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Remembering the man who warned us about 9/11 months prior: William Cooper.

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:02 PM

William Cooper is described as a "conspiracy theorist". This is a term used by the establishment for the express purpose of dismissing someone or anything they have to say.

He was a radio talk show host, an author, a husband and a father.

Political scientist Michael Barkun characterized (Copper's book) Behold a Pale Horse as "among the most complex superconspiracy theories" and also among the most influential, being much read in militia circles as well as widely sold in mainstream bookstores.[4]

He was a person. And it would seem that he did not believe nor trust his government though he served them as a member of the military.

Its been reported that Rush Limbaugh, during one of his broadcasts, read a White House memo on the air which named William Cooper as "...the most dangerous radio host in America".

On November 5th, 2001, he was killed at his home by Sheriff's deputies...

Here's to remembering William Cooper on this solemn day.

edit on 11-9-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:05 PM
Alex Jones is the guy who jumped in his place really fast. It was almost as if Alex was waiting to jump in the mans seat. There is a lot that goes into this.. And you are touching upon the tip of a really big ice burg.

Cooper was one of the few men, I had much respect for. And was one of the real deals.. unlike Alex Jones, who promptly took his place and claimed he was the one who predicted this event. AJ is a shill replacement, who says just enough "truths" to gain many peoples attention, mostly those who never heard of William Cooper.
edit on 11-9-2012 by zysin5 because: 1.2

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Alex makes the claim repeatedly that he predicted 9/11 and it would seem that he did but its always been my thought that he did so only after listening to William Cooper.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:15 PM
William Cooper to me put into words things that I had been feeling or thought for some time, things like the dumbing down of the populous.

I did not discover him until I found ATS in 08 and starting researching, its funny he was killed not even a month after 911, and a month before he predicted it.

Coincidence maybe, but after all we have seen our government do in the after math of it almost ensures William Cooper will forever be remembered.

Strange how he was the forerunner for people like Alex Jones/ Glen Beck, if only they had the integrity and convictions William Cooper had in his pinky...

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:15 PM
I was a big fan of Cooper's in-depth reporting of the "mystery schools", but after I learned about his knack for lying and embellishing the truth....I lost interest.

But I'll be damned if he didn't tell us about 9/11! He knew it was coming and called it to a T. Even said OBL would be the scapegoat.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:21 PM
this man was a hero. he also warned us about Alex Jones. and people still listen to that BS fear mongerer!! rip WC!!

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Milton William Cooper was a true patriot and genuine truth seeker, who was ruthlessly gunned down by Federal Agents in his prime. Although he was not 100% correct, he was on the right track.

Alex Jones claimed on air the Russians had nuked the US during Y2K...

Alex Jones/InfoWars/Prison Planet all his movies and articles are simply meant to scare and or anger people not pass along any kind of understanding. It’s a soap opera for people who are interested in conspiracies.

They killed Cooper and gave us Jones.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:03 PM
William Cooper was the individual who opened my eyes to the conspiracy world, and for that he has my eternal gratitude. There are a few things that people like to cite as reasons to discredit him. One is that he flip fopped on conspiracies (most notably the alien genre). Well, I see it as an individual who was still learning, and adjusting his views accordingly. Another is his bad attitude/drinking. I didn't see/hear it as a predominant issue. He seemed well read and intelligent. My personal opinion is that it was/is a useful straw man to discredit Cooper. It's also a useful explanation for his murder, so in turn people will run with it. Although I didn't agree with all of what he said, he still resonated with me as a genuine person. Something that AJ fails to do. Speaking of Jones. His claim to fame is predicting 9/11, which is bull@#$%. Anyone who knows anything knows that claim to be garbage. There was a lot of tension built up because of a broadcast in which Cooper chastised Jones because of a Y2k scare Jones pushed during one of his broadcasts. If you've never heard it search for it on youtube. It's a must listen for anyone who has any interest in either man.Last but not least, Cooper is dead. We can get into whether or not it was deserved, and whether Cooper is to shoulder the blame for his own demise. When it comes down to it he is gone and Jones is still plugging away selling all his crap. It is also a strange coincidence that the guy who had proclaimed an attack was possibly imminent died a month after 9/11 by means of a confrontation with authorities. Me thinks he had come across some critical information that could have been damning. He was the top conspiracy guy at that time, and if anyone had good information there is a good chance they would have went to Cooper with it. Authorities also left his body on his front steps for hours while they searched his house claiming a bomb threat. I hope he now has the peace his life never gave him. Thank you William Milton Cooper.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:13 PM
Pale Horse was one of my earliest ventures into conspiracy territory and at the time to my virgin ears it seemed pretty outrageous. Now that I'm more seasoned, his ideas make lots more sense. Can't really blame the government for murdering him in cold blood. You can't pull as much wool over the eyes of the citizenry with a guy like Bill Cooper letting cats out of bags left and right. Imagine if he were still alive what he would have to say regarding current events like Aurora, Fukushima, Deepwater Horizon, etc. Bloody shame he's gone.
edit on 11-9-2012 by Urantia1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:50 PM
i liked behold a pale horse you can tell it was penned from the heart i read it because of the rfid implants i was researching at the time really opened my eyes
the bit about him being shifted abroad when jfk got shot & the bit in stones j f k movie when the naval commander tells kevin costner on the steps about the time discrepancy
william milton cooper hero

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Alex Jones is the guy who jumped in his place really fast. It was almost as if Alex was waiting to jump in the mans seat. There is a lot that goes into this.. And you are touching upon the tip of a really big ice burg.

Cooper was one of the few men, I had much respect for. And was one of the real deals.. unlike Alex Jones, who promptly took his place and claimed he was the one who predicted this event. AJ is a shill replacement, who says just enough "truths" to gain many peoples attention, mostly those who never heard of William Cooper.
edit on 11-9-2012 by zysin5 because: 1.2

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ConspiracyBuff

They killed Cooper and gave us Jones.

Yep, that's the way it is, the good guys get killed and the bad guys fleece the public.
edit on 11-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

Thanks for posting those videos!
Everyone that has posted here is on the up and up on this issue. That is why I cherish ATS so much. Most of the people just getting into opening their eyes ask me.. Ever heard of Alex Jones!! And they get excited about talking about him.. I then ask them.. Ever heard of William Cooper, and it opens a whole new can of worms for them! I will direct some of my newer friends to these videos!

But to the point of the thread.. Remembering the man William Cooper.. A true Hero in my book.. And the guy who open my eyes back in the 1990's.
edit on 11-9-2012 by zysin5 because: 1.1

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by OldSchoolMom
reply to post by ConspiracyBuff

They killed Cooper and gave us Jones.

Yep, that's the way it is, the good guys get killed and the bad guys fleece the public.
edit on 11-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

That is exactly my thought, jones has picked up every bit of cooper's mannerisms and then add 'emotion'. It is just too convenient. The enemy you know, okay, so get rid of the host you can't control and insert the one you can, disinformation.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 09:37 PM
I'll flag a Cooper thread every time.

Probably one of the most influential men of our time, if his character had not been so successfully undermined by the US Gov and it's media.

I have yet to search for this, but does anyone know if there is a torrent/file of all of William's radio broadcasts? I am going to search now and will edit if I can find one that is good before the edit time is up.

R.I.P William Cooper.

Edit: biggest file I found 4.3gb. search "william cooper the hour of the time torrent" if you have torrent software
edit on 11-9-2012 by theshepherd2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 10:09 PM
"I hear all kinds of misconceptions and misstatements. "I have the freedom of the press". No you don't, no you don't. The man who owns the press has the freedom of the press. And he can say in his press whatever he wants, but you can't.That's why I get angry with Americans when they say "the Jews control the press"! Who sold it to them? How did they get it? You want the press? Start a press. You want to be on the radio? Do it, but stop whining, stop bi!@#$#g, stop complaining.That man that owns the press, that's his press. He can do with it what he wants. Just like you do with your car what you want because it's your property. He doesn't owe you anything. Unless you've got a contract with his signature that says he will print what you say. Unless you produce that he doesn't owe you anything.That's America. You know what's wonderful about America? You can have a press. I have a press". William Cooper Quote is at the 42:25 mark
You are ultimately responsible for your education and interpretation of information you receive. The men who own the press owe you nothing. There seems to be this entitlement mindset from people, that because they receive information from some source it has to be true because all forms of information output is obligated to tell them the truth. Nobody owes anybody the truth.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:19 PM
Here's how I look at people like Alex Jones who certainly isn't alone in being who and what he is, whatever that might be.

Alex might just be a planted disinfo agent, I have my doubts about that but I also have my doubts about Jones and the accuracy of everything he reports.

I say thanks to Alex for opening my eyes more than they were and motivating me to look into issues and do my own research. If he is working for the PTB then he's really only a danger to those who are willing to take anything he says as truth and who are too lazy or incapable of doing their own investigating. I no longer listen to his show, haven't for many years.

He serves a purpose, to get people asking questions and being open to the fact that conspiracies of power do exist and have since the beginning. Once someone's eyes are open and if they are willing to look further that's really all we need. Being one of his fans and accepting the Alex Jones gospel is NOT required.

So, even if he is some kind of plant, so what? He's only going to fool the people who are more lazy than most, IMO and if in the "line of duty" he brings up an issue that gets the rest of us looking into it without following him into whatever conclusions were planned for that issue then really all they've accomplished is showing people another place to look.

You can ask your own questions and find your own answers. Making yourself seen as some kind of nutter who requires a SWAT team to deal with does not have to be part of the deal.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Urantia1111

Originally posted by Urantia1111
Pale Horse was one of my earliest ventures into conspiracy territory and at the time to my virgin ears it seemed pretty outrageous.

How long ago did you read it and how did you find out about it?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes

Originally posted by zysin5
Alex Jones is the guy who jumped in his place really fast. It was almost as if Alex was waiting to jump in the mans seat. There is a lot that goes into this.. And you are touching upon the tip of a really big ice burg.

Cooper was one of the few men, I had much respect for. And was one of the real deals.. unlike Alex Jones, who promptly took his place and claimed he was the one who predicted this event. AJ is a shill replacement, who says just enough "truths" to gain many peoples attention, mostly those who never heard of William Cooper.
edit on 11-9-2012 by zysin5 because: 1.2

thanks you vids led me to( Alex jones blows his cover in austin)
i urge everyone that thinks aj is the man to give it a watch
again thanks

edit on 12/9/2012 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 07:38 AM
Can somebody sum up the gist of his book (Behold a pale horse)? I've never read it and it interests me whether he talks about reptillians, grays, nwo? I've heard about the gun-fight with the grays in Dulce and I think it's all bull....

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