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FB - Find Bigfoot announcement: "HUGE" new video coming Sept 10

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Druscilla


your 2nd source listed

When I opened it, my VIPRE antivirus software from gfi software notified me that it had blocked a malicious trojan from that site.

I immediately closed it. There's safer things to look at.

I'll read down thread and see if anything came of this announcement of better vids.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by GoOfYFoOt
reply to post by Druscilla

Actually, there are quite a few State laws against harming or molesting Sasquatch, aka Bigfoot...
Don't Shoot

Well, considering that I'm not hunting, only on solo wilderness excursions for getting away, hiking, camping, star gazing, fitness, etc, and most places on that list I go are listed as free and clear of any protection, or "still researching", I think I'll be fine.

Plus, I'm fairly certain that there are contingencies in any law regarding self defense against any animal.
If a unicorn pops up and starts shooting projectile fully automatic horns out its head with rainbow tracers, and it's a question of life or death, I'm going to kill the unicorn.
I'm pretty sure I could make a fairly convincing argument for self defense against a 9-12ft tall hairy thing that smells like a sewer, and just looks scary, especially poor little me being all alone out in the wilderness and what not; prepared and experienced in solo adventuring yes, but, not for, ahem, that. .

Thus, all that "don't shoot Bigfoot" nonsense isn't going to fly with me. If there is such an animal, and I happen to see it, I will chase/track the thing down and 'defend myself' properly because, anything tracking me, especially ape or human-like, I'm going to feel threatened, alone in the wilderness, purposely away from other people, and my safety requires resolution of the issue since I'm typically 2 or 3 days hike away from my truck, or pick-up point and that's typically a hundred miles or more away from civilization even there.

Thus, bigfoot, unicorns, chupacapra, the loch ness monster, leprechauns, thunderbird, or anything else mythical, cryptid, spooky, and potentially dangerous as an unknown, I will be more than happy to kill it, photograph it properly with 1000+ full resolution RAW format DSLR images from every angle in daylight, even if I have to wait for daylight, take samples and photograph the the taking of the samples for proper documentation.

You won't hear any of that "I was scared" excuse nonsense from me when it comes to collecting proper evidence and documentation of it. Science is pretty skeptical regarding any such claims, so, I'd go about documenting everything proper like, tape measure and all.
Whoever that idiot was that claimed to have killed a sasquatch and a baby sasquatch, if that is indeed the truth of the matter, and it wasn't just bears, then, they were an idiot for not collecting a specimen or even trying to properly document with photos.

I'd further properly bury the remaining bit, wrapping it in either sleeping bag or sacrificing my little tent to protect the corpse, burying and covering it if it takes me a full day to do so, acquire GPS data for retrieval, and rent a helicopter for retrieval on getting back to civilization because I'm pretty sure I can afford as well as justify getting a helicopter (rental/with pilot) to retrieve a proper specimen.

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by Druscilla


your 2nd source listed

When I opened it, my VIPRE antivirus software from gfi software notified me that it had blocked a malicious trojan from that site.

I immediately closed it. There's safer things to look at.

I'll read down thread and see if anything came of this announcement of better vids.

I had no such problem, but, then again, I've edited my hosts file to block most known malicious ad sites, so, it could very well have been an ad embedded at the site.
Dunno. whatever the case, sorry to hear it. I had no such problem.

You may desire to look into modifying your hosts file too: ad servers list for host file modification

How-to and such regarding perevious list-link

Doing so, you'll probably notice a very marked improvement in internet speed, web page loading, and browsing experience.

edit on 11-9-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Are we sure this announcement isn't coming from the same guy who said to be patient for that time traveller's story? He mentioned that we needed to be patient or else he wasnt gonna call the guy
So much for that story.

If I were to capture a film of Bigfoot, first thing I would do is make it go viral. Not wait around and continue doing my nails or whatever I do on my off time.
My guess, its probably another hoax wanting to gather attention.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by blackmetalmist

Thing is, Facebook - Find Bigfoot evidently HAS the video, has seen the video, and vouches for it, as have (evidently) other supposed Bigfoot researchers.

The problem is, Facebook -Find Bigfoot is respecting the wishes of the video owners to hold off releasing it until whatever excuse they're making for wanting to hold off on it being released.

As i understand it, Facebook - Find Bigfoot has a reputation in the Bigfoot Researcher community, and wouldn't have vouched for the video nor made an announcement regarding release with said quotes unless they meant what they said.
They're caught in an awkward situation.

Thus, we're stuck waiting to see what happens with this while the credibility of Facebook - Find Bigfoot lays in the balance as does the so-far unnamed (unless it's those quoted already) 'researchers' who originally filmed the video.

Frustrating? Yes, very frustrating, especially in consideration of how often this happens regarding similar fringe topics.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:52 PM
A bunch of attention whores just like the stupid Baltic Sea UFO...

Idk what's worse, people like this or those that believe them

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:56 PM

That's a HAARPsquatch allright

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:07 PM
Is this like that one video where a dude makes a costume and puts it in the freezer and claims to have bigfoot,

or is this like that one time that one video of a guy out ridding a 4wheeler and runs upon a big foot...

or is this like that one time where a dude was running in a vest with hair glued on it and claimed it was bigfoot?


Well , i will watch when it comes out, but not holding much hope. Sorry but i believe the species is much smarter than we are, after all they have avoided us this long. If they exist and are not a part of someones imagination, since there is no true scientific evidence as of yet to prove they exist.

I keep a open mind, but very doubtful anything will come of this that hasnt already happend from the previous ground breaking videos.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by blackmetalmist

Thing is, Facebook - Find Bigfoot evidently HAS the video, has seen the video, and vouches for it, as have (evidently) other supposed Bigfoot researchers.

The problem is, Facebook -Find Bigfoot is respecting the wishes of the video owners to hold off releasing it until whatever excuse they're making for wanting to hold off on it being released.

As i understand it, Facebook - Find Bigfoot has a reputation in the Bigfoot Researcher community, and wouldn't have vouched for the video nor made an announcement regarding release with said quotes unless they meant what they said.
They're caught in an awkward situation.

Thus, we're stuck waiting to see what happens with this while the credibility of Facebook - Find Bigfoot lays in the balance as does the so-far unnamed (unless it's those quoted already) 'researchers' who originally filmed the video.

Frustrating? Yes, very frustrating, especially in consideration of how often this happens regarding similar fringe topics.

Well if they are well known respected, it really does put them in a position were their credibility is at hand. I think we have to wait and see but just the way they stated their announcement was not professional. I guess we will have to wait and see. I dont have FB so I cant follow it but keep us updated. Thanks Druscilla !

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by severdsoul
Is this like that one video where a dude makes a costume and puts it in the freezer and claims to have bigfoot,

or is this like that one time that one video of a guy out ridding a 4wheeler and runs upon a big foot...

or is this like that one time where a dude was running in a vest with hair glued on it and claimed it was bigfoot?


Well , i will watch when it comes out, but not holding much hope. Sorry but i believe the species is much smarter than we are, after all they have avoided us this long. If they exist and are not a part of someones imagination, since there is no true scientific evidence as of yet to prove they exist.

I keep a open mind, but very doubtful anything will come of this that hasnt already happend from the previous ground breaking videos.

or is this like that one time where he was sitting posing for the cameras relaxing on a field of grass and flowers

OR when he was standing up and the other bigfoot was bending over ( that one was still kinda odd)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:19 PM
Today's the 11 th.....where's the vid? I've read a couple of post on last page and it seems everyone is still waiting?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

Uh huh what that really means is they are still working on getting it right in the visual effects department. Sorry won't be trusting this one anymore than the idiots that froze a gorilla suit into a block of ice in their freezer. When I heard that one i was just like damn someone has seen Encino Man one too many times.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx
reply to post by Druscilla

Uh huh what that really means is they are still working on getting it right in the visual effects department. Sorry won't be trusting this one anymore than the idiots that froze a gorilla suit into a block of ice in their freezer. When I heard that one i was just like damn someone has seen Encino Man one too many times.

I don't disagree.
I have to say, I'm not too surprised this announcement flopped.
Such is to be expected regarding fringe topics. Anyone that invests any sort of bank in hope for something concrete whether it's Alien Disclosure, Bigfoot, [insert prophesy here], mermaids, or any other sort of thing on the fringe is due disappointment with interest more often than not.

Still no word yet from last update on this.

We'll see what it is when/if the video is released.
More likely than not, especially after the hype, whatever it is, will be just as much a disappointment as this delay, if not more.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 10:42 PM
most likely this a hoax.
if anyone really did have proof of a bigfoot it would be all over the msm an hour after they found the proof.people are generally egotistical attention whores who go running to the media everytime they think they have found something special.
only a hoaxster would wait days,weeks, or even months to release info like this and then they don`t even release it to the media they release it on some obscure website or facebook page.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 10:52 PM
Been looking everywhere for this "video evidence", but can't find it. I do believe big foot exists. I believe it is gigantipithicus blackie (I know I misspelled that. All of the dna, hair and other samples point to a large unknown primate. If it is a giant ape similar to the African Ape, it would be a social species like them. The large African Apes bury their dead. That could be why no remains have been found.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

Supposedly the story is they never were given permission from the people that sent in the video to get authenticated and they jumped the gun and told everyone they had the video and were releasing it and the people that gave it to them said no. Im not saying its true just what the story is. And not every one is attention fame hungry monster and its wrong to group every person together like that. You have no idea who this person is or what there intentions are.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:29 PM
According to an update posted just minutes ago on FB...

Sasquatch experts, researchers and enthusiasts. Many of you have waited for a really cool video. Well tonight 10 pm Mountain you will see something very very cool. It was worth the wait.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by WingedBull
According to an update posted just minutes ago on FB...

Sasquatch experts, researchers and enthusiasts. Many of you have waited for a really cool video. Well tonight 10 pm Mountain you will see something very very cool. It was worth the wait.

Very interesting.
Thank you for the update.
I suppose we will see.

I'd pretty much given up on this. Now, here we go again.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
I'd pretty much given up on this. Now, here we go again.

Yeah, if this is not a pump-fake, I'll be surprised.

I'll be even more surprised if the footage fits the hype.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:57 PM
The video is up...watching now

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:03 PM
I don't know.....blurry, black and whit vid, from inside the tent through a little slit.

Know way to tell if its real or not.

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