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The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12...

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posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 02:22 AM
When in Rome, you do like Romans.....The UK has its own laws and if you don't like that, then don't go. I wouldn't go to a Muslim country and try to make them like me or allow me to do things they think illegal. I won't go there, and so they don't have to worry. If they come to our countries, respect our laws or get out.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by doobydoll

I don't understand why they want to live in western countries, they have absolutely no intention of integrating into western society and culture. They just seem to come here and continue living their heathen ways as if they're still in Pakistan or wherever.

They come here to conquer us.This is how they do it instead of making war outright. They have done it to many other countries over many hundreds of years.

They invade a country in great numbers then manipulate the government there to let them have their " religious practices" . They then under the guise of being a part of the now accepted community slowly begin to integrate their laws into the laws of the country they are occupying until such time as they become the majority and can completely take over.

It's a non hostile tactic of war to easily conquer a country over a long period of time where there will be met with zero resistance. Study history of many of today's Muslim countries. You will see this is how they were conquered by the Muslims.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix

Originally posted by doobydoll

I don't understand why they want to live in western countries, they have absolutely no intention of integrating into western society and culture. They just seem to come here and continue living their heathen ways as if they're still in Pakistan or wherever.

They come here to conquer us.This is how they do it instead of making war outright. They have done it to many other countries over many hundreds of years.

They invade a country in great numbers then manipulate the government there to let them have their " religious practices" . They then under the guise of being a part of the now accepted community slowly begin to integrate their laws into the laws of the country they are occupying until such time as they become the majority and can completely take over.

It's a non hostile tactic of war to easily conquer a country over a long period of time where there will be met with zero resistance. Study history of many of today's Muslim countries. You will see this is how they were conquered by the Muslims.

Those sickos!

Why can't they just use bombs on us like respectful Westernized citizens do to a substantial portion of the entire world?

It's not the QUANTITY of Imperialistic crusading take over plans that is to blame, it's the QUALITY. Right?

You silly Muslims, you don't marry children... you rape them kill them and then burn their entire villages.
edit on 10-9-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by MidnightTide

How has it fallen for Sharia Law when the marriages were carried out in secrecy? Anyways these guys need to get castrated, There's a reason for everything and a damn good reason I'm not in a position of power.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino
What game are you playing here? Spread the blame around?

Please post details of these examples of child marriage by Jews that you speak of.

edit on 10-9-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

Have you ever heard about Hasidic Jews and the widespread child molestation problems in their community.

They ara a radical group, just like Salafi Muslims who practice Sharia Law.

Originally posted by facchino
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

You could well be correct here, or you could be wrong.
I would like to state that if you found proof of such disgusting practices amongst Jews or any other
Religion and made a thread on it, I would post my absolute disgust on such a thread
Also. My hate of paedophiles is not reserved just for Islamic ones, but applies equally to all.
What is important though, is that other groups doing the same Illegal practice does NOT make this any more acceptable

Yeah, but you stated that you were disgusted with islamic faith because of some nutjob marrying a minor. Be disgusted at the peadophile, not the entire Muslim population.

Originally posted by facchino
I even contacted my local MP about the fact sharia courts exist and why this group of people are able to abide by other laws for certain things, but received a fob off reply about one law of the UK being applicable to all -
didn't address that it is happening, across many UK cities.

You have problems with Sharia courts but you dont have problems with Jewish courts that have existed for centuries in Britain.? Have you ever contacted your local M about the fact Jewish courts exist ?

edit on 10-9-2012 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 04:53 AM
It is illegal in the UK, if they want Sharia law then they ought to relocate to a country that has it or recognises it. Not stay in the UK. Simple really.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by IandEye
dare I say.....puritanical?

look around: age of consent in mexico- 13, japan- 12, cuba-13, and so on (these are from memory- please do your own fact-checking). I was astounded when I saw how many countries have young age limits. Makes 18 look like a grandma's age....

Yes, just look at all the countries they could go and live, where they won't be breaking the laws of the land.

So why do they come here to the UK where marrying kids is illegal?

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

I hadn't heard of these despicable jews you mentioned. Animals is all I can say really.
I can only say the criticism I levelled here towards the islamic paedophiles, was in the context of this thread being about that very topic.
I would level the same criticism at any other group as I did above. Start a thread on it, as perhaps it will give balance to the point you are making, that other groups are guilty of the same sort of thing?

As for the Jews performing their own courts - also not acceptable.
Was not aware of it, but I have the same opinion - I don't belive they should be allowed such courts, as any civil disputes should go through the existing legal system in the UK.
I noticed that this comment at the bottom of that BBC article meant divorces they carry out are not "legal" until performed through our courts - I am at work right now so dont have the time to find out more info on how Islam treats these things, ie do they accept that they still need to get divorced through our courts, or do they just believe their own Sharia courts are sufficient.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Too bad Great Britain has fallen to creeping Sharia.

It's good to be open minded. Not so open minded your brains fall out though. That's what happened in GB.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by facchino

I agree with all your sentiments, I've read this post with absolute disgust. If we were to live in a Muslim country they would expect us to live under their laws, no matter how barbaric and archaic they seem yet wherever they go they flout that countries law.
Here in OZ we have many examples of various group's getting preferential treatment because of their belief's, as for marrying 12 years olds, in my book that is pedophilia and needs to be stopped.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 07:19 AM
I really couldn't give a toss what goes on in other countries - the simple fact of the matter is that the age of consent in the UK is 16 as is the legal minimum age to be married.
Anyone suspected of being a party to under-age marriage, under-age sex or forced marriage should be charged and if proven sentenced in accordance with UK law.
Pretty straight forward.
And bollocks to upsetting Muslim sensibilities.
If they don't like it - tough - go live somewhere that allows it.

reply to post by MidnightTide

Too bad Great Britain has fallen to creeping Sharia.

The UK hasn't 'fallen to creeping Sharia' any more than any other 'Western' nation.
Sure we have issues - about which many of us are very concerned - but it doesn't affect the vast majority of the UK and it's citizens, at present.
MSM and some Muslims, apologists and alarmists and anti-Islam activists etc all tend to contribute to painting a much worse picture than is true.

And for the record, Sharia DOES NOT and CAN NOT take precedence over UK law.

As for the practice, it's probably more common in various societies than people care to admit - didn't Jerry Lee Lewis marry his own 13year old cousin?

As I said, this practice can not be condoned and if anyone is proven to be a party to such practices then they should be punished in accordance with UK law, regardless of who they are.
edit on 10/9/12 by Freeborn because: grammar and clarity

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by doobydoll
They are in the UK where there are British laws in place to protect children. These people have no intention of abiding by the laws of this land.

If they want to continue living under Sharia law why ddon't they live in a Sharia friendly country, they wont be breaking any laws there when they want a little girl for a wife.

I don't understand why they want to live in western countries, they have absolutely no intention of integrating into western society and culture. They just seem to come here and continue living their heathen ways as if they're still in Pakistan or wherever.

There's no pleasing these people.

BRAVO a standing applause for a great example of why the world is doomed to fail.

What laws are being broken?

Could you explain what "living their heathen ways" means?


posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 08:52 AM
British law is as follows;

Throughout the United Kingdom and the British Crown dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man, the minimum legal age for getting married is 16 years.

In England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, the written consent of your parents, or legal guardians, is required if you are under 18 years of age. In Jersey, your parents' consent is required if you are under 20 years of age and if they live in the Island, they must give their consent in person. In Guernsey, if your parents live in the Island, they must also give their consent in person. In Scotland, no parental consent is required. Where written consent is required, it will normally have to be given on a consent form provided by the registrar.

There is no legal loophole. British law does not condone this

Don't believe sensationalised headlines.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:23 AM
They are Paedophilias and should use the laws of this country.
If they needed English law to safe them, they would soon use it.
They are sick and barbaric using old and out dated laws.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

How old is her "husband"? 13?

Theyre both too young.

edit on 10-9-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:35 AM
If a white English mad change to their religion,
And then marred a 12 year old girl.
What do you think people would do and say then?
And if he turns out to be a Paedophilias?

Did you know that if one of them! Rape a little girl,
They can just marry them and nothing more is said.

I use to now some teachers.
They told me about the uncle or someone raping a girl or boy,
it happens a lot.
And to keep it quiet the family sends the abused girl/boy back home.
So no one can do any thing.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:42 AM
Regarding religious law VS federal law, federal law tends to make exceptions for members of a certain faith. For example take the Peyote Religion and how the American govt went about granting members of the Native American Church the right to use peyote for religious and spiritual purposes. Furthermore, Mitt Romney and his fellow Mor(m)ons can marry multiple women, in America, lol.

As long as they are not imposing their laws on members outside of their community, the government tends to cater to unconventional religious practices and "laws" so as to avoid accusations of religious persecution. Basically the reasoning is as follows: If they aren't oppressing people outside of their community, leave them alone."

In this case, the girl can complain to authorities if she feels forced into marriage. What repercussions this has on her own safety is unknown, for her 60 year old husband could harm her as a result of her reporting him to the authorities, and she may be shunned from her Muslim community.

Women have been oppressed throughout history, and apparently the 21st century is no exception.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale

Originally posted by doobydoll
They are in the UK where there are British laws in place to protect children. These people have no intention of abiding by the laws of this land.

If they want to continue living under Sharia law why ddon't they live in a Sharia friendly country, they wont be breaking any laws there when they want a little girl for a wife.

I don't understand why they want to live in western countries, they have absolutely no intention of integrating into western society and culture. They just seem to come here and continue living their heathen ways as if they're still in Pakistan or wherever.

There's no pleasing these people.

BRAVO a standing applause for a great example of why the world is doomed to fail.

What laws are being broken?

Could you explain what "living their heathen ways" means?


The law which says no-one can marry and/or have sex with children in this country. We have laws protecting children.

Heathens disregard civilized laws and civilized societies, and still live just as they did back in the year dot. Handing out barbaric sentences; beheading, chopping off limbs, stoning, etc. - we don't do that here, we have British law, not Sharia law.

Listen, if they aren't breaking any laws here in the UK, then why are they marrying little kids in secret and not in the open?

They know they are breaking the law, that's why.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:53 AM
The question is: When do your religious beliefs trump the laws of the land? It is not that hard to beleive it could happen anywhere. A few years back, in Florida I think, some muslim woman objected to her drivers license picture being on her ID without her veil covering her face because it was against her religion to show her face. Guess what? The law allowed her to get a DL with her veil covering her face.

What if my church beleifs were that no men could come into my place of biz unless my husband were there. Would it be discriminating against men? Or would I be within my rights according to my beliefs?

Not so far fetched as you think. An Amish community near me sells amazing vegetable. I go there and there are signs everywhere that say "Please dress respectfully. No lowcut blouses or halter straps. Who wins> Their beliefs or my right to wear a halter top? Do their religious beliefs trump my personal rights?

Think it's a private biz that can make it's own rules about WHO they let in there? Wrong! Tell that to biz owners who have a fundamental objection to servng, say , blacks in their store? They have no choice. Suppose that store owner has a religious beleif that whites should not be near blacks? Does the law win or do I challenge the law with a suit that says that law violated my right to practice my religious beleifs? (like the muslim woman above)

Church and state are not as seperated as we think they are.

This is just one reason why religions of all types are dangerous, divisive and so wrong on so many levels. And why governments need to keep their nose out of people's private lives. DOn't get me wrong, 12 yrs old is not right! But my point is , where do we draw the line as to what govt can do in your religion and what they can't.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by doobydoll

Originally posted by InhaleExhale

Originally posted by doobydoll
They are in the UK where there are British laws in place to protect children. These people have no intention of abiding by the laws of this land.

If they want to continue living under Sharia law why ddon't they live in a Sharia friendly country, they wont be breaking any laws there when they want a little girl for a wife.

I don't understand why they want to live in western countries, they have absolutely no intention of integrating into western society and culture. They just seem to come here and continue living their heathen ways as if they're still in Pakistan or wherever.

There's no pleasing these people.

BRAVO a standing applause for a great example of why the world is doomed to fail.

What laws are being broken?

Could you explain what "living their heathen ways" means?


The law which says no-one can marry and/or have sex with children in this country. We have laws protecting children.

Heathens disregard civilized laws and civilized societies, and still live just as they did back in the year dot. Handing out barbaric sentences; beheading, chopping off limbs, stoning, etc. - we don't do that here, we have British law, not Sharia law.

Listen, if they aren't breaking any laws here in the UK, then why are they marrying little kids in secret and not in the open?

They know they are breaking the law, that's why.

Listen, if they aren't breaking any laws here in the UK, then why are they marrying little kids in secret and not in the open?

You like to use the word "They" a lot. Are you describing Muslims?

Have you verified this to be true or a you a drone?

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