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Former CIA Chief: Obama’s War on Terror Same as Bush’s, But With More Killing

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:57 AM

Very interesting. How can two different President's have the same outlook towards the war on terror.
I've always said that the President isn't in control and is just following orders. And this seems to add to my suspicions.

President Barack Obama has closely followed the policy of his predecessor, President George W. Bush, when it comes to tactics used in the “war on terror” — from rendition, targeted killings, state secrets, Guantanamo Bay to domestic spying, according to Michael Hayden, Bush’s former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.

“But let me repeat my hypothesis: Despite the frequent drama at the political level, America and Americans have found a comfortable center line in what it is they want their government to do and what it is they accept their government doing. It is that practical consensus that has fostered such powerful continuity between two vastly different presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, when it comes, when it comes to this conflict,” Hayden said Friday while speaking at the University of Michigan.

I don't buy that the American public is coming to expect this from a president. But since we aren't always told what's really happening who knows how backed up into a corner we are. If at all.

And another quote adds to my suspicions.

Hayden, who said he was an adviser the Romney presidential campaign, said Romney would largely follow Obama’s same path, too, if Romney was elected.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:59 AM

Former CIA Chief: Obama’s War on Terror Same as Bush’s, But With More Killing

Huh .. who'da guessed it? (I know a few folks who predicted it!)
Guess they shoulda' given that Novel Peace Prize to Bush instead of Obama ...
Given that Bush43 supposedly killed less people and all ....

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:05 PM
B.b.b.b.b.b.b.bbbbbbut he got a Nobel Peace Prize!!!!!!!

Doesnt matter anyway. So many were saying this during the last election. Saying it all along. Everyday up to today and will continue to say it tomorrow and whoever the next buffoon is in the ovarian orifice the same crap will continue.

And those people are laregly ignored. Called nuts. Kooks. Shouted down by the apostles of imbeciles waving D's and R's as if there is a difference.

All the while any real or meaningful opportunities for change are mocked and cast aside.

When Clinton was front page news last week I kept hearing/reading all this "peace time" crap as if Clinton never bombed anyone, never sent troops in anywhere and never had anyone shipped off to a secret detention site.

I guess that's what "peace time" in in America. Basically war nobody talks about.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by grey580

Not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that Michael Hayden seems to be awfully confidant when speaking on behalf of all Americans. His statement [in his hypothesis] "America and Americans have found a comfortable center line in what it is they want their government to do and what it is they accept their government doing" , is certainly not something I find to be truthful.

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