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Taliban Call On Afghans To Fight Against Americans Over Mohammed Film…

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
This is the hypocrisy of the Muslim approach. They demand that we acknowledge their culture, etc, and show it respect. In return, however, they refuse to do the same for us. Not only is it asinine to think and entire 300 million people are responsible for the speech of a few individuals, but they also believe that we should stifle a core of our own culture: free speech.

Perhaps if they do not appreciate our free speech, they should ignore what we say? In this way we can have them feeling that their religion isn't under attack, and we can continue exercising our free speech.

Otherwise, there is no end game other than annhilation. We will not stifle free speech, they will not ignore our free speech and will want to fight about it. It isn't provocation to say something unless you tap them on the shoulder before you say it.

Calm down with the emotional approach.

I do not seek to change your mind, but only to share an insight.

While you castigate the muslim's 'seemingly high handed demands' over rights and claiming insanely that ALL muslims are aspired as you claimed, had you looked seriously at how many fingers are actually pointing back at you as you point your single finger of blame to muslims?

Would you condone what the westboro apostate group had done to christianity? Would you condone the right winger brevik had done in keeping foreign elements out in a secular nation? Would you condone our Messiah being portrayed falsely? Would you condone the spitting upon of the original sacred written US Constitution?

You claim to respect free speech. I believe that. But would you have been comfortable with being apathetic, or would you have the conscience to join a peaceful demostration to protest those wrongs, or at least convince another to go there in your stead?

We and the muslims are no different in our common goals in life. It is only our form of worship that is different. Just because a few raise a ruckus, is never the representative of all, equally a right that you have if you support westboro apostates, tramplers of the constitution, brevik and condemnation of beliefs.

Worse if you condemn them all for the violence inflicted by the few. We are responsible for the moron bush's invasion of Iraq as a whole, but we as a whole are are not responsible for some idiot's depiction of a religious figure.

Freedom is a power by itself, and with power comes responsibilities to others. Abuse it and you are nothing but a misanthrope, hater of the human species.

What you had done and written in your post is no different from those murderers of the great ambassador Chris Stevens - condemning all for the work of one or a few.
edit on 12-9-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

I think you are playing a game of semantics. I thought i had made it clear that I refer to "muslim" in this case as being the people who are stirring up trouble. Perhaps it was the thread about the murdered ambassador. If so, then let this serve as notice that I am using words that get the meaning across while saving myself from having to explain in detail the exact people I am referring to. I had thought it obvious that I was not talking about Abdel, the guy running the hotel around the corner.

Unfortunately, misanthrope is starting to seem fairly welcoming. It is times like this that make me wish I was a dog.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:51 PM

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by onecraftydude

So you know, someone will end up reporting your post.
I had one removed (and got my first warning) for something just about as graphic (relating the epeening of forumers throwing around their claimed degrees to, well, real peening).

In any event, Muslim faith holds Jesus in high regard. They are an offshoot of Christianity, after all.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:42 PM
So where's the video?

Why no link?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Looks like we are taking the heat again.
We try and be good guys like Bush wanted and look what happens.
His father tried to deal with them but they wanted too much.
So we put up a front government and have to defend them against the local powers.
We don't need their resources with the powers we have.

edit on 9/12/2012 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by knowledgedesired

Oh no somebody made a bad movie about a religous child molestor...

Oh wait when your holy your allowed to flower 9 year old girls....

I choose to remain unholy

No such thing as a "holy" man. If anything he was unholy. Welcome to the human race.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 08:08 PM
My god people are so stupid; AMERICA DIDN'T MAKE THIS MOVIE.

To put things in perspective, calling for an attack on Americans because of the actions of a few would be like America calling for an attack on Afghanistan for the actions of a few who ARE NOT EVEN FROM AFGHANISTAN. Oh wait...

Never underestimate the human capacity for stupidity.
edit on 12-9-2012 by DestroyDestroyDestroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 08:34 PM
Reading through this thread, I noticed that there are fools who are blaming authors and film makers as though it is their fault. They are then saying that they shouldn't write or produce stuff that will cause unrest. How stupid can anyone get! That is admitting that these slime with their pathetic views have WON! and have forced NORMAL, people to change their behaviour. Next these smelly dirty inbreds would then start killing people for the way people dress, so what happens then? Does everybody start wearing top of head to toe garbage bags with eye holess cut in them?

Wow, heck! why don't we all just cut to the chase and either jump off a cliff (if we don't want to be a member of the "religion of peace" or become muzzie radicals. Get your priorities right! People in the "free" world are IN STEP here, these hopeless maggots are the oness that are in the wrong. If someone wants to state that moooo haaaaa m ooood is nothing more than a sleezy pedo who wears a (filled) bedpot as a hat then they should be allowed to say so. If someone doesn't like it and they are living in a country that allows it to be said, then they should rack off to some demented backward country where such things are not permitted. That way the saying "to each his own" will work.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 08:42 PM
People are dumb. that is all.

Let them live in the dark ages. this # is going too far, you made a movie showing islam to be a violent religion!? HOW DARE YOU! so to protest they decide to kill people.

but islam is not violent!
i didnt read the article just basing this off another article which could be inaccurate

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 08:48 PM
The illuminati clock was correct.

The movie that does not exist was the false flag.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

This is the hypocrisy of the Muslim approach. They demand that we acknowledge their culture, etc, and show it respect. In return, however, they refuse to do the same for us. Not only is it asinine to think and entire 300 million people are responsible for the speech of a few individuals, but they also believe that we should stifle a core of our own culture: free speech.

You can have your free speech but just remember, muslims don't give two hoots about it in their country. When you insult an entire religions prophet, god etc, what else do you expect?

Perhaps if they do not appreciate our free speech, they should ignore what we say? In this way we can have them feeling that their religion isn't under attack, and we can continue exercising our free speech.

Terry Jones has no right to belittle any prophet or religion. What he stands for is not peaceful and certainly isn't changing the world for the better. how is that joke even a pastor?

Otherwise, there is no end game other than annhilation. We will not stifle free speech, they will not ignore our free speech and will want to fight about it. It isn't provocation to say something unless you tap them on the shoulder before you say it.

Unfortunetly, Muslims are very religious, unlike the USA. They have respect for their religion, unlike the USA and they will protect their religion even if it means killing for it, like the USA does for profit..

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

OH NOES!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 02:06 AM
YA BECUASE YOU insult my religion, all america must die.. it was stupid someone made that movie..
even stupider to kill someone over it

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
You can have your free speech but just remember, muslims don't give two hoots about it in their country. When you insult an entire religions prophet, god etc, what else do you expect?

Maturity and perspective. Not much to ask from grown men and women.

Do you really think it reasonable to kill people unrelated to a movie that is made if that movie is insulting? Hell, for that matter, is it reasonable to kill someone over being insulted by a movie?

Terry Jones has no right to belittle any prophet or religion. What he stands for is not peaceful and certainly isn't changing the world for the better. how is that joke even a pastor?

Terry Jones is a tool. But tools have a right to speak their mind. In recourse, we have a right to ignore them. No where does logic insinuate that killing is a right. Nor is murder a right.

Having said that, you are a religious figure he is a joke. But FAR less of a joke than any Imam who has called for the murder of another person. He makes a pathetic pastor, but is FAR more worthy of being a pastor than ANY Imam who has called for the murder of another person. Do you not understand that MURDER is far worse than insulting someone?

Unfortunetly, Muslims are very religious, unlike the USA. They have respect for their religion, unlike the USA and they will protect their religion even if it means killing for it, like the USA does for profit..

Any person who would murder another human in the name of their religion absolutely has ZERO respect for their religion. The only reason I can have respect for Islam is because of the good Muslims I have encountered in my life, who have shown me how the faith should be practiced in peace, not violence.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Yes, because our troops are the ones who shot the movie. Its their fault and they are to blame. All Americans are at fault here and should be punished. Dont you realize that the Taliban is just a hate mongering bunch of nut jobs?
I say, we should kill all Muslims because Muslims attacked our embassy. Sounds a little wrong, doesnt it? Holding a whole group of people responsible for the actions of a few. But then again, Im a civilized human being who doesnt believe in a book written by a heat stroked cave dwelling child rapist

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Its only causing murder because its offending a bunch of people who refuse to wake up and become civilized. Screw them. People are entitled to their opinions. Its a basic human right. The Muslims/Taliban dont like it? Too effing bad. Get over it.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Corporatism is the real cancer, we are entitled to free speech,as here in ATS if you don't like something you are free to overlook it,nobody put a gun to these people's head's to watch this video..

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

What a whole bunch of crap coming from the same group that our nation went to fight in the middle east because it was tagged by our government as "terrorist"

US supposedly have a very strict rule that doesn't bend to terrorist demands.

You know a government is full of crap when they bend to the wishes of the same crap that they created

The film is that a film, by historical accounts we know what Mohamed was and that can not be denied, he is not holier than the crap the taliban is spewing now

I guess this is a good excuse also to keep the troops in the middle east to keep fighting

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Kram09

Many Arabs are convinced there is some insidious conspiracy by the Jews against them, backed by the United States. To be honest the fact that this film was produced apparently by a Jewish person and was funded by Jewish donors and who called Islam a cancer, would only serve to incite hatred and violence.

I think you fell for it hook, line and sinker too.

It looks like the film was created by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka Sam Bacile.

Nakoula wanted everyone to think he was an Israeli/American.

I bet we find out he's an Egyptian member of the Muslim Brotherhood who was hired to incite violence, since one woman who worked in the film says he claimed to be Egyptian and spoke Arabic.

Apparently, he was in a U.S. federal prison for federal bank fraud back in 2010 and has many aliases in which "Bacile" seems to be a common factor in his name.

Apparently, there's a large Muslim Brotherhood following in California if you do some research.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 10:10 AM
Well I for one am pissed.
I think we should hand over mustache preacher
and his side kick (if he exists).
And say if y'all are hell bent on killing after that movie,
start with these two.(and no I don't mean it) But....
What chicken**** thing to do.
People have died because of their stupid movie.
Like I said of course I disagree with the Taliban
and other Muslim extremists. Just like I disagree with Terry Jones.
But this was a premeditated fuse they lit, designed to wreak havoc.
They need to realize what they have done. Do you think they know it yet?

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