posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Advantage
I'm not sure exactly what the term mudpots refers to. I know that increasing seizmic activity increases the rate of energy in the soils, especially
over springs and underground water areas forming quickmud or quicksand. The underground currents are dependent on water and the presence of salts
from different sources. Energy created by a strong storms rains reacts with the salt alongside roads causing them to become quick. This causes an
excitation of the molecules and they wash away. Adding calcium to the soil will slow this action because it buffers the energy currents. If a lot of
energy, rain, and salt spray is given to hillsides, it will make more landslides because of this action. Seems like the presence of salt is necessary
for this to occur but the articles did not state what salts. It may be something to do with the chloride. This is called Leda clay or quick clay.
So constant small earthquakes can cause many things to happen. Lightning hitting the ground can also supply energy as does with geomagnetic currents
in tornadoes. I don't know much more than this about this stuff.
I researched this a few years ago because I have areas of my property over an underground river feeding springs down the hill. certain times of the
year the clays get like quicksand and if I fell a tree the ground bobbles around like jello.
An old mason told me to put Portland cement by the
road to stabilize the end of my driveway, and it worked. It works great, it counteracts the effects of the road salts. He didn't know how it worked
but knew how to cure the problem.
If you are stuck in the snow, the presence of salt can liquify the snow if you spin the tires and causes you to sink more. Try not to spin the tires.
Once the energy is gone, the snow just turns back to hard snow again.It is the quickening of the snow that causes this. I don't know if calcium
will help in this situation because snow is pure water.
Violent storms and earthquakes cause landslides and quickening of the earth. Avalanches can happen because of gunshots because the energy of the
noise combined with the stored energy of the weight of the snow can react and weaken the bond. Once something starts sliding the new energy adds to
the quickening effect. It becomes almost perpetual.
People from California may already be aware of this stuff, they probably have researched it because they, as I, are personally effected by this