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The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12...

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posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:30 AM
LOL, It's hilarious how the usually anti-religion (Christians) members suddenly leap to the defense of Islam anytime its criticized. Tell me ATS liberals, what is it you see in Islam that makes you want to defend it?

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by DeadSnow
reply to post by MidnightTide

How has it fallen for Sharia Law when the marriages were carried out in secrecy? Anyways these guys need to get castrated, There's a reason for everything and a damn good reason I'm not in a position of power.

This thread reads like Brigitte Lahaie does Candide.

Sometimes young women have trouble finding men they can be intimate with from their own age group.
Wonder if there is more to the Alec Baldwin yoga mat story than we are being told?

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by MystiqueAgent
I...I guess it's because I grew up in a different light (perhaps much similar to the lot of you) but do they really see that 12 years of age is a viable age for marriage? I guess I should be asking just how they see this as a good time for marriage? I mean even arranged marriages usually end up connecting when they are older. Honestly while I am all for this freedom of expression and religion I'd have to say I would stop the line right here pretty much they would be cutting off that girl from experiencing the rest of her life.

And that pretty well sums up rights as a woman under Muslim sharia law, do whatever you can to ensure the property remains yours, and, remember, you are allowed to beat them if they refuse you sex, but, you dishonor her if you:

A) Bruise her face.

B)Raise your hand above your shoulder to strike her.

C)Call her names whilst doing it.

D)Beat her in sensitive places.

Admittedly, not all muslim men are backwards looking in this respect, i'm sure not all the women are made to walk three paces behind their husbands, or to acquiesce to demands for sex with the use of force and violence (that is rape no matter who said a long time ago it was ok to do).

The religion of "Peace" makes me want to puke more often than any other organised religion.

And what is the point of a child being married to another child?, at 12 years old they should be having fun and their rights as children should be being protected under the childrens charter in the UK.

It doesn't say anything in the charter about allowing a 12year old girl to get hicthed to an older bloke who understands the law says he is supposed to be the same age as her, but, the imam and himself don't give a # enough to follow the laws of the land.

I bet someone a pound, this kind of marriage has already happened, somewhere in the UK a child has entered a matrimonial home with something not much short of a paedophile waiting for her.
Would she still be allowed to go to school or would she have been whisked off to pakistan?, to go and live among
people where this kind of behavior is positively encouraged.

I can understand that in medieval times and before life expectancies were very poor, people needed to get married young and begin to produce children, but, just as a reminder for some people, we have not had medieval life expectancies since medieaval times, and, victorian life expectancies were bad as well, but, since victorian times life expectancies have increased dramatically.
There is no natural or bio-logical need for something like this to happen, and there is NO way a 12year old child is competent enough to be making a decision like this, and this is why "Parents" have control of their rights until they are 16.
It seems someone who has an emotional maturity greater than that of someone thinking this is ok for a 12 year old child, should have parental rights over the moron parents.
Oh yeah, the care system is there to pick up the pieces of wrecked lives, to replace moron parents, any kid being made to go through with this should be put into care,

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 12:26 PM
I really think people are missing the point.

Yes, certain aspects of Sharia Law are allowed in the UK regarding domestic and business dealings between Muslims, as long as everyone involved agrees to it and, probably more importantly when discussing this, provided it does not contravene any UK Laws - UK Law ALWAYS takes precedence.

As such if this practice is occurring then regardless of what those involved may think it is illegal - and if anyone involved with law enforcement / legal profession and possibly social services etc is either actively involved or are turning a blind eye etc then they too are complicit in committing a crime.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

You like to use the word "They" a lot. Are you describing Muslims?

Not Muslims in general, no.

I mean the extreme Islamic Muslims who want to have Sharia law and justice handed out in a first world country.

And also those Sharia muslims who want to marry kids here, which is the topic of this thread. There would be no reason for me or anyone else to include the many muslims who are living here and are abiding by our laws, like the rest of us have to. I welcome them

edit on 10-9-2012 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 01:04 PM

Have you verified this to be true or a you a drone?

A women group against sexual mutilation of women, formed in 1980s in France, estimates that more than 30,000 young girls have been involved in forced marriage since 1990. In Britain, south Asian women groups have records of numerous cases of young girls who have been forced to marry by their parents.

Early marriage is another aspect of forced marriages. Girls, 15 or younger, undergo forced marriages, are considered as part - times wives, continue to live with their parents and go to school, living with their dark and heavy secret.

Just because YOU don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Here you go.
Age of consent to marry
Parental consent and/or permission of judge required.

Massachusetts- Title III, Chapter 207 Male-14 Female-12

Colombia 12 (F)/ 14 (M)
Japan 13
Mexico 12-18
Panama 12 (F)/ 14 (M)

Child Marriage – Now 10 Year Old Romanian Gypsy Girl Gives Birth

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:03 PM
As previously stated an Islamic wedding alone is not recognized in British Law but is recognized in the Islamic community. One of the main reasons for this is that muslim men are allowed multiple wives & UK Law does not allow multiple wives. Sooo.... If it;s not recognized it;s not illegal is it!!


This often proves very beneficial as when (Islamic) wifey number 2, 3 & 4 have children the benefits & housing office treat them as single mothers. It gets even better, next year with another change in the law.

"But a House of Commons Library paper has highlighted a loophole in the rules which will allow additional wives to claim a full single person’s allowance, currently worth up to £71, while the original married couple will still get a married couple’s allowance."


Nice to see my hard earned Tax money is being put to good use.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by doobydoll

Have you verified this to be true or a you a drone?

A women group against sexual mutilation of women, formed in 1980s in France, estimates that more than 30,000 young girls have been involved in forced marriage since 1990. In Britain, south Asian women groups have records of numerous cases of young girls who have been forced to marry by their parents.

Early marriage is another aspect of forced marriages. Girls, 15 or younger, undergo forced marriages, are considered as part - times wives, continue to live with their parents and go to school, living with their dark and heavy secret.

Just because YOU don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

I am curious to know why you think I dont believe its happening?

Another question, Is this an Islamic tradition or have followers of Islam of certain cultural background adopted this tradition as it was tradition worldwide in the past for all not just Muslims.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

I am curious to know why you think I don't believe it's happening

Do you?

Another question, Is this an Islamic tradition or have followers of Islam of certain cultural background adopted this tradition as it was tradition worldwide in the past for all not just Muslims.

Who cares? What's all this 'past' crap?

It WAS law in England to burn 'witches' alive at the stake and hang criminals in the past. But we don't do that any more, it's barbaric. We've moved on from that way of treating other human beings.

This is UK, 2012AD. They'll have to emerge from their time-warp if they want to live here.
edit on 10-9-2012 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson
LOL, It's hilarious how the usually anti-religion (Christians) members suddenly leap to the defense of Islam anytime its criticized. Tell me ATS liberals, what is it you see in Islam that makes you want to defend it?

Pointing out the hypocrisy is not "jumping to the defense of Islam". The simple fact is that Islam carries with it several shocking and evil customs. Many of them even just as evil and shocking as Christian and Jewish customs.

Pointing out that the Christian pot is calling the Muslim kettle black is not "jumping to the defense".

Any religion having a say in government or legislation is an affront to freedom and equality. No, Islam should not have any influence on UK law. Just like Christianity should not have any influence on US law. Pointing that out is also not "jumping to the defense".

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by UKMinarchist
As previously stated an Islamic wedding alone is not recognized in British Law but is recognized in the Islamic community. One of the main reasons for this is that muslim men are allowed multiple wives & UK Law does not allow multiple wives. Sooo.... If it;s not recognized it;s not illegal is it!!


This often proves very beneficial as when (Islamic) wifey number 2, 3 & 4 have children the benefits & housing office treat them as single mothers. It gets even better, next year with another change in the law.

"But a House of Commons Library paper has highlighted a loophole in the rules which will allow additional wives to claim a full single person’s allowance, currently worth up to £71, while the original married couple will still get a married couple’s allowance."


Nice to see my hard earned Tax money is being put to good use.

That's cheered me up no end

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson
LOL, It's hilarious how the usually anti-religion (Christians) members suddenly leap to the defense of Islam anytime its criticized. Tell me ATS liberals, what is it you see in Islam that makes you want to defend it?

I know, I don't understand their drive to support it either since it (Islam) openly contradicts how they supposedly feel towards the inalienable rights of women and gays. As far as I'm aware, Christians in the US do not commit "honor killings" yet Christians are routinely attacked by the left as "waging war on women". Yet according to these articles the peaceful religion of Islam that the left seems to protect does, in fact, commit atrocious horrors on their women in the US and Canada no less.

Honor Killings in the US
Honor Killing in Canada

How about how this peaceful religion treats gays?
Muslim attacks and blinds gay guy in pizza parlor
Muslims brutally attack gay man in Washington

edit on 9/10/2012 by Cabalis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Come on, name me some recent events that have taken place in the name of Christianity that equals some of the horrifying acts that is done in the name of Islam....recent mind you.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by Cuervo

Come on, name me some recent events that have taken place in the name of Christianity that equals some of the horrifying acts that is done in the name of Islam....recent mind you.

None. That's the point. Christianity has evolved a bit and does not stone people in the streets. What makes Christianity an acceptable part of modern society is its very absence from legislation and government.

When religion in America tries to influence legislation, it is simply holding on to a concept that is quickly dying and you only need to look at Islam's death-grip on their societies to understand exactly why.

So it's either/or. The right-wing Christian community either needs to accept Muslim interference with law (which is a terrible idea) or they need to recognize the flaws in that concept and keep out of legislation themselves. This is why it is hypocritical. The scale is different obviously but the idea is the same.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
When in Rome, you do like Romans.....The UK has its own laws and if you don't like that, then don't go. I wouldn't go to a Muslim country and try to make them like me or allow me to do things they think illegal. I won't go there, and so they don't have to worry. If they come to our countries, respect our laws or get out.

I agree. But the thing is, they're not moving here to respect our laws [UK, US, elsewhere]. They are taking over with their own, as our Gov't sits by allowing it out of PC~? I've heard stories where the Muslims insist on having foot baths [religious] in some Universities [and got it], but American Christians are not permitted to pray in school? Can you imagine a Catholic insisting on an alter w/rosemary beads be permitted, or a Baptist insisting on baptism pool..ludicrous I know.

I'm sorry, but no.. don't press 1 for English or 2 for another, learn English. Oh, I'm not PC? So what. My family immigrated here and learned to do everything the American way, why, because this is where they moved to. If they wanted to live as they were they should have stayed where they were. Simple-I don't go to a neighbors home and expect them to change their household lifestyle for me, I adapt, otherwise I won't be welcome back!

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by alienscot1

It is illegal in the UK, if they want Sharia law then they ought to relocate to a country that has it or recognises it. Not stay in the UK. Simple really.

Exactly. But they won't, they will stay, grow in number. and start to change your laws to suit them. Essentially they want to take over your country.

Originally posted by doobydoll

Yes, just look at all the countries they could go and live, where they won't be breaking the laws of the land.

So why do they come here to the UK where marrying kids is illegal?

Because they can. Your Gov't [& mine as well], just allow them too much free reign out of fear of not being PC. Our leaders have been given just enough rope to hang themselves, which would not have happened had they not changed/made/allowed so many new laws to pass over the years. We do this to ourselves [though our Gov't].

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:36 PM
From a biological standpoint, a girl "could" marry and have kids as soon as she is ripe to bear children. For some girls, this can be very young like 12 years old. same goes for the males.

If you live in a society where this is normal and these kids " grow up fast" and they are able to be responsible at these ages, then that's one thing. The problem here is with the integration into modern western society these kids won't have learned the responsibility needed to be suitable parents. If the male who is marrying the young girl is much older, 20 to 60 something then it borders on pedophilia from a western viewpoint. However, this viewpoint was not considered sick and it was the norm as we see from my paragraph below.

Interesting that in the Christian Bible it was allowed for young girls to marry older men while they were children. There was no age limit at all. Children did not have to consent to the marriage. Fathers have even been known to finger their daughters in the bible before the girl were married, and men in the bible were allowed to have multiple wives. This is all taken from the old testament But there is nothing in the New Testament that contradicts this or says to stop these practices.

Here is a thread with lots of interesting bible verses telling of these things but I'll list the verses for clarity.

Exodus 21:7-11 - on young girls allowed to marry
In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.
In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.
In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

All of these men were considered great men of God who had the blessings of God.

So who decided the Bible was wrong? Who decided all these practices were wrong, or sick or not accepted in society? People who were born many years after these normal practices to enforce their un-biblical view of how society should act.

Again, none of Jesus's teachings tells us this is wrong. The notion that people must be much older ( 16 - 18 ) to marry is a relatively modern invention. I suspect this is only because children are meant to " play" and not ' grow up so fast" - it's part of the dumbing down of humans. The powers that be don't want kids growing up fast and being responsible critical thinkers. It's a form of control.
edit on 10-9-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

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