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The Flat Earth theory, With Interviews from believers

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by hoppy1
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

Please tell me how you have verified the speed of light if you would be so kind.

Here you go, you can even do this yourself if you have the time and equipment to set this up:

Time of flight techniques

The setup as used by Fizeau consists of a beam of light directed at a mirror 8 kilometres (5 mi) away. On the way from the source to the mirror, the beam passes through a rotating cogwheel. At a certain rate of rotation, the beam passes through one gap on the way out and another on the way back, but at slightly higher or lower rates, the beam strikes a tooth and does not pass through the wheel. Knowing the distance between the wheel and the mirror, the number of teeth on the wheel, and the rate of rotation, the speed of light can be calculated.[92] The method of Foucault replaces the cogwheel by a rotating mirror. Because the mirror keeps rotating while the light travels to the distant mirror and back, the light is reflected from the rotating mirror at a different angle on its way out than it is on its way back. From this difference in angle, the known speed of rotation and the distance to the distant mirror the speed of light may be calculated.[93] Nowadays, using oscilloscopes with time resolutions of less than one nanosecond, the speed of light can be directly measured by timing the delay of a light pulse from a laser or an LED reflected from a mirror. This method is less precise (with errors of the order of 1%) than other modern techniques, but it is sometimes used as a laboratory experiment in college physics classes.[94][95][96]

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:23 AM

I'm sorry for that.

I guess I shouldn't point out how radars work either then, eh?

Or Propagation delay......

or any of the other practical effects of finitness.

no, you should not, i dont have the energy to think up a load a rubbish to try and make comedy from it, apologies

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 07:39 AM
Do all Flat Earthers ask for evidence, then run away once the evidence is presented to them? Or is it just hoppy1?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 08:13 AM
We need to settle this the old fashioned way, an air race around the world. The FE team can have the fast lane AKA the Equator while the SE team will take a suckers route, say 75 degrees south latitude. If this were to actually happen I wonder how many FEs would actually put their money where their mouths are?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by gravitor

Shouldn't i be able to see tall landmarks and buildings from where i live considering i live on the highest elevation above sea level in my state?

How does the atmosphere stay connected to the earth if there is no gravity as there would a lot less on a flat earth?

Why is the moon moving away from the earth? Is the hologram just getting smaller?

Are you over 12 years old?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:38 PM
I have some questions for the flat-Earthers.

Firstly I'd like to ask the FE'ers to reply in their own words and not simply post a link as an answer. If you believe something to be true then you should be able to elaborate as to why you hold such beliefs without referring to somebody else's material.

My questions are relating to my own personal experiences and why i know the Earth is in fact a globe.

Firstly the North Star, why does it approach closer to the horizon as I move south? Explain please.

Secondly, why can I only see certain constellations from the northern hemisphere and not from the southern hemisphere and vice versa.

Thirdly, I have lived in both hemispheres, why does the moon look different from the southern hemisphere? I'm from the northern hemisphere, I am used to seeing the moon look a certain way ie. the light and dark patches on the surface. When I lived in the southern hemisphere and saw a full moon for the first time I was surprised at how different it looked. Explain please.

Fourthly, why does the sun appear directly overhead when you are at the equator?

Fifthly, when I skype my friend in Australia it is daytime where I am and the middle of the night where he is. Explain this.

Five questions. Please explain in your own words.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
What I would like to know is if there are really people who actually believe the Earth is Flat?

How can this be even possible that there are people who would believe that?

There is a Speed of Light though. We can calculate it. It is approx. 186,300 Miles per second. It takes about 8 Minutes for our Suns Light to reach Earth. Radio Waves are on the EM scale and also travel at about the same speed. That is why when we send a Radio Signal to a Space Craft...there is a Delay in the Time Response as the further away from Earth they are...the longer the delay. Split Infinity

We meet again sweety.
There is no speed of light, that which is ASSUMED as a speed is the local( to earth) switching rate.
You OK?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by gravitor

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
What I would like to know is if there are really people who actually believe the Earth is Flat?

How can this be even possible that there are people who would believe that?

There is a Speed of Light though. We can calculate it. It is approx. 186,300 Miles per second. It takes about 8 Minutes for our Suns Light to reach Earth. Radio Waves are on the EM scale and also travel at about the same speed. That is why when we send a Radio Signal to a Space Craft...there is a Delay in the Time Response as the further away from Earth they are...the longer the delay. Split Infinity

We meet again sweety.
There is no speed of light, that which is ASSUMED as a speed is the local( to earth) switching rate.
You OK?

Again, this is NOT Skunk Works.

You've made a claim that goes against established scientific fact (not theory, not a hypothesis, it's been proven again, and again through repeatable experiments by many people and peer reviewed).

So back up your claim and prove the entire world wrong.

Else, as people on here say: Your claim = Epic Fail

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by FlyingCow
reply to post by gravitor

Shouldn't i be able to see tall landmarks and buildings from where i live considering i live on the highest elevation above sea level in my state?

How does the atmosphere stay connected to the earth if there is no gravity as there would a lot less on a flat earth?

Why is the moon moving away from the earth? Is the hologram just getting smaller?

Are you over 12 years old?

I have posted that this is a series of flat projections that cross each other in all directions, so this is a flat and spherical earth.
There is no divide between the current accepted , and those who advocate a single flat earth, they are both partially correct.
There is no gravity, there is a net consequence of implosion over emittance of the universal flows that empower the system, the rest is taken up in a continuous creation, thus the apparent mass is expanding.

The moon exists in the geometry that is between the field of the sun and the field of the earth.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by eriktheawful

Originally posted by gravitor

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
What I would like to know is if there are really people who actually believe the Earth is Flat?

How can this be even possible that there are people who would believe that?

There is a Speed of Light though. We can calculate it. It is approx. 186,300 Miles per second. It takes about 8 Minutes for our Suns Light to reach Earth. Radio Waves are on the EM scale and also travel at about the same speed. That is why when we send a Radio Signal to a Space Craft...there is a Delay in the Time Response as the further away from Earth they are...the longer the delay. Split Infinity

We meet again sweety.
There is no speed of light, that which is ASSUMED as a speed is the local( to earth) switching rate.
You OK?

Again, this is NOT Skunk Works.

You've made a claim that goes against established scientific fact (not theory, not a hypothesis, it's been proven again, and again through repeatable experiments by many people and peer reviewed).

So back up your claim and prove the entire world wrong.

Else, as people on here say: Your claim = Epic Fail

YOU explain to Me and everyone else how anything( C) can be measured when the earth is declared to be hurtling along and spinning at enormous said velocity and revolutions.
Where is the fixed reference point that the fictional speed of light is declared to be returning to??????

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by gravitor

Einstein's theory of relativity.

Here you go:
Relativity For Dummies


edit on 14-9-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
reply to post by gravitor

Einstein's theory of relativity.

Here you go:
Relativity For Dummies

I take it YOU have absorbed such???
I most certainly have not, thankfully.


edit on 14-9-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by gravitor

Maybe you want to read up some. This isn't hocus-pocus magical nonsense. This isn't some blog with some guy rambling on about whatever, spouting out his opinions as though they are fact. "Well, the earth is flat because it looks flat!" LOL Really, now. This isn't the dark ages.

Believe it or not, there are many, many people out there with a love of science and they don't work for the government or NASA. They actually perform tests and experiments on their own, which prove exactly what has been proven by others.

You can be a "free thinker" and still understand and agree with elementary school science. Back in the day, it was people like Newton and Galileo who were the free thinkers for their time and they were ostracized by the churches and public for going against popular opinion. The difference between them and you, well, they actually proved their cases and changed the world. Can you do the same?

As a matter of fact, if you really want to change the world and prove your case, understanding the fundamental principals of science and math isn't just necessary, it's crucial.

edit on 14-9-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
reply to post by gravitor

Maybe you want to read up some. This isn't hocus-pocus magical nonsense. This isn't some blog with some guy rambling on about whatever, spouting out his opinions as though they are fact. "Well, the earth is flat because it looks flat!" LOL Really, now. This isn't the dark ages.

Believe it or not, there are many, many people out there with a love of science and they don't work for the government or NASA. They actually perform tests and experiments on their own, which prove exactly what has been proven by others.

You can be a "free thinker" and still understand and agree with elementary school science. Back in the day, it was people like Newton and Galileo who were the free thinkers for their time and they were ostracized by the churches and public for going against popular opinion. The difference between them and you, well, they actually proved their cases and changed the world. Can you do the same?

As a matter of fact, if you really want to change the world and prove your case, understanding the fundamental principals of science and math isn't just necessary, it's crucial.

edit on 14-9-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

You are a BELIEVER, Your religion is called SCIENCE.
As any believer You are fighting to try and get everyone else into the church of Your belief.
You are acting as any fundementalist does.

I thankfully do not believe the nonesense called science.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by gravitor

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove, but you're not doing it very well.

Since willful ignorance is your stance on the subject and you have nothing substantial to add to the conversation, then find someone else to argue with because you're getting really annoying. Happy Friday.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by gravitor

and in trying to be open minded, you have blotted out reason behind some obsessive curtain that you are actually unable to coherently explain. you have taken it to a psychpathic extreme and deserve congratulations for your blind commitment - i really quite admire people who have the gusto to refuse to think critically, partitioning part of their brain and reality and ignoring the possibility to learn something (ref the wish to ignore einstein 2 posts ago) or at least critically examine all possibilities

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by skalla
reply to post by gravitor

and in trying to be open minded, you have blotted out reason behind some obsessive curtain that you are actually unable to coherently explain. you have taken it to a psychpathic extreme and deserve congratulations for your blind commitment - i really quite admire people who have the gusto to refuse to think critically, partitioning part of their brain and reality and ignoring the possibility to learn something (ref the wish to ignore einstein 2 posts ago) or at least critically examine all possibilities

InYour opinion the above.
I do not accept or stand under the statutes of the various rule books of current science, I find it false and flawed.
I am relying on My own senses , and am simply reporting what I am thus finding.
What I am posting does not agree or adhere with Your and most believers of the rule books that You accept as fact.
You therefore attack Me , to bolster Your belief .
The current science is nothing but an advanced religion that has sucked You in.
and anyone or anything not conforming must be denounced, just as all past organised religions have operated as.

This is an electric universe far far different to what is preached by the high priests( proffesors) in their indoctrination units( university) where everyone must comply.


posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by gravitor

it's because i see your mania, sorry.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by gravitor

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
reply to post by gravitor

Maybe you want to read up some. This isn't hocus-pocus magical nonsense. This isn't some blog with some guy rambling on about whatever, spouting out his opinions as though they are fact. "Well, the earth is flat because it looks flat!" LOL Really, now. This isn't the dark ages.

Believe it or not, there are many, many people out there with a love of science and they don't work for the government or NASA. They actually perform tests and experiments on their own, which prove exactly what has been proven by others.

You can be a "free thinker" and still understand and agree with elementary school science. Back in the day, it was people like Newton and Galileo who were the free thinkers for their time and they were ostracized by the churches and public for going against popular opinion. The difference between them and you, well, they actually proved their cases and changed the world. Can you do the same?

As a matter of fact, if you really want to change the world and prove your case, understanding the fundamental principals of science and math isn't just necessary, it's crucial.

edit on 14-9-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

You are a BELIEVER, Your religion is called SCIENCE.
As any believer You are fighting to try and get everyone else into the church of Your belief.
You are acting as any fundementalist does.

I thankfully do not believe the nonesense called science.

You don't have to believe it if you want. That is your choice.

Of course many of the things that you use everyday, including the electronic device that you are making your posts with (be it a computer or a iPhone), are there for you to use because of science.

Not magic or religion.

Driving a car, or riding in one. Riding a bus. Flying in a plane. Keeping your food cold or frozen in a freezer. Using a microwave, doing your laundry with a washing machine and a dryer, ironing your clothes, using mixer or a blender, watching TV or a movie........

Many of those you enjoy because of science.

Doctors care and medication. Life saving surgery. Glasses or contact lens. Laser surgery to correct your eyes. Radio to listen to. DVD and CD players. iPods. Cell phones. Cordless telephones. Telephones themselves.

Science. They happened because of science.

Not magic. Not religion.

Saying that light has no speed because you are trying to claim that everything is in motion and expanding, is a very poor attempt to prove yourself.

We know that the universe is expanding and everything is in motion. Velocity is measured against a reference for that very reason.

If you're in a car and get on the highway going 60 Mph, one could say that you were going 1060 Mph if facing the right way and traveling in the same direction that the Earth is spinning. One could also say that they are going 67,000 Mph because of the Earth's motion around the sun.

However, the police officer that pulls you over for speeding, was measuring your speed from his point of rest.

Light indeed has speed. It is electromagnetic energy that propagates. It is not instataneous nor does it sit at rest. Again, this has been proven over and over.

If you deny it, and reject all science. That's your right to do so.

However, it means you are rejecting reality and inserting your own. Which again, if you desire to do this, that again is your right.

However, it means that your views, opinions and ideas in this thread are not worth considering as your are attempting to declare things as 'not real' and happen by basically magical means.

That also means that most of your views and ideas here in this thread, don't belong here, but rather in some thread over in the Philosophy and Religious part of the forum.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by gravitor

One more question. Seeing how I'm such a glutton for punishment.

Gravitor, what do you think about math? Because things like measuring the speed of light, the distance between stars, the density of a planet or sun and quite a lot of other stuff, like Einstein's theories, that stuff isn't really science at all, it's math.

Do you believe that 2+2 is not equal to 4? It's an honest question because if you believe light has no speed and cannot be measured, then you must think such a thing. And if that's true, then there really is no point of you speaking about anything further.
edit on 14-9-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

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