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Anyone else get "vaccines" in school (United States) in the mid to late 70's?

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Middle to late 70's, you say?

As for most other things these days, blame Lucas.

I'm a Canadian and can't "remember" getting any shots in public school during that time peroid. Good luck with your research.
edit on 12-9-2012 by univac500 because: Fixed Photo

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by univac500

Nice find!! Thank you...

I should have known Hollyweird would be behind it!!

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by timetothink

It might have been a simple flu shot, my husband remembers other kids at his school getting whatever they were also but his mom opted out for his, lucky dog. LOL

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by itsallamile

I agree, from I found I think it was the Swine Flu shot which made many people ill and didn't even work!!

Good times....

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:59 PM
I know I am coming in on this late, but I was watching this thread a couple of weeks ago prior to registering. I wanted to add that at my school, we got all the vaccines at enrollment. Everything was set up in the gym and we went through the enrollment line, then through the vaccination line all at the same time.

The strange thing is that I was in Kinderrgarten in 85 and I still received the smallpox vaccine. I have always had the scar from it on my left upper shoulder blade and I have always been told by my mother that is what it was from. I don't know if all the other kids got one as well, or if it was an opt-in kind of thing. It has also been suggessed that maybe it had to do with indian heritage. As an adult, I don't know anyone else my age that has one.

Anyone else on here get one as late as the mid-80s?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by OkieDokie

That is strange, thank you for replying.

All reports I read have the vaccine for small pox ending in the 70s.

Anyone here watch x-files.....they found out the government w tracking people and their DNA I think through the small pox vaccine....I think they put something in it too....have to watch the episode again.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

I thought pertussis is for Whooping cough?

I too remember everyone getting to line up at school and be forced to vaccinate. I got a touch of polio from it.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Yes, pertussis is for whooping given with diphtheria and tetanus vaccines as one dpt shot.

Pertussis is a bacterial infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. The germ is spread when infected people cough or sneeze.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by timetothink

Well, if I was the government, then I would want to track me
I'm cool like that!

Actually, I just called my mom because it was really starting to bother me that I had this when everything on the net says they stopped giving it in the 70s. She says that it was our family doc that gave it to me and he was very old. She said she didn't ask any questions, he just said that I needed it so she let him give it to me.

So, not as mysterious as I was begining to think it was. Sounds like he was just old school, had a few vials left over from the 70s laying around and figured why not.


posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by OkieDokie

I have a smallpox scar on the side of my face. I got very sick when I was about a year old(in 1970). My parents took me to the Dr. who could not figure out what was wrong with me. I was monitored closely, given medication, and eventually recovered, however, I was left with the scar. I questioned a Dr. about it recently and he believes that I was exposed to the pus from someone else's vaccinia(the smallpox vaccine) lesion. He thinks it entered my body via a tiny break in the skin on my face and "vaccinated" me as well. People ask me about the ugly thing sometimes. It makes for a good story.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by FissionSurplus

It started out with IBS in high school, now it is depression, fibromyalgia and constant migraines.

It just kept increasing over the whole body just hurts all the time.

Yup, I have had so much pain and depression and fatigue for so long now, that I am on disability, unfortunatly.... the friggin WRECKED me with their antibiotics and crap growing up.

I am trying to get better with probiotics and other things, and have half human, and I mean HALF is HUGE for me,.... I can barley remember being WHOLE human anymore, since I am usually at a quarter or less....

I am trying the mms next.... think I have almost tried it all at this point.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
Many baby boomer have a strange round vaccine scar on their upper arm
always wondered what could that be
normaly vaccine dont make scars

you would offer me 100 trillions of dollars to take a vaccine
i would say to you GTFO

I have one. I dont remember getting it but i know it was a vaccination of some kind.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 11:07 AM
I remember getting vaccines back in the mid 80's. I suffer from depression, and anxiety with bouts of Agoraphobia. I'm not sure what vaccines they gave me our if they caused these problems. All I can say is I haven't had a vaccine in decades and plan on keeping it that way.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
Many baby boomer have a strange round vaccine scar on their upper arm
always wondered what could that be
normaly vaccine dont make scars

you would offer me 100 trillions of dollars to take a vaccine
i would say to you GTFO

Yep, my mother has one. It was for small pox or polio. Probably both. My mother now aslo has Fibro and severe migraines. She also listened to Sally Field when she told all women to go have a bone density test. Of course the test was BS and my mother was put on a stupid drug that rotted her throat and nasal passages. She has had four surgery's to repair the damage and its still not fixed.

Not one of these, many corrupt doctors would place the blame on the drug she was given. I am happy that I know they will be going to hell for their wicked ways.

I also have to add that my Grandmother on my fathers side was paralyzed for two years by the last Swine Flu vaccine around that time.
edit on 12-1-2013 by Patriotsrevenge because: more info

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by OkieDokie

I was born in 1974 and I never got a small pox vaccine, thank God!! I had heard that small pox was rampant in the native American community and that is probably why you got one. My Grandmother is 100 percent American Indian. I just hope the small pox nasty s did not pass from my parents to me.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:41 AM
I grew up in Canada and started school in 1980. We definitely got lined up at the office or in the gym for shots each year or so, and we had a school nurse make us swish with fluoride every couple of months. I remember one odd thing about the vaccines though...prior to entering kindergarten we had to go to a kindergarten registration where they were also updating everyone's shots , testing vision, hearing, etc. and they put a device over my wrist to show me my blood pumping through my veins. I remember it because blood looked green in it, which was quite shocking to my pragmatic little sensibilities.

As an adult and a healthcare provider, I have never been able to figure out what that device was . It makes no sense to me, but if one wishes to ascribe to some type of school based conspiracy, I was immediately put into a gifted program once kindergarten started because I was reading at a grade 5/6 level and very much beyond my years. Maybe the green blood had something to do with it. LOL

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

The round scar is from the smallpox vaccine. They were not used much after the mid to late 70's where I grew up, so my parents generation all have them but they are extremely rare amongst my generation. It was a vaccination that was notorious for becoming infected

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 03:27 PM
I recieved a vaccine in school in Ohio and I cannot remember if it was 1st or 2nd grade but we were not told up front it was going to happen, they just lined us up and took us to the gymnasium and we all waited our turn and they gave us a shot in the arm with this big gun looking thing and it hurt and I still have the scar from it on my left upper arm close to my shoulder. And I have never been sick much in my whole life but once I hit my 40's I started having aches and pains but I just thought it was from working hard all my life. Then when I was about to turn 46 on april 20th, My daughter and her family had just came home from Japan they had been there 4 yrs. with the military and brought 2 of my granddaughters home that I finally got to hold for the first time, It was april 16th 2009, I had just remarried on November 27,2008, but on the 16th I was soutside mowing grass and all of a sudden I felt like I could not breathe, I came in told my daughter she was going to have to take me to the Emergency room at the hospital and then to make a long story much shorter by the time I finally got to come home in November of 2009 I had been diagnosed with Aspergilliosis pnuemonia and Gillian Barre Syndrome I had been trached twice,lost all my hair, could not walk, barely could raise my arms, had been put in a 13 day induced Coma that they almost couldn't wake me up from, spent most of those months on the ventilator, and I had severe nerve damage, severe nueropathy, and was on 3 liters of oxygen that I still to this day live on. And to be quite honest with you, I feel like all of this had something to do with this vaccine. While in the hospital I had a respiratory Therapist tell me that if I watched the obituaries that I would notice that a lot of people around my age group were dying and that she thought it had something to do with this same vaccine. I think the Government gave us this thinking that by the time we reached our 40's it would be time to get rid of some of the population and that was what this vaccine was intended for. I may be wrong but in my mind I don't think so.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by timetothink

I think they dropped smallpox in 1966 because I have one, but my little sister doesn`t and we are only 15 months apart.
The scar is from the scab after the shot--like a chickenpox scar but that much bigger. Smallpox was terribly disfiguring if you survived. That`s why they worked so hard to eradicate it.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:47 PM
Yup, the dime sized scar indent on the upper arm is definitely the smallpox vaccination from the 70's.

I remember my mom kept my brother and I home from school when they were doling it out because she refused to allow any kind of vaccinations on us - she never trusted the propaganda. All my friends in school ended up with that scar.

I've never been vaccinated for anything.

Funny thing is too, I've been around common childhood infectious diseases such as chickenpox, mumps, measles, etc several times and never caught any of it.

Even funnier than that is everyone at work getting flu shots in the winter and spending the entire winter season being sick off and on with the flu... except me.

Go figure.

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