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Libya: Real Thing, Beginning of the Apocalypse, False Flag, Something Else, and Does It Matter?

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Those of us here at ATS will always be ahead of the rest of the world in seeking the truth in all things. For the greater part we are the best at cautious preparation, not too over reactive, yet always prepared and ever vigilant. It will be a very long time, if ever, before we stop debating the death of Ambassador Stevens in Libya, and already there are several threads discussing various theories, all valid. For the safety of my family, however, what I personally believe to be of most importance is the true reality of this event. To be the best husband and father I can, I feel I need to know as much as possible about what is actually going on as we all go about dutiful preparation for the worst while hoping for the best.

So, I implore honest input regarding your best discernment. Was this apparent assassination:
"As reported and nothing else"?
False Flag?
Al Qaeda?
Libyan government?
Libyan military?
North Korea?
Anyone else we have ticked off as a nation?
Something else entirely different?

Finally, does it even matter, and why? There will be threads about false flag leading to the suspension of the upcoming election, about Bin Laden returning from the dead and causing this, etc.. For me, although important, those discussions are for another day. I sincerely believe knowing the truth about the original nature of this event is far more important at the moment. Thanks for input.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:44 PM
and don't forget Syria and Iran. will never end will it?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:05 PM
Why would it be the apocalypse?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Lately, everything has the apocolypto attached to it,.
the weather
and the ongoing threat of war.
Tis truely a tense time we are experiencing.
As for this mattering? honestly.. lets just get it over with

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by samstone11

Starred and Flagged!
I applaud your tact and efforts to keep this positive and constructive. I hope it succeeds. Some of the possible underlying causes that you mentioned came to mind when I heard the news. The timing is definitely suspicious, and although I certainly don't have any inside knowledge, the old saying "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it probably IS a duck" seems appropriate here. In my humble opinion, somewhere, if one digs deep enough, outside agitators will be found. As to who they are, at this point, we certainly can't be sure, but prime suspects are Al Qaeda, the CIA, Mossad, and the usual suspects. This was too well planned to be a "spontaneous" outrage of Libyan citizens. Likewise, the simultaneous demonstrations and violence in Egypt, indicate a definite preplanned set of events.
Combine this with Obama's refusal to meet with Netanyahu, allegedly because he has no time, while scheduling to appear on Letterman, are to say the least, a poor decision, and at worst, potentially catastrophic. The Middle East is a tinder box, just waiting for the lit match to explode, and any of the above mentioned could easily lead to an all-out Middle East war, which could just possibly engulf the entire globe.

edit on 12-9-2012 by ProfEmeritus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:05 PM
The US is already saying it was a planned attack. The protests were either a circumstantial distraction or a coordinated cover. It's suspicious they used an RPG in a very accurate attack on precisely the ambassadors location.

The timing of the film's release, knowing it would spark protests, using those protests to provide cover for a planned attack...

Something looks suspicious about it.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Something looks suspicious about it.
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

For those familiar with Operation Northwoods, the situation is eerily similar. The only difference is that the action took place against US assets OUTSIDE of the US, unlike the planned Northwoods, which was drawn up by the US Joint Chiefs of staff, approved by the defense department, and fortunately, rejected by President Kennedy.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Thank you for the kind words. To merge your thoughts a bit closer to my concerns, let's stipulate that the correct perpetrators will be found. How much of such information or governmental/military intelligence (I never tire of that contradiction in terms) will ever be dissimilated to the public? Secondly, was the President’s “snub” of Netanyahu a sign or evidence of foreknowledge as Obama was actually slipping back from center stage to watch and/or make plans and contingencies? I know I have never seen Hillary as tired and worn as she appeared this morning, and I had the impression she had been working this all night. Perhaps a lot of people were?Thank you for the kind words. To merge your thoughts a bit closer to my concerns, let's stipulate that the correct perpetrators will be found. How much of such information or governmental/military intelligence (I never tire of that contradiction in terms) will ever be dissimilated to the public? Secondly, was the President’s “snub” of Netanyahu a sign or evidence of foreknowledge as Obama was actually slipping back from center stage to watch and/or make plans and contingencies? I know I have never seen Hillary as tired and worn as she appeared this morning, and I had the impression she had been working this all night. Perhaps a lot of people were?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:37 PM
Is there a thread about US warships moving into the Libyan coast? I'm not seeing it if there is.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:37 PM
the Libya and Egypt embassy attacks, the trigger and the hidden agenda are all connected to the Teachers Union strikes in Northeastern Illinois.

All orchestrated...

the video about islam (false flag trigger), the pre-programmed muslim response (tearing down the American Flag and replacing it with mo's black standard and the murder of the American Ambassador) are all components of a reenactment of the destruction a certain place that doesn't need to be mentioned.

all events this week are the result of the Canadians kicking out the Iranian delegation last week.

#1 suspect...Iranian and Syrian covert activity.

act of desperation at best.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Asking why it could be the apocalypse is a good question. The shortest way I can think of to answer is that if the murder of an Austrian duke could set the entire world at each other’s throats I see no reason this event could not serve the same purpose if specific people of influence and power were to use it as rationale to go to war. Putting it another way: there certainly is no shortage of countries, governments, leaders, etc that the US has alienated or violated in some manner. Should enough of these contingents ban together, then they could easily produce a viable force for us to deal with. In addition, if certain members of the “We Hate The US” club were to gather together, they could even bring it inside our borders.

I can’t claim to be knowledgeable enough to put all the pieces in place, but I do know that the deaths of millions to billions of people is taught as a part of the apocalypse and today’s unfortunate scenario could be just the impetus these leaders have been waiting or plotting for.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:44 PM

the Libya and Egypt embassy attacks, the trigger and the hidden agenda are all connected to the Teachers Union strikes in Northeastern Illinois. All orchestrated...
reply to post by michaelbrux

I understand and agree with most of what you are saying. However, could you explain why you feel the Teacher
Union Strike in Chicago is related? I don't see how that fits in to the Middle East situation.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by michaelbrux

Haven't heard that angle yet mike. Possible, on the Syria or Iran angle I suppose. No doubt though that an Assassination of an Ambassador is in act of war, and if a state actor is found to be culpable, that is just cause for war. I'd like to know exactly how they relate to teachers union strikes in Chicago myself though

edit on 12-9-2012 by jefwane because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Asking why it could be the apocalypse is a good question.
reply to post by samstone11

It is a very appropriate proposition. The Middle East has been a tinder box for as long as I can remember. Home to 3 major religions of the world, it is a very complicated region to understand. I spent a good deal of time in the area years ago, and the hatred between the peoples of the region was barely beneath the surface, but was quite palpable. In some ways though, the people of the region are not that different from the various factions here in the US. I grew up in the 1940's and 1950's, when times were much simpler. Political parties may have differed, and yes, even name-called, but the American people were for the most part above that. Today, with 24 by 7 cable news, very polarized into extreme right and extreme left, (e.g MSNBC & CNN vs. FoxNews), it is hard to find ANYONE that stops to look at issues from an intellectual point of view. Everything seems to be based on LEFT vs. RIGHT, regardless of the illogic of both sides. People rarely think things through anymore, basing their "beliefs" upon the side of the aisle that they reside on.
With world-wide connections such as the Internet, Cable TV, and News organizations, the "disease" of lack of thought has spread quickly around the world. We should not worry so much about an influenza epidemic, as we should of an "anger and lack of thought" epidemic.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

the Libya and Egypt embassy attacks, the trigger and the hidden agenda are all connected to the Teachers Union strikes in Northeastern Illinois. All orchestrated...
reply to post by michaelbrux

I understand and agree with most of what you are saying. However, could you explain why you feel the Teacher
Union Strike in Chicago is related? I don't see how that fits in to the Middle East situation.

while I don't feel its connected formally or anything of that nature (while it could be)...the events share many things in common.

i enjoy identifying seemingly unrelated events and theorizing how they may be interconnected.

Chicago Board of Education = Producer of mohamed hate film.
Teachers = Angry muslim protesters.
Chicago and Lake Forest, Il = Cairo and Benghazi

People cheering for CTU president Karen Lewis and calling for Rahm Emmanuel to resign = All paid actors.
People who fired RPG in Benghazi and people who carried black standard and video camera to protest in Cairo = all paid actors.

its all a production...and while it had a purpose, it has already fallen apart.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by jefwane

the culprit is probably a non-state actor and they are already at war; with one another apparently.

I was guessing that the ambassdor has something to do with the Holy Roman or Hungary; and the attacker has something to do with Pahlavi.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:52 PM
Smells like Mossad to me.

So did 911.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 03:05 AM
The simple act of a moron with no respect for anothers religion is the sole cause of what has happened in Libya and Egypt. Only because of security forces in Tunisia, the same thing did not happen there. If you insult a religion, what do expect them to do? Sit back and cop it on the chin? Who has the right to insult anyones belief system?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 07:14 AM

Sit back and cop it on the chin? Who has the right to insult anyones belief system?
reply to post by DarknStormy

I agree that insulting anyone's religious beliefs is complete stupidity. I don't agree that attacking people who had nothing to do with that insult accomplishes anything.
Furthermore, Obama insults Christianity daily by his actions over the last four years. Forcing Catholic, Baptist, and other religious institutions to do something like pay for abortive services, certainly qualifies in that category.
In addition, RIGHT HERE on ATS, this unfortunately happens daily, as members flame anyone that tries to defend Christianity. Just try to post something of a religious nature, and the haters come out in force. It is the main reason I have cut down my postings here. If you haven't seen some of the trash that passes as free speech here at ATS, just view some of the threads, and you'll see what I mean. If Christians were as violent as some of the people we have seen on TV over the last two days, ATS would be burning down.
In fact, after posting this, I went to the only other thread I have on my list right now, and found this comment:

Right, and the majority of Christians are psychopaths and child molesters... Wait, is that NOT true? Based on what I see of the Catholic Church and families like the Phelps' it must be! And if we look back through centuries of crusades and wars I think I can get together a few thousand examples of how the Christian faith has caused more death and suffering than any other religion all around the world.

Rather typical of what disgusts me. Blame over 1 billion people because of an admittedly horrible set of acts by a few individuals, compared to the 1 billion.

On another note, I don't understand why this thread doesn't have more members participating. This is a very important issue, and the OP posed it in a very intelligent way. I'm afraid I know the answer already, and it doesn't speak very highly of some here on ATS.

edit on 13-9-2012 by ProfEmeritus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Again, thanks for the kind words but most of all for the very relevant insight. Your mention of how hate seems to elbow it’s way out at various and certainly unnecessary times (as if there is ever an appropriate time for such) here at ATS reinforces one of my personal fears regarding Libya. First, there are many, many well-intentioned, educated, outside-the-box-free-thinkers such as you with incredible talent for seeking and uncovering truth on these pages. I can truthfully say I learn from them every day. I think it seems an odd contradiction for a minority of the membership to cast stones at the majority so freely while concurrently attempting to speak on behalf of everyone, included those they are insulting. This is where my concern lies. If the situation in Libya is as we have been told, then there are a few reactionists in multiple countries using this incident through various approaches to claim the voice of the masses when they are actually nothing more than opportunists. This is the same with the hatred we see on this site. Someone with a personal belief system or agenda doesn’t approve of another view, i.e. Christianity, and they then try to impose their will on everyone. Unfortunately sometimes enough malcontented individuals will band together that there will be casualties. Contradicting myself however, if no one ever stood up for their beliefs, then where would we be? History large and small is filled with such stories, good and bad. Here at ATS if we can retain civility and engage in constructional exchange of values and ideas through discussion and healthy debate when necessary, I believe it would build character for all involved.

Or, if abused, it can take someone down.

Finally, you mention you have a suspicion as to why there isn’t much participation on this specific thread. I would respectfully like to ask what that might be so I can know if I should adjust. Rest assured I have been married far too long to allow what remains of my ego to interfere, so I haven’t necessarily minded lack of attention. Still, if I need to be aware of something, please feel free to share.

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