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Blind Spot Insanity

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 06:36 PM
Haha quite interresting
Nice one mate. And yes some looked like aliens, and robin williams turned to a skin colored blob

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by ghostingmiranda
Well I am sort of lost on what is supose to happen because I could tell the difference between faces, and recognized some of them not all of them though.
It's a little hard to describe and as the comments show it's a bit different for each person because our brains fill in the blanks and don't do it all the same way.

But I think you'll know it when you see it. Be sure to not take your eyes off the cross-hair. Then what I'd recommend is experimenting with the size of the video window on your monitor (download the video and then you can adjust the size more easily). It's possible that if the video and or your monitor is too big or too small, or if your face is too close or too distant from your monitor, that the faces are not ending up in your blind spots, so by varying the size of the video, you should be able to find the right size that DOES put the faces in your blind spots.

If you know geometry well you can actually calculate exactly how big you need to make the video from this information:

The blind spot is located about 12–15° temporal and 1.5° below the horizontal and is roughly 7.5° high and 5.5° wide.
And if you don't know geometry well or don't want to do the math, then just experiment.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:13 AM
I find that it works even if i cover one of the face on the screen. i.e looking at the x makes them look weird even if there's only one face.

Interesting I love these kinds of mind tricks. I wonder what tricks can be performed on with sound and touch if any.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by IAmD1

That's a little off topic but since you asked and the thread seems to be dying anyway, I'll risk an answer. The best sound trick I ever heard was in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago:

Whispering Gallery

Opened as a permanent exhibit in 1938, the Whispering Gallery demonstrates the wonders of sound wave communication. The concept of this exhibit is to allow a whisper to travel from one focal point in the room to another. The “gallery” is designed in the form of an ellipsoid (similar to a football), with two arched-shaped dishes placed at either end. When you whisper directly into the dish, your voice will be transported across the room and received by the listener standing in front of the other dish. Each dish serves as a point of focus in the room. When sounds are made inside the room, the line of sound reflects directly to the focus at the other end of the room.
It's kinda cool and a little creepy. The person standing at the other focal point is a long distance away, yet they can whisper and it sounds like their mouth is only a few inches from your ear. And in between those two focal points, the bystanders can't really hear the whisper. It's cool.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
reply to post by IAmD1

That's a little off topic but since you asked and the thread seems to be dying anyway, I'll risk an answer. The best sound trick I ever heard was in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago:

Whispering Gallery

Opened as a permanent exhibit in 1938, the Whispering Gallery demonstrates the wonders of sound wave communication. The concept of this exhibit is to allow a whisper to travel from one focal point in the room to another. The “gallery” is designed in the form of an ellipsoid (similar to a football), with two arched-shaped dishes placed at either end. When you whisper directly into the dish, your voice will be transported across the room and received by the listener standing in front of the other dish. Each dish serves as a point of focus in the room. When sounds are made inside the room, the line of sound reflects directly to the focus at the other end of the room.
It's kinda cool and a little creepy. The person standing at the other focal point is a long distance away, yet they can whisper and it sounds like their mouth is only a few inches from your ear. And in between those two focal points, the bystanders can't really hear the whisper. It's cool.

That's awesome it makes you wonder about people who experience voices in their head that no one else can hear. Are they insane or just targeted with technology that allows for it.....(This is ATS after all so I had to get the conspiracy theory in there somewhere

Thank you for this.Chicago is now on my list of places I want to go if only for this great exhibit.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Christopher Wren incorporated a whispering gallery into St Paul's Cathedral, but there are many examples in architecture, ancient and modern.

A whispering gallery is most simply constructed in the form of a circular wall, and allows whispered communication from any part of the internal side of the circumference to any other part. The sound is carried by waves, known as whispering-gallery waves, that travel around the circumference clinging to the walls, an effect that was discovered in the whispering gallery of St Paul's Cathedral in London.[1] The extent to which the sound travels at St Paul's can also be judged by clapping in the gallery, which produces four echoes.[2] Other historical examples[3][4][5] are the Gol Gumbaz mausoleum in Bijapur and the Echo Wall of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. A hemispherical enclosure will also guide whispering gallery waves.

The gallery may also be in the form of an ellipse or ellipsoid,[4] with an accessible point at each focus. In this case, when a visitor stands at one focus and whispers, the line of sound emanating from this focus reflects directly to the focus at the other end of the gallery, where the whispers may be heard. In a similar way, two large concave parabolic dishes, serving as acoustic mirrors, may be erected facing each other in a room or outdoors to serve as a whispering gallery, a common feature of science museums. Egg-shaped galleries, such as the Golghar Granary at Bankipore,[3] and irregularly shaped smooth-walled galleries in the form of caves, such as the Ear of Dionysius in Syracuse,[4] also exist.

The term 'whispering gallery' has been borrowed in the physical sciences to describe other forms of whispering-gallery waves such as light or matter waves.

It is a wonderful example of how the fascination with some things, optical and auditory illusions, is totally timeless.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:26 PM
It's very fascinating that main sense can be fooled by any number of fairly normal science or simply by the limits of those senses. This brings me to wonder, IF in fact beings outside the planet earth exist, it seems like direct mind to mind communication would be a much more effective method of exchanging ideas. This could also explain why some who claim to have been abducted have enhanced perceptual abilities. IF these beings want to communicate with us and leave no room for misinterpretation, it seems that mind to mind would be less likely to generate a misunderstanding. It also brings to question aspects of paranormal investigations. Are we really experiencing what we think we are, or are there environmental elements that are changing our perception of events? To take it even further, how much of reality do we really form with our own perceptions and how much of it is exactly how we perceive it?

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:35 PM
This really screwed up my head and the wife's too.
When I tried it I swore I was looking at images of Picasso and his abstract art.

Link Below

I was constantly seeing crooked eyes and jaws, its a good thing I am not 6 years old and worried about the boogie man underneath my bed or hiding in my closet.....

Fascinating to try but after about 4 times I had enough.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

We see with our minds not with our eyes.

The eyes are just receptors of the incoming light-waves/photons, our minds translate that data into the things we see, its not necessarily how that thing actually is, but how we conceive and perceive it to be, and ya our minds fill in the gaps and they do it constantly and without our conscious knowledge that were doing it.

So in a way, everything we seen we have at first created it in our minds, a whole kaleidoscopic variance of conceptual worlds that are real when you are locked into there wavelength, but all of that loses focus and become a gray mesh and does not even register after we step out of that wavelength. In fact it does not even exist if we step outside its bounds.

Always liked these little type of things, along with the other illusions our minds create like the ames room one or others, there just something that is not only kind of fascinating to see and think about but there pretty cool.

And after a while at staring at that blind spot illusion the picture of the celebrities do not even look human, they look like something out of a exaggerated caricature drawing by a one of them sidewalk artists, or like a blank mesh of eyes and noses, one even Halle Berry I think was started looking like a gray with her eyes being all black and filling up her face and having no nose or mouth after a while.
Cool stuff.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

And...Blammo, more cool stuff.
I like how only if your standing in the right spot to receive it can you then be able to hear it can hear it, but the others cant. Nifty little trick there. Hum! there seems to be an echo in my writing.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I believe this kind of set up was also present in the Indianapolis Children's Museum for many years. And yes... it was awesome!

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 11:43 PM
Odd. I experienced some strange things, but the strangest was the fact that two or three of the pictures looked black and white to me. Anyone else have problems with that?

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 10:41 AM
If that is the true form the un/deprogrammed mind sees celebrities in then it must be the average mans true form too, if reality is an illusion then we should be able to shapeshift depending on how we percieve ourselves so it makes sense that celebrities when they are being showered with applause and accolades appear to be glamorous but also would explain why so many suffer from self hatred because when they take that away they see their true self in the mirror which might not be the glamorous actor nor rock star but a pathetic hopeless junkie/alcoholic with nothing real only material. They doubt their own mind.
If monarch mind control is indeed a true thing and certain celebrities have had their minds programmed to the highest level in specific areas then it would also make sense there appearance would distort when that thought mode is switched off, true beauty is everlasting I wonder if anybody has it? Are we just blobs waiting to be moulded into whatever shape fits our thought patterns and intentions? Is anything possible because nothing is real? It also makes sense to me at least why children and "mentally handicapped" folk are terrified of certain ordinary people for no apparent reason, their unblemished minds see through the veil. Maybe eyes are the biggest liars known to man.

This song makes a lot of sense now.

The young man stepped into the hall of mirrors
Where he discovered a reflection of himself
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass

Sometimes he saw his real face
And sometimes a stranger at his place
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass

He fell in love with the image of himself
and suddenly the picture was distorted
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass

He made up the person he wanted to be
And changed into a new personality
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass

The artist is living in the mirror
With the echoes of himself
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass

Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass

Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass

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