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UFO Secret - Youtube film

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
Not my intention to offend you by correcting you again

Not at all offended. I didn't make myself clear enough this time either.

Scientific information is not dependent of peer-reviewing, scientific facts are. Peer-review is simply a process o reevaluating the claims, tests and experiences.

I thought about writing "or it isn't science", which I then changed to "scientific information" because it is also wrong to say it isn't science (in progress) when pending review.
Anyhow, "scientific facts" I should have said and nothing else.

Note also that peer-reviews have their own issues, for instance if we look at medical trials, rarely is a repetition of the experience done, so peer-reviews have also a high degree of fragility and often depend on accreditation of the author and can be affected by group think. Papers that seem to conform with the perceived consensual view get less attention than those that are antagonistic to it.

Your example of a peer-review is in breach of responsible behavior and I know this is rather common in Medicine for some reason. Why applied sciences choose to work this way I do not know, except for perhaps pure practical reasons combined with an over-confident trust on each other? Do you know?

Also, there is obviously examples in probably all sciences of clear problems seeping through after peer-reviews, it cannot be avoided as long as human beings are responsible.

The issue however in this topic was rather that peer-review makes it quite difficult to pass many instances of incorrect information in order to cover up observations on the moon, and make it all fit.

edit on 14-9-2012 by Consequence because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:14 AM
Watched it and enjoyed it, thanks for sharing! Good interviews in there that I haven't seen before. Enjoyed what Lord Desmond said and also Menger. Nice history lesson too, and a positive second half

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Consequence
Scientists can't lie to the "public", because science is public. It cannot function without being public.

Incorrect. There are MANY discoveries that defy science and in turn the scientist usually shelve or pocket those discoveries because they generally will refute all that they have learned up to that point. If a scientist happens to voice these discoveries then they are always banned as kooks and wierdos (i.e. Stanton Friedman, John Mack, Jacques Valle etc.)

Thanks for the interesting video op -- along with a gang of commercials, there's some very good info in there.

edit on 14-9-2012 by kronos11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Just a little bit through the video but there is some stunning old 16mm footage that I have not seen before in any documentary. In particular, there is a real interesting clip of film that a Danish Maj. Hans Petersen filmed when he went with his son went to meet George Adamski at the Benedum airport in VA and they caught a classic UFO following his plane. I have never seen that footage before and it's really cool - has it been debunked or explained at all? I've also referenced some other peculiar footage and testimony from a woman who also filmed ships with Adamski. See images below and link:

(footage begins at 25:13 and more footage and testimony of the woman at 44:00)

edit on 14-9-2012 by kronos11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by wigit
reply to post by Consequence

You never heard? I remember they started popping up in the papers in the 80s and thought it sounded weird back then. Some folk have been counting them for years. Not sure who has a good master list, but here's a couple of threads to get you started, if you're interested.

A list of 117 top scientists dead... "ahem"... assassinated so far (and rising)., page 1

At least 22 British SDI engineers dead by mysterious Suicides, page 1

Marconi Alien, 25 Suspicious Scientists Suicides & Star Wars Defense,

maybe the aliens are killing these people or using some weird mind control to cause them to kill themselves?

who or what would have the most to gain by disrupting the development of SDI and other advanced space technology?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by kronos11
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Just a little bit through the video but there is some stunning old 16mm footage that I have not seen before in any documentary. In particular, there is a real interesting clip of film that a Danish Maj. Hans Petersen filmed when he went with his son went to meet George Adamski at the Benedum airport in VA and they caught a classic UFO following his plane. I have never seen that footage before and it's really cool - has it been debunked or explained at all? I've also referenced some other peculiar footage and testimony from a woman who also filmed ships with Adamski. See images below and link:

(footage begins at 25:13 and more footage and testimony of the woman at 44:00)

edit on 14-9-2012 by kronos11 because: (no reason given)

A followup: It appears that the footage from both of the Adamski related films referenced above have been intensely scrutinized by several film experts from the government and the private sector and every one of them verified for the authenticity of them being of large objects at a distance as opposed to models. Of note in the video (48:00) is the opinion of optical physicist William Sherwood who is known as the father of modern of photoelectric testing of film and then U.N. film expert Col. Colman VonKeviezky at (51:09).

I'm not sure how the story of George Adamski has been covered here on ATS in the past but these two items seem highly authentic and truthful account of contact being verified from many angles. I really would like to hear from all the skeptics and "scientific" minded individuals who seem to always have a ready explanation for everything.

Or is it that when there is no easy prey and there are no easy answers it's crickets.

edit on 14-9-2012 by kronos11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by kronos11

Do you have any comment in relation to the movements of the objects/crafts.

To me it seemed very jerky and without much purpose (not a real demonstration of anything, control of the craft or even capabilities).

I noticed the movement on the spheroids below and also see them as emitting some sort of light, but from the image quality shown I can not see the distortion effect and rarely any port-views on the objects on close shots.

I also noticed that the shape of the object seems to morph (as indicated in the video) and that it rarely travels parallel to the plane of the soil, with a unnatural and uncharacteristic skewness that is very disconcerting in comparison to Earth flighting craft, even model airplanes, that does to me transmit a sense of lack of control.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Panic2k11

Yes it does that is why I'm waiting for some "official" opinions. Doing a tad bit of research on the subject of Adamski there are many who debunk his spacecraft as items painted on a window and such but these are usually nameless nobody's and all of the official scientist seem to back up the footage.

It could be possible that he was dealing with lower level ET's who had rudimentary equipment - or even some Germans playing around with him?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Consequence

Why applied sciences choose to work this way I do not know, except for perhaps pure practical reasons combined with an over-confident trust on each other? Do you know?

Have you looked up the Wikipedia's article on Peer review, it seems very balanced. My opinion is economic and resources factors, for instance high energy LHC experiments can not be replicated elsewhere as there is no similar infrastructure, this type of issue extends to the availability of other instruments and resources. A curious thing is that there are statistical tools that can help find artificiality in the generated data, I rarely see this refereed, even if there are some instances that have been detected by this method.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by kronos11

as items painted on a window and such

Yes the bit of the "armada" filmed in the train to me seems a reflection (I understand that it was not filmed by Adamski), but the footage is very low quality original and even more in the video.

It could be possible that he was dealing with lower level ET's who had rudimentary equipment - or even some Germans playing around with him?

Agree I would be up to a UFO voyage any day (heck I would probably ask for asylum) but after the displays show I would be very concerned traveling with pilots like those. One one thing that I found interesting is the reference to humanoid robots operating the craft, this I think is a first to me on the subject of UFOs...

There are also inconsistencies with the logic behind the "aliens" as explained, that they are prevented to interfere but they have infiltrated human society and even work as scientists. This makes no sense. Of course that most of what is on the video aren't Adamski words or opinions. It even get esoteric enough to be contrary to the statements made about Adamski (I blame the source of the video more than anything there).

It irks me to no end when people mix mysticism and religions beliefs with the UFO phenomena. I do not discard the possibility of a crossover, and can see some possibility for the "external influence" factor on religious beliefs, but only in the past and in the context of that time. The part about the Vatican is interesting...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:27 PM
Since people dismiss videos that have certain people in them (some for very good reasons) I say a few of us ATS members should collaborate on a video about this subject..I know there would still be the skeptics, but i think if the material came from us members instead of the mainstream people involved with this subject there would be less criticizing and maybe the subject would have more validity..It would be something that is well put together and well researched, and not just a bunch of peoples opinions and ideas thrown together.. Any takers?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Consequence
Scientists can't lie to the "public", because science is public. It cannot function without being public.

politicians cant lie to the public either, you know......because there in public serving positions LMAO! Scientists CAN lie when they have the only access to certain technologies that we the public CANNOT verify!

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by TheLonewolf

You forget something like copyright and image rights...

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
Agree I would be up to a UFO voyage any day (heck I would probably ask for asylum) but after the displays show I would be very concerned traveling with pilots like those.

That part had me laughing.

Originally posted by Panic2k11 The part about the Vatican is interesting...

Another odd piece to the Adamski puzzle. He got one of those little coins from the pope.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by kronos11

He got one of those little coins from the pope

It is so reported in the video but I did a quick Google on it. Wikidia's article on the Papal mint shows a lot of possibilities. We are shown a coin but that probably is not the one Adamski had. It is all a bit strange especially with the background history and the pope death "soon" after (in the video there seems to be speculation about the content of the package, Adamski reportedly did not saw the content)...

I don't buy books on Ufology and haven't read any of his books, but this is a point where the video seems to go into a lot of speculation...

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

amazing and yet scary

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

many secrets are abound

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Very cool video OP.
I learned a bunch and found Adamski and Menger's
stories amazing ! I always blew Adamski off because
of his visits from his Venus based aliens. And then those
movies that look fake at first look. Well.. they are explained incredibly
well by William Sherwood Optical Physicist for Eastman Kodak.

Again cool, thanks

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:51 AM
I agree,
I thought Adamski was a fraud because of the aliens are from Venus line, but the scientific analysis of his flying saucer video by the kodak scientist swung me into believing him.
I'm definitely going to read the books of Adamski's now.
Fantastic video OP. Thanks for sharing the link.

Again it comes down to the cover up of Alien free energy and the oil industries greed.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

I would say disinformation on UFOs on youtube is a pet project for any CIA Illuminati
agents assigned to say anything on UFOs that didn't involve Tesla.

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