posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:26 PM
I've seen a lot of videos of chinese lanterns in the sky and people calling them UFOs. SOme people wonder why so many chinese lanterns around these
days. I say it's because especially on the west cost there is an influx of asian citizens arriving. their culture is expanding on the west coast
and so I would expect a lot more chinese lanterns being released. SO expect more vids like this to confuse people.
At least the lady from Chatsworth (crappy part of Los Angeles, known for low class white people and drug use) has stopped puting videos on youtube of
obvious helicopters saying "wow. look at the ufos man. it's like out of this world (sound of her hitting the crack pipe) like check out these
UFOs" At least she has stopped posting vids, saw a few her on ats from her.