posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:40 AM
I had a dream either late last night or early this morning, it was concerning our sky.
It began with me kneeling beside my mum in a hospital bed, apparently very ill.
I remember the hospital having an open ceiling, It was a fairly cloudy night, with an orange tinge too it.
The first thing that caught my eye was that the moon was overly large, and I mean way off scale, to the point
where if you looked at a horizon, the moon would be covering the whole length across.
Then the moon became distorted, it became normal (ish) size once again.
I then began to notice a second moon, and then a third, until there were a total of five moons, moving around
the sky at different angles.
In my dream I remember grasping my mums hand and telling her what I could she say and she said something along these lines:
"They are here to take over the hospital, and the hospital staff." Her face was filled with fright and horror.
And I can't remember anymore of the dream but It stuck with me...
Could anybody give any insight to this dream?
Peace, love and unity to all.