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Mexican drug gangs - Not just a problem on the U.S. border.

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posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Mexico is looking more and more like a rogue state, in my opinion. Bribery at the governmental level, drug wars spilling over into the U.S., the sex slave trade.
Everyone agrees that the borders need to be secure, and it is obvious they arn't.

Interesting site, seems to be a lot of activity on the southern border. Northern border, not so much.

Elite Guatemalan troops to patrol jungle border with Mexico.

A force of approximately 300 members of an elite Guatemalan special operations force, the Kaibiles, will be deployed to the Central American Country's border with Mexico to combat drug traffickers and organised crime groups.

Mexico Govt: Police Mistook CIA Agents for Kidnappers
The Mexican government says the shooting of several CIA agents by Federal Police last month may have been an accident rather than a deliberate attack, but the incident still raises questions about the agency’s competence.

Sure they did.


Major drug-producing and transit nation; world's second largest opium poppy cultivator; opium poppy cultivation in 2009 rose 31% over 2008 to 19,500 hectares yielding a potential production of 50 metric tons of pure heroin, or 125 metric tons of "black tar" heroin, the dominant form of Mexican heroin in the western United States

Who are these gangs?

The Sinaloa Cartel
The cartel’s tentacles stretch from New York City to Buenos Aires and almost every major city in between.

The Zetas
The Zetas now operate in a series of isolated, semi-independent cells, stretching from the Gulf coast down to Central America, with their stronghold the corridor stretching from Nuevo Laredo to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

The Juarez Cartel
Small cells carry out different types of operations ranging from transportation and distribution of drugs; street gangs, mostly in the north, act as the enforcement wing and are involved in human trafficking and kidnapping operations.

The Tijuana Cartel
An indictment in the San Diego District Court unsealed in July 2010 painted a picture of a sophisticated organization very much in business, with contacts in the Mexican police and government, including control over the liaison between the Baja California Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. government.

Beltran Leyva Organization (BLO)
The BLO are allied now with the Zetas, the former armed wing of the Gulf Cartel.

The Gulf Cartel
Working with Colombian suppliers, this group moves drugs north from its stronghold in Tamaulipas, and is known to outsource other activities, especially those related to human trafficking, to local “enforcer” gangs.

MOD's if this is in the wrong forum, please move.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 12:10 PM
It's time to annex Mexico now.

They have not yet mastered corruption.

Let the pro's come in and show them how.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 12:13 PM
the border and subsequent problems associated with it, are just as the govt. authorities wish it to be. you and i look at it for what it is but we rarely look at it as the money maker the feds see it as. the drug wars are a farce but they are making many govt agency's and bankers rich, that's for certain.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by RedmoonMWC

I know for a fact a few are in San Antonio. There have been issues there largely ignored by the MSM.

Article 2

There is a local conspiracy about this guy and this story too. But IDK for sure.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by thesungod

It makes sence that the Mexican drug cartels would also be involved with American prison gangs.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle
the border and subsequent problems associated with it, are just as the govt. authorities wish it to be. you and i look at it for what it is but we rarely look at it as the money maker the feds see it as. the drug wars are a farce but they are making many govt agency's and bankers rich, that's for certain.

You nailed it! Most Americans miss that little tidbit of truth.

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC
Mexico is looking more and more like a rogue state, in my opinion. Bribery at the governmental level, drug wars spilling over into the U.S.

Mexico is the world's largest Spanish-speaking country and ranked about 10th or 11th largest economy. The US would love to have control of Mexico's land, economy, and resources. Actually, Mexico is a fairly well-developed and law-abiding country - compare the crime statistics and murder rate of other Latin-American countries. The US is actually thankful to have that large mass of stability at its southern border. Most Americans have many mis-perceptions about Mexico in large part due to not understanding its language and culture - and mostly by being mis-led by propoganda..

Americans don't typically view the act of lobbyists buying the influence of US politicians as bribery and corruption - again that language and culture thing, I suppose.

The Drug War is doing as it was designed to do, and none of that benefits the populace. The monied elite have been involved in illicit drug trade at least since the 19th century. The British royals have been getting rich off the opium trade for a long time now. They have never extricated themselves from the practice - no one can find or provide a date when such may have occurred - they have only gotten stronger, richer, and better covered.

The Drug War continues in order to control illicit drug traffic - it has never had its purpose to stop the traffic, however. It also provides a means to vanquishing personal privacies and has been a tool used in nation-building in less stable regions.

The Drug War is not just a problem on the US border - it is an absolute highway to corruption worldwide. No speed limits. It is bringing on a worldwide disaster.

The OP omits the largest drug transportation cartel - the CIA, though true, they are not a Mexican gang. Follow British aristocracy into modern day to see who the controlling factors of the illicit drug traffic are today.

edit on 10-9-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Excellent post.
Thank you for that contribution to this thread.
You also might be interested in some of my previous threads

and one from thesungod

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Also my original post stated that the problem went beyond drugs and turf wars but included Human Trafficking as well. The world-wide sex slave industry and sex tourism industries relies on the kidnapping or purchase of boys and girls of all ages and races.

Human trafficking second only to drugs in Mexico

Do Mexican Cartels Control Sex Trafficking in Argentina?

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:36 PM
Mexico is fine... They are doing better than alot of places in the US.... Dont believe all the hype until you actually go their for yourself..

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by dayve

Been there, more than a few times over the years.
It is a beutiful country in places.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Also my original post stated that the problem went beyond drugs and turf wars but included Human Trafficking as well. The world-wide sex slave industry and sex tourism industries relies on the kidnapping or purchase of boys and girls of all ages and races.

Human trafficking second only to drugs in Mexico

Do Mexican Cartels Control Sex Trafficking in Argentina?

I confess I do not know much about the human-trafficking and avoided addressing it initially. I have a thread going back to May of 2011 where higher immigrations officials were being fired for collusion with kidnappers: s%2Fnews+%28L.A.+Times+-+Top+News%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo

Mexican authorities fired seven regional directors of the country's immigration agency Thursday after allegations that its officers in northern Mexico had delivered Central American migrants to kidnapping gangs.

Commissioner Salvador Beltran del Rio described the firings as part of a wider effort to weed out corruption at the National Institute of Migration, or INM, the agency that enforces Mexico's immigration laws. Mexican officials have pledged to fight armed groups that kidnap migrants to extort money or recruit them for drug trafficking.

A group of Central Americans rescued in Tamaulipas last month identified INM agents as those who had seized the migrants from a northbound bus and handed them to kidnappers. The migrants were among 120 people, mostly from Mexico, freed by Mexican soldiers in operations in Tamaulipas.

Your links first bring up connections with the Zetas for the human trafficking. Most know that the Zetas were originally a special forces CIA trained unit that has gone renegade. Their mode of operation is different from other known "cartels" in not repecting customary protocol among the various drug gangs. Many here in Mexico suspect the Zetas are apples that did not fall far from the tree and maintain their CIA connections and agenda - which besides from profiteering off the illicit drug trade they in part seek to disrupt "peaceful" and regular dealings and to create violence and disrupt the peace.

Your second article names along with the Zetas the Sinaloa Cartel as being the other key player in the human trafficking operations - it is commonly known and there is no doubt whatsoever that the Sinaloa Cartel has been working with the CIA and enjoys special privileges from governmental agencies, primarily those north of the border, ATF, CIA, etc.

Mexico is condemnable for being party to these mis-dealings but is not the prime culprit involved there. Outgoing President Felipe Calderón is widely blamed either for entering into dealings with these elements in order to secure his presidency in a very tight race against the very popular López Obrador - who is not so popular with the US government, BTW - or is at best condemned for being a complete dolt and sucker for swallowing the altruistic-flavored propoganda about the US-led Drug War. Either way, it has not been good for the Mexican people or tourism.

edit on 10-9-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:24 PM
Why haven't we sent the Special Forces into Mexico to cap the leaders of these cartels??
Or are they worried about another Somalia? I mean they tried it way over there, why not here?
Too much profit i'm assuming in the lucrative drug trade between the Americas eh?

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Too much profit all around. The CIA, BATF, HS, etc.. The Mexican and the U.S. Governments or should I say individule politicians. They are good though, they leave very few tracks to follow.

My personal belief is that the conspiracy goes deeper than that, I believe the cartels were originally funded by the international bankers to destabilize the U.S. government and possibly the Mexican government, not sure what problems Canada has with drugs coming up through the U.S. but I am sure they have some. I also believe it extends deep into South America as well.

The Human Traficking problem is world wide, both in kidnappings and in sales. And again it is very hard to connect the dots, as to who the key players are.
I found this very interesting.
Missing Minority Children Statistical Report
According to the National Center For Missing & Exploited Children and the Department of Justice:

2,000 children are reported as missing to local law-enforcement daily.
Of those children who are abducted, females, aged 11-17, are most likely to be victimized.
Minorities equaled 65% of the total Non-Family Abductions.
42% were African American (24,444)
23% were Hispanic (13,386)

How many children are reported missing each year?

The U.S. Department of Justice reports

Nearly 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,185 children reported missing each day.
More than 200,000 children were abducted by family members.
More than 58,000 children were abducted by nonfamily members.
115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know or a slight acquaintance who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.

How pervasive is the problem of child sexual exploitation?

A study about child sexual victimization indicated that as many as 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 10 boys could be sexually victimized before adulthood.

[Per D. Finkelhor. “Current Information on the Scope and Nature of Child Sexual Abuse.” The Future of Children: Sexual Abuse of Children, 1994, volume 4, page 37.]

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC
not sure what problems Canada has with drugs coming up through the U.S. but I am sure they have some.

I am privy to that information. We have a gangland drug war occurring in Metro Vancouver for a while now.
Targeted shootings occur nearly daily. I was close to one a couple days ago, broad daylight, Cocaine traffickers brother gets shot by a silenced 9mm in front of his family.
Couple years ago same thing, silenced pistol murdered my neighbour middle of the night, former drug trafficker.

People selling drugs here are potential targets these days. Lot's of targets being hit. No where is safe.

The drug users aren't as bad as the drug dealers from this vantage point.

I'm not trying to give the impression that Vancouver is a warzone,
but the killings are occurring more frequently than ever.
It's been non-stop for months now, a year or 2 at most,
not to say it wasn't happening before but now it's just more public, brazen and frequent.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Crips, Bloods, MS13 or associates of the Mexican Cartels?
I realise it would be hard to tell the difference.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:38 AM
theres been about 90,000 deads since the PAN political party started the war against drug traficking,in 6 years nothing has change,I GOT WORSE the splitting of cartels cells its on the rise,the beheadings from one faction to another is alarming,treats extorsion to small business,families,taxi drivers,the whole situation is chaos anda nobody seems to care in the evening news,even though the drugs are crossing the borders,affecting and inffecting the country,theres no real diminish on the crimes,now the women start desapearing just like in juarez,and nobody knows nothing,THE PRI BOUGTH THE PRESIDENCY ,giving food and money top the poor using them as proletariado',the fraudulent elections its a bad ,bad sign this time,the only advantage to all this is that theres internet and theres videos in youtube that anybody can see ......

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:52 AM
..The Feds Can't Catch the Cartels' Cocaine-Filled Submarines
By Adam Clark Estes | The Atlantic Wire – Sun, Sep 9, 2012.........Related Content.
Enlarge Photo.The Feds Can't Catch the Cartels' …
....With three-quarters of potential coc aine shipments sliding under their noses, United States authorities are having a hard time keeping up with the Latin American drug cartels. Part of the problem, a new report in The New York Times says, is the fact that the famously daring and elusive drug-running submarines aren't just operating in the Pacific Ocean any more. These diesel-powered vessels have taken the Caribbean by storm, and the technology powering them is getting more sophisticated.

RELATED: It's Been a Big Week for Mexican Drug Tunnels

Although they captured 129 tons of coc aine on its way to the U.S. last year, the Coast Guard thinks that close to 500 tons could now be making it through. "My staff watches multi-ton loads go by," Rear Adm. Charles D. Michel told The Times. Part of the problem is a new class of fully submersible craft, three of which have been seized in recent weeks. (Before, the subs were only semi-submersible, depending on a snorkel to bring in air for the engine.) These new drug-running subs are capable of carrying up to ten tons of coc aine at a time and can run from Ecuador to Los Angeles without coming up for air. On top of it all, officials are also worried that these subs could be used by terrorists.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:57 AM
this is almost laughable. america with its paranoia driven technology using drone spycraft, building concentration camps and then being so bankrupt to allow drug smugglers to get the poor, unemployed americans addicted to drugs and next imprisoned so what....they can pay the chinese back? american politicians are a sad, sick failure and will resort to the lowest form of income generation and they get in bed with anybody to sell out their own country so they can get one more paycheck before all of the jobs are gone and there is no more tax base.

may our fate be their fate.

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