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How to help unemployed youths today? - Sports

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:47 AM
On the average in this current economic climate, there is at least an estimated 15% of unemployed youths between 18 to 25 who have difficulty in landing jobs and living life.

If world leaders continue to bailout the rich and allow the rich to hoard their monies, it will only get worse, thus solutions are needed.

While 85% are gainfully employed, that 15% may have personal issues such as lack of skills or qualifications, or interpersonal issues for normal work. They CANNOT be left behind, more so in our current climate. They are only our fellow humans.

Today, we had seen how successful the UK Olympics had been, and how hopeful and inspiring those olympians were.

It can be translated upon our many unemployed youths, by giving them the opportunity to try out in funded sporting endeavours for the Olympics. There are MANY events and incredible yet to be discovered talents.

What one lacks in talent can be overcomed by burning passion.

Govts only need to hire talent scouts as managers to search out from organised sessions of events, to select a few for each olympic event, rugby international, football worldcup, tennis grand slam, archery meets, etc, etc.

That few in each event would translates into thousands or millions citizens so long as there is funding, to help as many as we can, keep them in training for the next olympic for results to bring pride and inspiration to the nation.

But where would the funding come from when govts are equally cash strapped and in austerity mode?

Corporations, sitting upon hoarded trillions is one solution as responsible corporate sponsors in return for advertising rights. Another is US style marketing hype to attract paying game supporters and TV/internet media. All work and no play makes a human bored. Weekend Games can be a crowd puller if intelligently worked out for the normal working folks.

This concept is not much for USA, as there is already such programmes which can be further improved upon. It is more for African and middle eastern nations to embark upon, to direct their youth's talents to more creative energies which gives them personal and national pride and more critically - a life worth living just as others have.

When they retire, with their fitness, mental strength and fame on the national level if not international ones, they would have no problems landing jobs or help others land jobs later in life.

I am sure there are many more whom are far more intelligent than me with better ideas. It's time to work on solutions. Wars and culling are not the answers.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:16 PM
18-25 year olds for the most part should be unemployed because I think they should be pursuing further education. It's a cold hard fact that employers more than ever look to a college degree first. Someone with the exact same skill set but does not have a degree will get picked over. Trust me...I HATED college. Dropped out after a year, then bounced around to two different jobs over a 5 year time frame. It was work but the pay was roughly $10/hr with no where to go. I went back to school, part time, and finished my degree in the IT field and Management. I've been with my company for 6 years and have had 2 promotions.

Suck it up and go to college. Even if it's only part time it's better to get it done later than never.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

I would have to disagree with that statement. College or more schools is not for everyone. There are programs that provide job training with housing, food etc the Job corps. I did not attend college. While all my friends went to college, I went straight to a job. 10 years later I am currently making 2x more then my friends that went to college by nothing more than hard work and determination. A bonus to this is I am not in a mountain of debt.

However do I kick myself for not attending college? Yes but life is full of choices. I believe if you have the means and determination to do it. I did not have this choice, I was kicked out of my house when I was 16 lived in a youth shelter. Worked through high school to present day.

As for sports, sports is a great way to let off energy, get in shape, learn teamwork etc etc...However It does not provide real world skills unless you plan on being a professional. I believe free trade seminars are where most unemployed youth should go to learn a skill but we are slowly seeing skilled workers being replaced by A) overseas jobs B) Robotics C) Failing Business. Plus free training usually means the teacher volunteers their time, we lack a society of truly giving people.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by JValhalla
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

I would have to disagree with that statement. College or more schools is not for everyone. There are programs that provide job training with housing, food etc the Job corps. I did not attend college. While all my friends went to college, I went straight to a job. 10 years later I am currently making 2x more then my friends that went to college by nothing more than hard work and determination. A bonus to this is I am not in a mountain of debt.

However do I kick myself for not attending college? Yes but life is full of choices. I believe if you have the means and determination to do it. I did not have this choice, I was kicked out of my house when I was 16 lived in a youth shelter. Worked through high school to present day.

I would have elaborated a little more but didnt want to write a novel, lol. But you are 100% correct. There are alternatives and like you said not everyone is made out for college. I for sure am not and was not made out for college but I did it anyways. You have to find something you enjoy though. I have a lot of my HS friends that went right into bricklaying and construction jobs and they are doing very well for themselves but I just didnt want that hard labor for a job after working those for summer jobs.

I feel you have a higher percentage to succeed if you have that college degree but like you said as well, you don't have the mountain of debt caused by college. Which I can tell you my wife and I still have around $25k to payoff and we've been paying for probably 8 years now. That for sure has been a burden and really is not much compared to what our degrees have done for us though.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 02:04 PM
Thanks for your replies and wisdom.

I would most agree that college degrees are the path to greater financial stability to live life, but degrees are not a 'be all and end all path' for all humankind.

Imagine what would happened if every child on Earth is given the opportunity to obtain a degree? Who will do the manual technical work and the arts?

In truth, every human on our planet has a divine primary gift, and with free will to fully discover it and use it for greater good, to contribute to mankind. They are the doctors, scientists, professionals, etc.

Then there are those whom are good with their hands, or rational skills, such as engineers, technicians, artistes, etc.

But what about the roadsweeper? Has he no gift at all?

Truth is, he has, but nothing is guaranteed in life. He made his choices, perhaps is happy being where it is, with less stresses of lilfe. If ever he is unhappy, in a free and democratic society, entreprenuership and education is blind and open still to all to upgrade themselves at whatever age.

The only issue is unemployment.

No matter what your gifts are, if there are no jobs, you are dead. So should society leave them behind? No. They are only our fellow humans, and every means must be found to give them the opportunity of life, more so in these current times, to truly live, and that can only come about with greater responsibility from those whom had succeeded in life TO SHARE.

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