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Federal Judge Grants Temporary Petition To Remove Obama From Ballot

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posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Puck 22
But please don't talke my word for it.

dont worry, we wont.

There must be thousands of articles in Illinois telling their readers all about their new representative.

if there are thousands of articles then you will have no trouble at all of showing us say 10 of them.

edit on 13-9-2012 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by spoor

Well here is at least one that revealed itself upon a google search with keywords "Illinois newspaper Obama kenya".

Not to mention that he even admitted to it when Keyes faulted him for being born in Kenya during his senatorial run; which he won by default. Then, there was Michelle admitting it twice....

Of course you will play the 'race card' and say this is all because he is black.. You are pathetic.
edit on 13-9-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:31 AM
Why is it that 90% of the people posting against the theory; have no flags? It honestly looks like loads of accounts are created just for the purpose of disputing theories like this. What gives for not making threads?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
Why is it that 90% of the people posting against the theory; have no flags? It honestly looks like loads of accounts are created just for the purpose of disputing theories like this. What gives for not making threads?

Some dont care to make threads, and some dont really give a damn about stars, flags, or any other ePeen measurements.

And why do you really care about flags anyway? Do imaginary pats on the back and kudos give you some sort of self validation?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by flyswatter

That was not what I meant; flags and stars mean nothing. However, I consider it a bit suspicious when the same users who never create threads; only show in certain ones to dispute certain topics. Can you say vested interest?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
Why is it that 90% of the people posting against the theory; have no flags?

because they do not start threads just to get them.... why are you so worried about them?

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
. Can you say vested interest?

the ones with a vested interest are those that worry about flags, and start silly threads to get them!

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by spoor

Repeated 'You are pathetic'; you deliberately only quoted that particular piece of my post; while ignoring the reasoning behind that which I said.

Why do people who never create or share threads; deliberately only show up to dispute threads of specific topics? If you can't answer it without a snarky comment; I can do without.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by spoor

That was not what I meant; flags and stars mean nothing. However, I consider it a bit suspicious when the same users who never create threads; only show in certain ones to dispute certain topics.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by flyswatter

That was not what I meant; flags and stars mean nothing. However, I consider it a bit suspicious when the same users who never create threads; only show in certain ones to dispute certain topics. Can you say vested interest?

If you want to go by the actual definition of vested interest, sure. There may be some individuals that derive pleasure from discussing a few particular issues, and they may deem those issues to be impacting in their lives. But what really matters is the individual's component of vested interest, not so much that it is a vested interest to start with.

Personally, I stick to a few subjects on here which I feel both strongly and at least somewhat knowledgeable about. I dont care to shoot my mouth off about things that I have zero knowledge about. I'm sure the day will come when I will start a thread about something, but I havent felt the need to do this as of yet.

Now, if my assumption is wrong, and you are just complaining about people being shills for the subject (which is often equated with vested interest here), I've really got nothing more to say to you. It's sad that we have individuals that sit back and say "Oh, how funny, shills! You get paid for this!" when there are much more constructive things to be said.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by flyswatter

I wasn't calling anybody a 'shill'. Merely, stating that I consider it of suspicious nature, along the lines that they only show up here to dispute whatever 'said' subject happens to be. It'd would be different were it merely just one or two people...Yet, I've seen dozens...

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by flyswatter

I wasn't calling anybody a 'shill'. Merely, stating that I consider it of suspicious nature, along the lines that they only show up here to dispute whatever 'said' subject happens to be. It'd would be different were it merely just one or two people...Yet, I've seen dozens...

Different strokes for different folks. People can discuss the subjets they want, for whatever reason they would like to discuss it. It is the content of the argument that makes the difference here, not the anonymous nature of the person making it.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by flyswatter

I wasn't calling anybody a 'shill'. Merely, stating that I consider it of suspicious nature, along the lines that they only show up here to dispute whatever 'said' subject happens to be. It'd would be different were it merely just one or two people...Yet, I've seen dozens...

It's only suspicious to you because you choose for it to be... the majority of member don't make a lot of threads, pretty obviously... and guess what, I always see you on these threads as well... suspicious.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by longlostbrother

Except I am not solely restricted to this subject, like they are. Difference.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by longlostbrother

Except I am not solely restricted to this subject, like they are. Difference.

Just means you're doing a more thorough job of appearing "real".... they should take some shill lessons from you...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 06:33 AM
I'd like to see all these I hate obama threads pooled together. Or else these trolls will just keep posting the same birth certificate threads over and over with just small enough differences in them to slip by...
Or we could all just stop feeding the trolls.
This is the last time I post in one of those threads.
Thank you.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by longlostbrother

Except I am not solely restricted to this subject, like they are. Difference.

If there are paid shills or whatever you want to call it just running around spreading lies about something you know the truth about, then you should be able to stomp the crap out of them, right? I cannot imagine why you would have any problem exposing them and their lies unless you really have no idea what you are talking about. Which is it?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by wascurious

Because nobody here ever concedes to a point; Didn't you know that? Secondly, I wasn't saying anybody was a paid shill; which if you could or had read my post correctly, you would know. Too many people here with the "I am infallible" attitude, so no thanks. Why bother wasting hours of my time arguing with people who would rather listen to an 'official story', than think for themselves?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by wascurious

Not that I particularly believe Obama was born in Kenya; However, since you wanted to reply with such a snarky attitude, my question is this : "Did you watch the videos in my link?"

If you did, I kinda have a few questions for you peeps, like : Why did Obama admit to being born in Kenya when Alan Keyes faulted him for it during his Illinois senatorial run? Why did Michelle Obama admit at least once that they visited 'Barack's home country of Kenya? Why did they build a statue in Kenya that looks like Obama, that was 'born here' and became 44th President of the United States? Why did the Kenyan representative on the radio show say that Barack was born in Kenya? Why did he approve his literary agent to publish that he was born in Kenya? Why did He admit to it?

Some of these create a very compelling case against him; and he certainly isn't helping himself by trolling if that's what you insist. Of course, because of the pathetic people that stalk this topic; the race card will get played, and I will be accused of racism without any past or prior knowledge of myself. Which, by the way, Obama is mixed; not black.
edit on 14-9-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by wascurious

Not that I particularly believe Obama was born in Kenya; However, since you wanted to reply with such a snarky attitude, my question is this : "Did you watch the videos in my link?"

If you did, I kinda have a few questions for you peeps, like : Why did Obama admit to being born in Kenya when Alan Keyes faulted him for it during his Illinois senatorial run? Why did Michelle Obama admit at least once that they visited 'Barack's home country of Kenya? Why did they build a statue in Kenya that looks like Obama, that was 'born here' and became 44th President of the United States? Why did the Kenyan representative on the radio show say that Barack was born in Kenya? Why did he approve his literary agent to publish that he was born in Kenya? Why did He admit to it?

Some of these create a very compelling case against him; and he certainly isn't helping himself by trolling if that's what you insist. Of course, because of the pathetic people that stalk this topic; the race card will get played, and I will be accused of racism without any past or prior knowledge of myself. Which, by the way, Obama is mixed; not black.
edit on 14-9-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

They mispoke - should I go find hundreds of clips of people saying insane things, accidentally? On top of that, I consider Boston my home, and I have said that to people, as that's where I feel at hom ein the US, but guess what, I was born in Colorado, and lived there for all of six months.

In fact, my daughter was born in London, but only lived there for a month. She would consider Dublin, where she's lived for six years, her home. In fact, I doubt she'll ever once call London, "home" or her "home country".

As for the RIDICULOUS claim that he approved something by his literary agent, which claimed he was not from America, well, you know better, and if I made such a claim, you'd call me a shill.

So again, I'll gonna say you're just a propagandist, uninterested in the truth, and simply pushing a political agenda based on things you know are lies.

There's NOTHING compelling about any of this garbage, unless you want to create a stink, for political reasons.

No REASONABLE and HONEST person believes the birther crap.

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