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You Can’t Handle the 9/11 Truth

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:08 PM
The title is not my words. It is the heading of this article which I would urge people to read.

You Can’t Handle the 9/11 Truth

Perhaps some of you won't. Here are some quotes:

"But most American’s have demonstrated that they cannot handle simple truth. Instead, they willfully disregard facts and refuse to think, or engage in Orwellian doublethink, cognitive dissonance, lean on normalcy bias, or continuously entertain themselves with sports and perversion. Many continue to “just think positive” after watching their fellow citizens massacred on live television."

"One of the best places to start investigating 9/11 is Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, where over 1,700 certified architects and engineers prove beyond all doubt that the Twin Towers and Building 7 (not hit by a plane) were destroyed by controlled demolition"

"Additionally, the BBC and other news outlets reported that Building 7 had collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did. This indicates that the news script had been written with foreknowledge of the demolition"

On the morning of 9/11, President George W. Bush visited children at an elementary school. Certain vocabulary words were repeated by the class as Bush watched: “HIT, STEEL, PLANE, MUST.” If we change the order we get PLANE MUST HIT STEEL. In your face.

You will only need to watch the first minute and a half of this video:

There is an abundance of evidence that the U.S. government had foreknowledge of the attacks and insider stock trading on companies most affected by 9/11 increased dramatically the prior week.

That will do for now. This article and the many other bits of info it links to will take me weeks to digest. I will need to go to each of the links, that will take literally many days, full time, and I don't have that sort of time to invest. But I will get through it soon enough. I hope you will too.

It is not possible to read all this and not believe that 9-11 was an inside job.

Perhaps this has already happened?:

Cass Sunstein, the administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, considers individual who doubt government propaganda national security threats. He has outlined plans for the government to infiltrate “conspiracy groups”, including the 9/11 Truth Movement, in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

Sadly truly spoken, reflecting the utter demise of a people because they are willing to be lead to the slaughter for the sake of Voltaire's garden of ignorance and live in the world of their ignorant and destructive bliss.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:19 PM
Even if the kids chanted - "Inside, Job, Nine, Eleven, Is, An" most MSM watching American's wouldn't get it.

I PET YODA, also says "Hit Steel Plane Must"

edit on 11-9-2012 by Pedro4077 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:25 PM
Wow this will be my second 9/11 reply today I average 0 a year.....

My only issue with these types of threads are the now expected

"If you don't believe this then

YOU have demonstrated that YOU cannot handle simple truth. Instead, YOU willfully disregard facts and refuse to think, or engage in Orwellian doublethink, cognitive dissonance, lean on normalcy bias, or continuously entertain YOURSELVES with sports and perversion. YOU continue to “just think positive” after watching YOUR fellow citizens massacred on live television."

Then they normally go on to advertise something like....

"One of the best places to start investigating 9/11 is SOMETHING SOMETHING for 911 Truth"

reply to post by Shamatt

Yes I read it.
Thanks for asking


Originally posted by Maluhia
Do you have a link to this quote ? or perhaps some context

Sure thing. Here you go ----> Link

It's the first quoted paragraph.
I hope that helps


Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
Admit it Slayer, you are so wrapped into the delusion that you love

Didn't take a genius to see where you reply was going with that.
I appreciate the accusatory innuendo and smear campaign.

edit on 12-9-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

So you didn't even read the article then?

Come on brother. Read it. Don't be scared. Read the article and think about it. Then come back. Please? Pretty please? Go on. Read the article. For me? Pretty please with sugar on top?

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Not surrendering - just need more time to digest it all.

edit on 12-9-2012 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:40 PM
Really good article, nice find S+F.

This will be my go-to when i get involved in a 9/11 conspiracy theory chat with friends who believe the "official story", nicely outlines all of the pink elephants in the room in one tidy place.



posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

Thanks for the article. I have already seen everything in it though, but now I have the best spot ever to point people to. I've actually woken up at least 3 people all the way I would say. I went low and slow, only offering up things I knew would happen in the future so they could see it for themselves. Once you understand what is really going on to any great degree, you can tell the next steps that have to happen.

I was warning about Iran and Syria being blown up for a long time now, since maybe 2005. Then in 06 my commanders would joke at questions of where will I be deployed? THey'd look at there watch and say well, looks like it's about time for Iran, but I think we can squeeze in Syria too. They thought it was funny, but it stuck in my head. So I told people the List to look for and lo and behold all but Syria and Iran have been taken out, and Syria is being attacked hardcore at the current time. "Oh he said this would happen and it is." He must have figured out the game." hey man "what do you know?" Well, here's 9/11...

Then they start asking questions. Once they do that you're in.

Now these guys are even coming to me with new findings, and to see what I think about particular news pieces. 9/11 will backfire on those serving EVIL. Once you get someone to learn about 9/11 and except the cold truth of life, they can then go all the way to the top. Nothing iss too scary to not believe anymore. It's actually empowering to know that there's not much to lose, by fighting for truth, since we already lost our country. I have lost my fear of death, because my fear of living in a NWO is greater than my fear of death. Already knowing that with them the end justifies the means. ie they have lost their minds.

9/11 was the conspiracy straw the broke the camels back.. It leads down every path.

Thanks again for the article, already saved it to my HD.
Perfect starting piece for the noobs.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:05 AM

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore

You Won't Handle the Truth.. because it is truly too hard.

The unchangeable ones, are the dangerous ones, and they are EVERYWHERE.

I agree.

You have seen the matrix right?

Do you remember when they are first showing neo around in one of the programs mouse made with the red woman? He tells him that he has to stay alert because "Before these people are woken up they ARE your enemy." "anyone who is not awake yet is part of the system and they are dangerous to you."

They are dependent on the system, and therefore you are attacking their world by going against the system.

Just look at what happened to Charlie Sheen.

I'm still hopeful for the future. I feel like this will play like the best movie ever created, called reality. The Hero character is All of us who see. We don't need to make our agendas happen to win, we just need to stop theirs. They need everything to work, we just need one thing to fail.

I'm thinking it comes down to human consciousness, or maybe guns in the US. I think the people in the US are at the heart of this beast, and as such we have the greatest responsibility and maybe the greatest risk too.

Even if I die I WILL win, that's a promise.

edit on 9/12/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:26 AM
History Channel today was very careful to show zero footage where you can see the buildings actually collapse. They simply removed that part of it and focused the entire "history" of the event to footage that was intended to cause fear. that's fairly telling.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Here's a thought....

We know most people are in this trance like state. They either don't know, don't understand, don't believe anything other than what they've been told by TPTB and MSM.

So it's like a kid who sees evidence from different sources that daddy is lying to them about something. But when faced with that evidence they'll INSTANTLY AND ADIMENTLY REJECT IT. Because to even consider it would mean they'd have to deal with the idea that TPTB's narrative they've believed there whole life could be wrong. Well you know this. This goes without saying.

Anyway onto another couple things, you've probably seen them. But we know that people involved in the occult often make up rituals and spells. That's a common practice amoungst witches, satanists etc etc. So this seriously looks like a ritual. Like there's it could be similarity, but right durring the moment 9/11 was happening they did this.... (like it's too big a coincidence considering many understand and and believe 9/11 was a mass ritual sacrifice. And to trick kids to do it, I could just see that too, and air it live nation wide. Again I could see the way in witch broadcasting the ritual live or even taped would have some kind of strange occult significance to them....

The ritual:

Then I found this guy extremely interesting. He explains the whole 911 ritual sacrifice. It's quit interesting to watch even if it's long: (it begins saying part 2 I couldn't find part 1 but this is the part that gets to the juice)

the point being that these are the most evil people on planet earth. So to think they wouldn't do mass ritual sacrifices ongoingly is rediculous. Of course they are. They're been so many events, in which thousands died, but the people setting up the event and pulling the strings all seem to point toward TPTB.

So one can't help but think that many of them were mass ritual sacrifices. Another that comes to mind very similar in nature was the Okalhama city booo mm ing. And so many others.

They don't do this stuff to just scare people. They don't do these events to try and change laws or whatever. All that is so secondary. The main reason is blood scarifice. The killing of innocence. Sending unbelievers to hell. that's what there master demands as basically an offering from them as a form of worship.

I know this sounds crazy but to think they're just doing it to push some nwo agenda without any spiritual aspect is foolish. The spiritual aspect the the main point, with additional secondard agendas tied into the events. Anyway food for thought.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 01:15 AM
I'm not very good at being clever with the written word. So please don't think I am being rude, I just don't know how else to ask:

How can anybody read this article, and look at some of the links, listen to children sitting a the presidents feet repeating the words "plane steel hit must" and STILL not be in the slightest bit scepticle, or even a tiny little bit suspicious of the official story?

Slayer - you might want to tackle this one? Honestly?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 01:38 AM
We all know 9/11 was an inside job, but so what? What have you done to change this? Jump on ATS and post the same crap over and over ? Do something about it then the people will believe you.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Zatox
We all know 9/11 was an inside job, but so what? What have you done to change this? Jump on ATS and post the same crap over and over ? Do something about it then the people will believe you.

Do something like what? Like spread the word and present new evidence to those that may not have seen it before? Perhaps send links like the one above to family and friends regardless of the ridicule it attracts? Shout it from the roof tops? What should I do? Should I fly to the US and stand outside the White House with a sign? Write a letter to someone? Tell me what I should do.

You say "What have I done to change this?" Umm.... Change history you mean? Change the facts? Change the truth?

Dude, you make little sense. What is it you expect me to change? My opinion? My attempt to give good rounded information to my brothers and sisters around the world? Please explain, I am fascinated.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

I agree that 911 was staged so Americans would be more willing to accept more war making. We wouldn't be going along so peacefully in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria and (later Iran) if 911 had not happened. But you will not get more experts on board for "the cause" (whatever that may be) by running over the same old ground:

One of the best places to start investigating 9/11 is Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, where over 1,700 certified architects and engineers prove beyond all doubt that the Twin Towers and Building 7 (not hit by a plane) were destroyed by controlled demolition"

"Beyond all doubt" left out the demolition materials found in the wreckage of the buildings... you're right, there weren't any.

But personally love the "I Pet Goat II" reference to GW with the kiddies in the classroom. They nailed it didn't they? My question is who is the puppeteer that controlled Bush Jr.?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Zatox
We all know 9/11 was an inside job, but so what? What have you done to change this? Jump on ATS and post the same crap over and over ? Do something about it then the people will believe you.

It's tricky though. For example I was riding my bike downtown. I saw a guy with a table set up with some pamphlets about possibly 911 or something similar. Everyone who walked by he tried to stop and show them these attrocities and try and educate them and wake them up. No one stopped. People could care less. They're so busy just trying to make ends meet that to think about anything else is a luxury. So that luxury time is spent resting, relaxing, maybe doing some yoga, or meditation, or reading or just a tiny bit of me time. Then it's back to the daily grind again as a zombie debt slave. So they see that stuff and they're like GET BACK TO REALITY YOU JURK OFF! Cuz thats' really how there life is st up. They're not set up in any way shape or form to have all this free time to figure anything out, to care about anything vital, or learn a bit about geo politics or any other puppet mastery. So they see someone who has that kind of free time or cares about something and they're like "YOU GOT TIME TO CARE ABOUT SOMETHING, REALLY? YOU SELFISH BASE TARD!". So trying to wake people up seems just pointless sometimes. What are you gonna say, 911 was an inside job? They'll be like "go see a shrink".

What I think does work though to some degree is just random posts online like on youtube and stuff and whereever I can but even then real life catches up with me too and I'm recently like "I gotta make some money". forget CT's for a while. But I don't know it's interesting I find to learn stuff so I keep coming back ha ha

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 02:26 AM
In before career ATS debunkers. There was an older thread I was looking over awhile ago which had a very interesting interview process with a few psychologists on what makes this kind of denial tick.

I don't mean to thieve from that thread, but it struck a chord with me and it seems relevant here:

edit on 12-9-2012 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
They're so busy just trying to make ends meet that to think about anything else is a luxury. So that luxury time is spent resting, relaxing, maybe doing some yoga, or meditation, or reading or just a tiny bit of me time. Then it's back to the daily grind again as a zombie debt slave.

Coincidence? What better way to stop people asking questions that to tie them up with so many problems.... like crashing the economy and threatening their homes, their retirement, their very way of life........
Feel manipulated yet?
Most of what is out there is lies. Always has been.
It starts with Santa, and never EVER stops!

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

1700 Architects and Engineers in 11 years so how many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS world wide have yet to sign up!!!!

OR is that FACT just ignored works both ways you know!!!!

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