better distinguish possible terrorists from the good Muslims. If you just let them roam unchecked, anyone can attack anywhere from any quarter and you won't be able to defend the American citizens. How do you defend against an enemy you can't identify?

You suggest that history repeats, and mention it in a negative sentence, then you suggest prison camps for completely innocent people, locking people up for their religious beliefs?

That's happened a few times in history, and we know how it tends to end up, right? Just because you think the "internment camps" for the Japanese in ww2 were not as bad, does not mean everything was rosy, and that it's somehow reasonable.

I can't believe I have actually seen someone on here suggesting this. It really makes me feel sick to my stomach!

For a start, there has been no attack on the US soil as a result of this, so don't you think you might be jumping the gun just a little?

Even if there were, the actions of a minority do not represent the majority of free people who love their country.

What would I do? I would do my freakin' job and use the tools made available over the last decade! The USA has spent billions, enacted laws limiting the freedoms of everyone, all to prevent attacks on US soil, and you think that's still not enough for them to do their damned job!?

How many times have you heard your government state that they need to change something to make you safer? How many rights and freedoms have you handed over in order to get that security?

If they say that this STILL is not enough to prevent some radical fundamentalist from doing something in your country then everything they have done should be examined again, your freedoms should all be reinstated without question, your government should NEVER come to you again and say they "just need this" little bit more of your freedom to prevent you from being harmed.

If anything happens in the USA, perpetrated by a religious extremist, especially after what is now happening around the world, you need to demand the heads of every intel department in government, the CIA be shut down and every politician that has backed further encroaches on the American people be immediately arrested.

No more excuses. Your government has taken so much, and you've willingly done everything you can to allow them to keep your country safe. If they fail again, there is NO EXCUSE.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:23 AM
America has a CHANCE and so do western countries to wet out the flame of fanaticism within the muslim communities.
The younger ones are very open to understanding our way of life. The elders are a different story, which begs the question: why are conservative muslims and liberal western democrats working together?
Sorry, it's true.

There is a trend of racism and ignorance in this alliance that nobody can deny

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by PatriotGames2

No, in America, my friend, here they will be track and tagged then pick. These fundamentalist radicals that are nothing but trouble makers in the countries that they are protesting beside Arab nations, are on an agenda, to test their power within the countries they are invading.

Here in the US they will be very stupid to start something, unless the government wants an excuse to oppress and pass laws again.

We the American people are the most armed nation in the world, things will turn very ugly if some radicals will try to start trouble

Mark my words.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
history repeats

I propose we put all Muslims in America, both visiting and Muslim American citizens in camps like we did for the Japs in WW2 - for their own safety and to better distinguish possible terrorists from the good Muslims. If you just let them roam unchecked, anyone can attack anywhere from any quarter and you won't be able to defend the American citizens. How do you defend against an enemy you can't identify?

You suggest that history repeats, and mention it in a negative sentence, then you suggest prison camps for completely innocent people, locking people up for their religious beliefs?

That's happened a few times in history, and we know how it tends to end up, right? Just because you think the "internment camps" for the Japanese in ww2 were not as bad, does not mean everything was rosy, and that it's somehow reasonable.

I can't believe I have actually seen someone on here suggesting this. It really makes me feel sick to my stomach!

For a start, there has been no attack on the US soil as a result of this, so don't you think you might be jumping the gun just a little?

Even if there were, the actions of a minority do not represent the majority of free people who love their country.

What would I do? I would do my freakin' job and use the tools made available over the last decade! The USA has spent billions, enacted laws limiting the freedoms of everyone, all to prevent attacks on US soil, and you think that's still not enough for them to do their damned job!?

How many times have you heard your government state that they need to change something to make you safer? How many rights and freedoms have you handed over in order to get that security?

If they say that this STILL is not enough to prevent some radical fundamentalist from doing something in your country then everything they have done should be examined again, your freedoms should all be reinstated without question, your government should NEVER come to you again and say they "just need this" little bit more of your freedom to prevent you from being harmed.

If anything happens in the USA, perpetrated by a religious extremist, especially after what is now happening around the world, you need to demand the heads of every intel department in government, the CIA be shut down and every politician that has backed further encroaches on the American people be immediately arrested.

No more excuses. Your government has taken so much, and you've willingly done everything you can to allow them to keep your country safe. If they fail again, there is NO EXCUSE.

Now read the posts that follow and see if YOU cannot answer The Question I put forth. You're a smart fellow, I know, I've read your stuff. I look forward to seeing what you can come up with.

I'm looking for a better solution than the one I proposed. One that solves the problem outlined in The Question and is acceptable to the majority of the American public.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by PatriotGames2

No, in America, my friend, here they will be track and tagged then pick. These fundamentalist radicals that are nothing but trouble makers in the countries that they are protesting beside Arab nations, are on an agenda, to test their power within the countries they are invading.

Here in the US they will be very stupid to start something, unless the government wants an excuse to oppress and pass laws again.

We the American people are the most armed nation in the world, things will turn very ugly if some radicals will try to start trouble

Mark my words.

Very eerie Marg, sorry to say. Europeans said the same but their political system is obviously much older and complicated in certain aspects.
Americans are underestimated in their intelligence, imo. It's been trendy to class you guys as ignorant redneck warmongers but we all know it's not true

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by PatriotGames2

I believe we will see something here at home very soon and it will be connected to what is happening now in the Middle East. This is not a prediction, more of a feeling or personal opinion based on my analysis of these current events. Everyone should be keeping their eyes wide open and stay vigilant.

I am not making any predictions either, I do not know how this area of transformation will play out, this is just my own opinion of the matter.

It is all for us (America)...Those who support Obama know that this country has been in a process of transformation to the global governance...with promises of utopia like peace and fairness (well all that good stuff that sounds good in theory but has never been successful in practice). We are going into a Totalitarian system which is really going to upset the socialists...they have been used to facilitate the transition, nothing more.
(Note: I know that socialist's hearts are in the right place, they truly want to see a better world but, they have been influenced by emotions rather than fully understanding why it hasn't worked in the past).

They have already been upset that some of the promises that have been made, have not come to fruition but, they are hanging onto the hope that Obama will come through if he just has more time and eliminates the perceived obstacles. Those supporting Romney well... I don't even know what to say because I don't really understand how his past can be ignored for the false promises he gives today. They both have the same boss imo and are just guiding the people into their collective cages.

Obama, Romney, The Clintons, etc...are facilitators for the U.N. I do not know what role the Muslim religion plays later in this other than what we are seeing out in the open but, I do wonder if there will be more influence, because I noticed here in America they have been gradually occupying power positions in certain areas (I simply cannot make any solid connections..if there even are any) since 9/11.

1. We have taught socialist views to the children for over 20 years including death as a solution to difficult problems.
2. We have discouraged any form of individualism and created the attitude that individualism is harmful to society.
3. We have taught that there is no truth or right and wrong and encouraged moral flexibility and have used those premises to further the transformation of America and other Countries.
4. We have destroyed the family because families were strength and protection for each individual family member.
5. We have instilled a deep hatred for those who believe in God and promoted the worship of Science
6. We have manipulated Science just like religion has been manipulated and have controlled information.
7. We have created deep divisions and less tolerance for religions among cultures in the name of teaching tolerance and diversity for the past 20 years.
8. We have destabilized every country in order to force the adoption of U.N. policies and rules.
9. We have combined all foreign military to jointly work together on missions to force compliance to U.N. policies and rules.
10. We promoted loyalty to the world while discouraging any and all loyalty to individual nation or people.

We once had a philosophy that most respected others right to life and liberty including protections for the same. Now we have come to a philosophy taught by the government that "it" knows what is best for everyone and all must be forced to bow to it's rules so they can fix all our problems. When in fact, it is the same who has created the problems just to usurp all power, over all humanity, and sit in the seat as God.

Because manipulation and deception has been the key factors in creating this Global governance, I do not see respect for life and liberty ever coming into play in this new system regardless of the promises told.

I see America as the last obstacle to get the smack down into submission and "it" has the support and control mechanisms in place to successfully carry it guess is a chain of events are being implemented to do just that. The only real other battles that are going on are between the leaders and their own power positions under the U.N., the rest of us are expendable pawns in the game.

edit on 15-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: spelling

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
If war breaks out over this how do you propose to protect American citizens from possible Muslim terrorists inside of our own borders when you can't tell the good ones from the extremist Muslims?

The bad ones will be the ones killing people and blowing crap up. Pretty easy to identify.
When war comes, there is no safety.
The only way to "security" is through reduction of freedom.

Personally, I'd rather be a casualty of an attack.

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