reply to post by Kamza
Just because people do not beleive in your god, or religion full stop, does not make them satanists, just becasue people are free from contraint and
free thinking does not make them evil-they are free of our fist muddled attempt at a vague understanding of the truth-that was the job of religion,
but since Epicurius and Lucretus realised the atom existed outside of the known sphere of influence and made things like the flat earth and without
god, We should have taken a bit of a step forwards an put religion on the back foot. We now have more sphisticated tools to aid thinking, morality and
dicovery without claiming god is the answer. Religion has always needed to be totalitarian, faschist, and violent in order to survive-it beats the
thinking man into submission and terms him as evil.
That is what you have just done, it is in itself deeply offensive to any human that you choose to do this and it is inherantly evil to deny a person
his or her freedoms, it is primitive and retrograde and akin to surfdom and slavery which is also strongly posited by your favourite text. it makes
religion in today's civilised society all the more ridiculous.
You do know you can be a good caring person without recourse to religion- as an edicated man with knowledge of religion (and therefore philosophy?)
you will have heard of the Confuscian Analects that predate religion within early Chinese society as much as 500 years prior to the immacualte
And even if that Mary the minx story were true, (I like a good mystery as much as anyone)-it wouldn't in itself be proof that you are right or good or
that god exists or that religion has the answer.
As far as I can tell religion arrests the development of society look at the Hitchen's on loss of society from the Peral of the Levant, Beirut one of
the most beautiful cities in the world only 500 years ago, to Bethlehem or Bagdad, Banja Luka, Belgrade, Belfast or Behac all marred by petty
conflict about what fanastical book you read-we see it demonstrated well here when a building is sacked for nothing more than a small minded insult-if
anything is develish it is that.
You sir are my enemy and I am happy you so easily mark yourself out as such-it is a releif to the rest of us that you do so unapologetically but
rather than kill you we would seek to educate you in the benefits of freedom, and free thinking. it is what civilised people do.
When look for an enemy I look first for a burning flag taking warlike offence at idocy-idiocy in itself, where others take no account and just get on
with things like trying to cure cancer or find the more super symettric particles that may oneday solve the energy problem for mankind.
The argument that its "Just a small militant few?" I see the muslim world lit up with fever foaming at the mouth in rabid blood lust-it is not just a
small few, it is a significant reaction across most of your major cities-it is not in perspective and without a sense reason or logic you are loosing
your own ability to think and know who you truly are.
open your mind a little more, do some thinking on your own account rise above your bigotted view and think about how giving everyone the respect they
might deserve as your brother, we are all one big family we all come from the same place such a view may assist the human race as a whole to move
forwards in unity.
To crush everyone that thinks not as you do will eventually deny you (and your friends and your family) progress and have you back in the sands of
your fathers, scratching fatwah's on animal skin with a stone.knowing only the contents of one book.
We would never see beyond our tiny horizon, and that would be a shame, pretending to know everything is not the same as actually knowing something,
and knowing you don't have all the answers, neither does religion (do not pretend it does I know you want to but it simply doesn't work) or science
(there are more questions than answers here too), the gap has to be filled with reason, respect and curiosity. Without it you are an ape with a paper
edit on 14-9-2012 by Darkstar74 because: (no reason given)