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"The Terrorists Won! We Are Not Free Anymore!" - Jesse Ventura

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by WiseThinker

Yeah we were defeated on that day . We have nukes, the best intel in the world and the best trained military in the world but all it took to destroy our way of life was a few guys with box cutters and a chip on their shoulder.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 09:04 AM
It makes sense that the show would have him on though, I think. There is an obvious conspiracy and what way to have Americans wakes up to this, and not ignore it, than have a conspiracy theorist (one of the ones I do find respectable) come on and point out the obvious.

The media shows some integrity here. Gov. Ventura always advocates for Constitutional Rights. Which is going to be an issue with deciding what punishment, if any, the film maker's that sparked the fighting (supposedly) are going to receive. By highlighting our Rights, which Gov. Ventura consistently does, it reminds us that this is an over reaction. The are many different things at play, and if we don't think that we have good guys up nearer to the top of media and government, we are all idiots. They have families, and a livelihood to protect too. Part of what makes America great is our freedom of choice and opinion.

I think his most important point was at the very beginning of the interview. Gov. Ventura points out, that Big Corporations are NOT representative of the people. They don't have rights! Which, is who is making the decisions. So who are the voter's of America getting? Whoever they want. What they want. A tightly controlled, watched, debt slave society - for 99% of Americans. Only a lucky few, gets to reach for the stars. Don't you watch the reality shows?

edit on 14-9-2012 by CirqueDeTruth because: pronoun

edit on 14-9-2012 by CirqueDeTruth because: sentence

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by WiseThinker

Jesse Ventura isn't afraid to speak his mind - about anything! He is well educated and down to earth. He is correct, the American people have given up their Rights and Freedoms. Just take a look around, cameras on every street corner and just about every building has them too. We have politicians that have to be forced to stay in session just to do their jobs before they recess for two months. We let this happen now we have to either live with it or fix it.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 09:25 AM
Jesse is always on point with his interviews. I hope he runs in 2016 and I hope people take his words to heart. The man knows what he's talking about.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Kinda on the fence
when it comes to mister Ventura

but notice how
every time he makes
a suggestion on how to change things

she repeats several times
" its Not gonna happen ... its Not gonna happen"

nice little ear-worm mantra for the masses

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender
Kinda on the fence
when it comes to mister Ventura

but notice how
every time he makes
a suggestion on how to change things

she repeats several times
" its Not gonna happen ... its Not gonna happen"

nice little ear-worm mantra for the masses

That's right. The media must continue to reinforce the idea that you can't make a difference and that you either go along with the system or you lose.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by tangonine
reply to post by WiseThinker

If I could have Chris Kyle punch him again I would. Jesse Ventura is a nutjob, pure and simple. The SEAL community has disowned him, he gave up his citizenship, he's a "truther," and a fake wrestler. Using him to make a point is like using fingerpaints to re-create a Picasso.

A lot of opinion in your post, and thats fine, we all have them.

Where exactly are you sourcing the information that the seal community has disowned and that he gave up his citizenship?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by jstanthrno1
So torn on Jesse...

I want to believe he is who he claims to be. On the other hand, if corruption was as rampant as some of us want to believe, would TPTB allow a person trying to expose them to take to the air waves??? Surely they would have the means to squash A TV series if they own/fund/control the media.

He says all the right things but I can't fully trust him. No where near as bad as Alex Jones, but I'm afraid their paychecks might be signed by the same man.

TPTB are not overly concerned thus far, with those that speak truth to power like Jesse and others. They fully control the MSM at this point and simply use the bulk of their mindless minions to margenalize Jesse, the few times they let him on for an interview. They realize that most people still only accept as truth the pap and manipulation of facts as given by their news reader of choice, so, if the "interviewer" is not buying into the information Jesse or others in his field are bringing to the table, the mindless viewers wont either. Very few people think for themselves, they prefer to let the news readers and opinion makers inform them.

Jesse is a showman, no doubt, yes he is a former wrestler, and he has an in your face delivery of his information, but the information is compelling and should be judged on its own merits and not judged by the man delivering it. So yes, dont fully trust Jesse, any more than you would trust Billy O, Hannity, Mathews, or Amanpour.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:33 AM
My mind is free and that is all that truly matters. Too much importance is placed on the physical realm that appears to be reality. Dig deeper and look within yourself for it is there you will find true freedom.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by WiseThinker

I have heard that it was dangerous there to walk the streets in the evenings, for a long time before Al-Quaide...
Gangs, of various kinds...
Am I informed well, or?
Surely I am against the medieval tyranny...

edit on 14-9-2012 by dragnik because: adding video

edit on 14-9-2012 by dragnik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by WiseThinker
For Ventura to WH**E himself on a liberal socialist like Joy Bahar's show is sad and purity much takes all credibility he had away. That does not mean what he belives is not true, it just means I have no use for someone who would sell there soul to get there word out there and call someone like Bahar "FRIEND".
The only reason she let him on was to make a fool out of him but he talks over someone so much that did not work very well...................they made fools of each other, no class on either side.

edit on 14-9-2012 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by WiseThinker
For Ventura to WH**E himself on a liberal socialist like Joy Bahar's show is sad and purity much takes all credibility he had away. That does not mean what he belives is not true, it just means I have no use for someone who would sell there soul to get there word out there and call someone like Bahar "FRIEND".
The only reason she let him on was to make a fool out of him but he talks over someone so much that did not work very well...................they made fools of each other, no class on either side.

edit on 14-9-2012 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

Jessie is going to take the information to any outlet that will have him. Why are you saying he "sold his soul" to go on her show? Should he only go on friendly to his message programs like Alex Jones?

Its simple courtesy in Jesse calling Joy, "Friend". I am pretty certain the 2 dont hang out...ever.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:18 AM
In my minor opinion, some bad and uggly guys are trying to plung to people such an ideas as the flat Earth, and similar, by tyrannical force, I would ... them...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 12:22 PM
The clock is ticking fast folks!

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:26 PM
It seems to me since Jesse is banned on almost every channel he will use who he can to get his opinion out. With Ventura claiming Joy as his friend he is just soothing his way into her good graces.

As I watch the interview I could see the doubt clearly in her eyes as he was explaining the actual truth to her. Behar doesn't believe what Ventura is saying and she holds fast to what is on display, what we are allowed to see, as does the rest of the world. Behar is just one example of how TPTB like to keep us, in complete ignorance of what is really going on.

Ventura has a voice of truth that can plant a seed of doubt in anyone's mind of what is going on behind the curtains... if only he had his own show again maybe a lot less people would be subjected to the ignorance we are suppose to believe...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:40 PM
id love to see bret hart slap a sharpshooter on him, yes the guy makes good points but an awful wrestler.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:49 PM
People need to wake up if they think Jesse is doing anything to help them. He's on that show to sell books, and make money, so he can live like a king when he goes back to Mexico. I mean...that should show you all you need to know about this man. He gave up, ran away, lives in Mexico now. Won't even fly somewhere to spread his message. Joy even points out how much of a pawn he is, when she says if he actually did what he was talking about he'd be "a marked man."

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:54 PM
Always a pleasure to see Jesse! Stars and flag!

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Sablicious
An WWF poser is as candid a politician as the US has today. Speaks volumes.

Ventura served as a Navy Underwater Demolition Team member during the Vietnam War. He later embarked on a professional wrestling career from 1975 to 1986, taking the stage name Jesse "The Body" Ventura. He had a long tenure in the World Wrestling Federation as a performer and color commentator, and was inducted into the company's Hall of Fame in 2004.[4] While involved with wrestling, Ventura began a successful film career, appearing in films such as 1987's Predator.
Ventura first entered politics as Mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota from 1991 to 1995. He was the Reform Party candidate in the Minnesota gubernatorial election of 1998, running a campaign centered on grassroots events and unusual ads that urged citizens not to "vote for politics as usual". The campaign was successful, and Ventura served from January 4, 1999, to January 6, 2003, declining to run for a second term.
After leaving office, Ventura became a visiting fellow at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He has also hosted a number of TV shows and has written several political books. Ventura currently lives in both Dellwood, Minnesota and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.


An accomplished man - far beyond simply being a wrestler.


posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Thank you. Atleast someone will defend the true American patriots.

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