posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:10 AM
I don't care what your position on the President is, or Israel v Iran:
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!! We stand on the potential of a major regional (and perhaps World) War III) and the "president" determines that his
schedule is too full to meet with a head of state but will appear on Letterman????? (I put president in quotes not as a hit towards "birthers" or
anything, just that him saying "no" to the meeting seems like dereliction of duty to's his JOB to meet with heads of state that request,
particularly one that is supposiedly and ally).
So many questions about this:
1) Is he WANTING to push the IDF into a strike?? If so is it to snub them or join them???
2) Is he (and or his staff) that complacent? Are they so worried about the political situation that they are too impotent to do anything until the
3) Is he washing his hands and feet of it? Is he privately pulling for Iran??
He is the leader of the free world and a Prime Minister in the region is asking to talk to him, and he snubs him.....
How is that Presedential?? How is this guy leading in the polls....oh, because he is "cool" and on Letterman??? UGH
And on a second note, we have had two embassey's/consulates attacked and it seems like it is barely making the news. (Note: just checked looks like
it the Cairo is getting some coverage).
10/20 years ago (heck 5 years ago) one would think that this would be running practically 24 hours. It's like all of us here what's going on, but few
others do......
It's crazy, absolutely crazy......
edit on 12-9-2012 by SrWingCommander because: clarification